Thomas and Friends - Season 7

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Thomas and Friends (previously known as Thomas the Tank Engine and Friends) is a children's television series about the engines and other characters working on the railways of the Island of Sodor, and is based on The Railway Series of books written by Rev. W. Awdry.

This article lists and details episodes from the seventh season of this series, which was first broadcast in 2003. This season was narrated by Michael Angelis, although Michael Brandon narrates the episodes for American audiences.

Spoiler warning: Plot and/or ending details follow.

[edit] Episodes

[edit] Emily's New Coaches

Thomas makes the acquaintance of a beautiful new tender engine called Emily, who has arrived on the island to assist (presumably) with mixed-traffic duties. The Fat Controller sends her away to learn her new route, and is instructed to take some coaches with her. With only Annie and Clarabel available, Emily sets off with them but is confused and upset when nobody returns her friendly whistles, especially Thomas. It is not until Oliver informs her of her mistake that she realizes what has happened, and rushes to apologise. Meanwhile, Thomas pulls a set of shining new coaches home from the docks; sulkily presuming they are replacements for Annie and Clarabel. Whilst this is going on, Emily comes across Oliver stranded on a crossing with Thomas approaching not far away. With all her strength, Emily pushes Oliver clear of the crossing just in time to prevent a nasty accident. The engines declare their newly founded friendship, and Emily is rewarded with the new coaches.

[edit] Percy Gets It Right

Whilst traveling home one evening, Percy comes across a dip in the track on Toby’s branch. He rushes back to warn the others, but Gordon is in too much of a hurry to listen, so Percy decides to inform the Fat Controller. He finds the manager instructing Thomas to collect the farmer’s prized bull for market day, and yet again Percy is ignored. Later that evening, Thomas heads along Toby’s branch with the farmer’s bull, unaware of the danger ahead, which has become much worse due to a landslide. Thomas ploughs straight into the mud and becomes stuck. As night falls, Percy senses that something is wrong and goes out to find his friend. At long last, he finds Thomas and pulls him free of the mud. As day breaks, the engines are met by the Fat Controller, who promises to listen to Percy more often.

[edit] Bill, Ben and Fergus

Fergus, a railway traction engine, is sent to the rock quarry to help Bill, Ben and Mavis with an important job. But the twins become increasingly annoyed with the newcomer’s bossy attitude (‘Do It Right from Morning till Night’). They soon lose patience and when sent to collect a rock-crusher from the dockyard, they plan to purposely ignore him from now on. When they arrive back at the quarry, Fergus warns the twins to take care with the rock crusher, but they ignore his every word. But the noise of the heavy rock crusher causes a landslide. Sensing danger, Fergus pushes the twins and the rock crusher out of harms way, moments before being buried under a pile of rock. The twins are stung by guilt and help to rescue Fergus. After, the three engines promise to ‘do it right’ together.

[edit] The Old Bridge

Skarloey is bringing a goods train home when the supports on a wooden bridge break away beneath him, leaving him suspended dangerously over the edge, saved only by his trucks. He is quickly rescued and the bridge is repaired, but Skarloey is still shaken up by the experience. He refuses to go anywhere near the bridge, meaning that Rheneas must do Skarloey’s work as well as his own. One day, Rheneas is heading back across the bridge when he runs out of water and becomes stranded. Skarloey reluctantly comes to the rescue, and after plucking up enough courage, crosses the bridge and pulls his friend to safety.

[edit] Edward's Brass Band

The famous Sodor brass band are due to give a concert and Edward is chosen to take them to their venue. But when a crane at the dockyard knocks him onto his side, Edward is forced to spend a rainy night at the fitter’s yard. The next morning, he is still not fit for duties and Bertie must take the band instead. But with flooding blocking the road, Bertie decides to take a short cut through a muddy field, only to get himself stuck. The band plays their instruments to signal for help and Edward rushes to the rescue, just in time to take them to the venue. The concert is a triumph, enjoyed by people and engines alike – especially Edward.

[edit] What's the Matter with Henry?

