Thomas R. Holtz Jr.

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Thomas R. Holtz, Jr. is a vertebrate paleontologist and senior lecturer at the University