Henry begins to feel unwell and when he is sent to the colliery with Thomas and Percy, he finds himself gradually losing speed. The two younger engines tease him, and speed on ahead to the colliery. They decide to play a trick on poor Henry and leave him to take a very heavy goods train back to the yard. Henry arrives to find the two small engines have already left and that he must take the train alone. But no sooner has he left the yard, he grounds to a halt. His driver discovers that the water tank has been leaking and has completely dried up. Thankfully, Emily arrives and pulls Henry to the dockyard, where the Fat Controller is waiting to send him to the works and to scold Thomas and Percy. The next day, Emily is glad to see that Henry is feeling much better, though Henry doesn’t think so!

[edit] James and the Queen Of Sodor

James begins to boast about his role as an ‘important engine’, and strives to be the best – worthy only of ‘important’ tasks. Gordon loses patience and decides to get back at James. His chance arrives when the Fat Controller informs the engines that one of them must collect ‘The Queen of Sodor’ from the canal. Gordon fools James into accepting the task, and James arrives to find ‘The Queen’ is in fact a dirty old coal barge. Determined not to let Gordon out-smart him (as well as to stay clean), James confidently pushes the barge to the repair yard on a flat-truck, chanting ‘Shiny and clean, shiny and clean!’. After narrowly avoiding dirty obstacles, James completes the task and returns home to celebrate his victory, only to be sprayed with dirt and dust from Percy’s whistle moments later.

[edit] The Refreshment Lady's Tea Shop

During the hot summer, the Refreshment Lady’s station teashop is more popular then ever, so she decides to build a second shop somewhere else down the line. Peter Sam happily takes her to some of the more scenic parts of the railway, but they are all so beautiful that the Refreshment Lady can’t decide. That night, a bad storm has caused terrible damage, but surprisingly enough, brings with it a miracle. Rusty comes across an old railway coach which gives Peter Sam an excellent idea. Jem Cole refurbishes the coach and turns it into a traveling teashop, meaning that it go anywhere along the line. Peter Sam is happily given the task of pulling the ‘Tea Shop Special’.

[edit] The Spotless Record

A handsome burgundy tank engine called Arthur is drafted in to help with mixed traffic duties. Thomas and Percy soon discover that he has a ‘spotless record’, meaning that he has never had an accident or gotten into trouble. Nothing they do can persuade him to have fun, which provokes Thomas to play a trick on innocent Arthur. He persuades Arthur to take a train of fruit to market and warns him to discipline the trucks, knowing that they will give him a hard time. Arthur has trouble controlling the noisy trucks, which eventually drag him down a hill and straight into the back of Duck’s goods train at the crossing. Arthur is most upset, his spotless record is ruined. But Thomas is struck with guilt and owns up to his prank, in turn gaining himself a new friend.

[edit] Toby's Windmill

An aging windmill is Toby’s favourite spot on the Island of Sodor, and he enjoys makes occasional visits. But one day, he is so distracted by the turning blades that he sends a truck of flour into the loading dock, spilling the precious cargo everywhere. This is only the start of the problems for the miller, as that night brings a bad dreadful severe thunderstorm that reduces lightning strikes the windmill to ashes. Toby is determined to make up for his mistake and help is not far away. A short way down the line he comes across a large tree trunk blown over in the storm. This gives Toby an excellent idea, and within the space of a few weeks the timber from the tree is used to rebuild the windmill, twice as elegant as before, and the miller’s business is saved.

[edit] Bad Day At Castle Loch

Donald and Douglas are excited to learn that Lord Callon’s castle is to re-open up in Misty Valley. They are given the task of taking a special goods train of supplies up to the castle, and before leaving, Donald tells Percy and Harvey about a supposed monster that lives in the loch. Douglas doesn’t believe it, and a quarrel starts. But the twins find they have much more to worry about when a fallen tree and a landslide leaves them stuck on the outskirts of the loch, only a few miles from the castle. That night, the twins are woken by a mysterious shadow moving across the loch through the mist, but in a moment of panic, it turns out only to be Harvey, on his way to rescue them. The damage is cleared, the train gets through and the re-opening is a big success.

[edit] Rheneas and the Roller Coaster

Rheneas gets unhappy when he can't find a good solution to make all the school children happy, he tries to think up some good ideas but it's no use, soon they are travelling the island pointing out all the important parts of their journey, later Rusty and the workmen are repairing the line after the rails begin to buckle, Rheneas is unaware of the points not being changed and accidentally hits the line and flies down it like a rollercoaster, soon he speeds down the mountainside and under the waterfall before finally coming to a stop at the last station, the Fat Controller praises him and thinks he is a Really Useful engine.

[edit] Salty's Stormy Tale

The engines are busy at Brendam docks one day when Salty arrives and warns them about a fierce storm that is on route towards them, Thomas and Percy tease about how Salty speaks in his sea captain way, and makes him very unhappy, Later the Fat Controller asks him to collect Fergus from the smelters, he agrees to this and soon is on his way till Emily arrives and asks why he looks so sad, when Salty tells her, he is more unhappy than ever and scuttles away to the smelters, soon Emily scolds Thomas and Percy for making fun of Salty and they go off to apologise but get worries when he is nowhere to be found, later Salty and Fergus battle to get home in the wind and rain till they hear that the lighthouse lamp has gone out, but thanks to Salty's clever idea, Fergus soon powers the generator with his flywheel and saves a huge ship from crashing into the rocks.

[edit] Snow Engine

Oliver believes that a Great Western Engine should ‘never have to shiver’ during the bitter winter weather. But despite Toad’s claim that snow is ‘magical’, as well as the speedy construction of a giant snowman in the mountain village square, Oliver is not convinced. He is not happy when given the task of taking supplies up to the village and just as he is approaching the station, icy points lead him onto the wrong siding, sending him crashing through the buffers and straight into the giant snowman. With no rescue available until the following morning, Oliver and Toad are forced to spend a cold night out surrounded by the snow. It is not until he is woken the following morning by the sounds of happy children’s laugher that he takes a better view to snow.

[edit] Something Fishy

Arthur the tank engine is still learning his way around the island and one day discovers the fishing villages. He thinks it's the best place to be on a nice warm day. But when the Fat Controller needs an engine to work the new line, Arthur hopes that he will be chosen till Thomas is asked to do the job instead. Thomas soon starts to complain and makes Arthur want to work at the village instead of the steelworks more than ever. The next day, Thomas has an accident and falls into a tidal pool after some faulty points switch him onto an old pier rail, Arthur soon is sent to collect the train and arrives at the docks with the train on time, later he goes to see Thomas to see if he is okay and in the evening, asks if he can run the new line all the time, and that Fat Controller agrees to let Arthur keep the line.

[edit] The Runaway Elephant

The little engines are very busy when they have an important job to do: today they are building a new park. Duncan thinks that he can get all his jobs done before the engines, so they soon complain and think he is too puffed up in his somebox. Duncan arrives at the last station and announces he has finished all his jobs first, so the Fat Controller gives him the job of collecting an Elephant statue and taking it to the park. Duncan thinks it will be an easy job and sets off with the statue without the brakevan. Soon he is speeding along the line but goes too fast and ends up getting into all kinds of trouble. He crashes into the buffer stop at the end of the line, and the statue flies through the air and lands in the pond of the new park. Duncan is soon scolded for his behaviour, but the next day is surprised when he sees the statue still in the pond. So thanks to Duncan's mistake, the visitors enjoy the park more than ever.

[edit] Peace and Quiet

The engines have too much work to do, so the Fat Controller brings in a huge engine called Murdoch to help with their work, he has ten drive wheels and looks very handsome to the others, soon he begins work and thinks all the engines are too chatty and noisy, and when he can't stand Salty and Harvey asking so many questions about him, he soon snaps at them and asks them to give him some peace and quiet, they soon do and are upset with him for shouting at them, but the next day he pulls another long freight train and enjoys all the peace and quiet he can get until he runs into some noisy sheep who soon spoil it for him, they try to move them but fail and soon the Fat Controller sends Toby with a farmer and his dog to move them off the line, Murdoch thanks Toby and later that evening apologises to the other engines for being cross with them, they soon forgive him and enjoy his company in the shed.

[edit] Fergus Breaks the Rules

Fergus the Railway traction is a great friend of Thomas. He is the pride of the sodor cement works and feels really useful, he knows every rule in the book by heart, and has never once caused any problems. But one day, Devious Diesel is brought in to help him and he soon causes Fergus a lot of trouble when he biffs into trucks and gets himself covered in sand. Diesel soon make a plan to forced Fergus to leave by telling him that the Fat Controller wants him to work at the smelters. Fergus believes him and soon heads off feeling very unhappy. Soon he arrives at the smelters and gets scared away when Arry and Bert emerge from the darkness of the shed. The Fat Controller soon hears Fergus is missing and sends Thomas to go and look for him, Fergus turns onto and old line and runs out of coal, later Thomas arrives and brings him all the way to the smelters where the Fat Controller is waiting, Fergus and Thomas explain the situation and soon the Fat Controller sends Diesel to work the smelters and Fergus is still the pride of the cement works.

[edit] Bulgy Rides Again

Bulgy the bus is brought back into service when the Fat Controller needs other means of transport to carry the passengers for Thomas and Emily while they are at the foundry being repaired. Bulgy is soon mended and taken back to the field where he used to live as a hen house , but soon his hens stow away on him while he is asleep later that night, the next day he travels along picking up passengers and suddenly turns a corner getting stuck behind a slow moving Trevor who is pulling a hay cart, he overtakes him and almost crashes into a van, swerving out of control he wakes up the hens who flap and squark loudly making the passengers unhappy, later he goes to get clean and refuses to take any more passengers, Emily suggests helping the new farmer with his vegetable and is soon turned into a vegetable stand on wheels, and loves his new job more than ever

[edit] Harold and the Flying Horse

Harold is on duty, looking out for anyone who may be in danger. But even though he is doing well, he is sad to be missing out on the vicar’s fete. Meanwhile, Percy learns that a horse named Pegasus is going to be giving rides to children at the fete and the Fat Controller explains the legend of the flying horse. Percy doesn’t believe the story, until the horse finds itself stuck in a ditch. Harold is instantly summoned to the rescue and lifts the horse out of the ditch with his harness, flying it quickly to the fete. Percy cannot believe his eyes as he sees the horse gliding over the rooftops. Harold feels much happier having been able to help out with the fete after all.

[edit] The Grand Opening

Skarloey has been going through a ‘bad-patch’ of lateness, much to the annoyance of the Fat Controller who warns him that he must not be late for the opening of a new scenic line on the narrow gauged railway. This makes him determined not to let the Fat Controller down. However, on the day of the opening, Harold feels unwell, meaning the Fat Controller and his wife must take a hot air balloon ride to get to the ceremony. They pass over Skarloey, who is impatiently helping some workmen to clear the line, panicking that he will be late again. The Fat Controller is also concerned, but disaster strikes when the hot air of the balloon runs out, leaving the balloon stuck in a tree. Skarloey is thankfully not far away, and gets the Fat Controller and his wife to the ceremony on his train (even though they are late!).

[edit] Best Dressed Engine

As part of the May Day celebrations on the island, the Fat Controller’s engines decide to take part in a competition for the ‘Best Dressed Engine’. Even Murdoch modestly takes part, but Gordon thinks it is silly, and refuses to participate. However, on the day of the competition, violent wind blows a banner stretched across the iron bridge onto Gordon’s smoke box, blinding him and causing all kinds of chaos. When he finally comes to a stop at Knapford where the competition is being held, he is shocked to be awarded with the title of ‘Best Dressed Engine’, the banner coiled about his front. Secretly, he feels very pleased with himself!

[edit] Gordon and Spencer

Gordon is certain that he will be choose to collect the Duke and Duchess for their upcoming visit. But when he is diverted onto a siding to allow a sleek streamlined engine to speed by, he soon finds out he was wrong to presume so. Gordon later learns that the engine is Spencer, the Duke and Duchess’ own private engine. The Fat Controller informs the engines of a special party will be held at a station on the far side of the island in honour of the visitors and Gordon warns Spencer to take on plenty of water. But Spencer is too conceited to listen, and sure enough finds himself stranded on a hill having used up all his water in speedily showing off. Gordon comes to the rescue and reclaims his title of the Island’s fastest engine, whilst the others realize Spencer is not so admirable after all!

[edit] Not So Hasty Puddings

It is Christmas time on the island and snow is lying heavy on the ground. Everyone is in a festive spirit, but when the task of delivering a large shipment of Christmas puddings is given to Elizabeth, Thomas becomes jealous, thinking that he could do a better job. Elizabeth thinks he is being silly, but the slippery roads and the weight of her cargo cause her to get stuck in a snowdrift. Thomas and Terence are immediately sent to the rescue and save both Elizabeth and the precious cargo from the snow. Thomas and Elizabeth decide to set aside their differences and work together.

[edit] Trusty Rusty

Rusty comes across a damaged stretch of line on a wooden viaduct. His driver sets up a warning post to block trains from using the bridge and they go on to warn the others, but Duncan refuses to listen and pulls away without taking on extra coal for the day. The Fat Controller meanwhile agrees that something must be done with the bridge and the engines must instead take a longer route. But when Duncan finds himself low on coal and learns that the only coal bunker remaining is on the other side of the bridge, he takes a risk and crossing it, only to become stranded with the wooden supports giving way below him. Rusty comes instantly to the rescue, pulling him away just in time as the entire bridge collapses. Duncan learns a grave lesson to put trust in Rusty from then on.

[edit] Three Cheers For Thomas

Thomas is kept busy taking children to the Annual Sports Day, but secretly wishes that he could take part and win a medal just like them. Later, he expresses his concern to Bertie, who challenges him to a race. Thomas accepts and nearly wins until he is flagged down at a level crossing by the Fat Controller, who tells him that the children’s medals have been left back in his office. With a newly found determination to help the children, Thomas speeds back to Knapford to collect the medals and instantly sets off again back to the sports field, just in time for the races to start. The sports day is a success and for his hard work, Thomas is rewarded with a medal of his own.

[edit] Characters Introduced

[edit] Notes

  • This season was the last to have music composed by Mike O'Donnell and Junior Campbell.
  • Since the release of Season 8 episodes, the background music from this season has been revised to the post-Season 8 music for American releases.
  • This season featured the last appearances (to date) of Duck, Oliver, Toad, Stepney, Terence, Fergus, Donald and Douglas.
  • The first female steam engine is introduced (Emily).
  • This was the last season to use 35mm film.
  • This season uses the most stock footage.

[edit] Featured Characters

The world of Thomas the Tank Engine and Friends
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Book series: The Railway Series
TV Series: Thomas the Tank Engine and Friends
Series particulars
List of Railway Series Books
TV Series Seasons: 12345678910
Movie and spin-off releases: Thomas and the Magic RailroadCalling All EnginesOn Site with Thomas
ThomasEdwardHenryGordonJamesPercyTobyDuckDonald and DouglasEmily
The Fat ControllerBertieTerenceTrevorHarold

The Railway Series: Major charactersMinor charactersUnfeatured characters
TV Series: Major charactersMinor CharactersRolling StockNon-rail vehiclesPeople & animals
Movies: Movie-only characters

Island of Sodor
Railways: North WesternSkarloeyArlesdaleCuldee FellMid SodorSodor & Mainland"Other"

Other locations - The Railway SeriesTV Series

Significant people and organisations
Rev. W.V. Awdry (series creator)Christopher Awdry
Britt AllcroftGullane EntertainmentHIT Entertainment
Other relevant pages
WikiProject Thomas
The Railway Stories (audiobooks)Thomas the Tank Engine and Friends merchandiseVideo releases
Shining Time StationTUGS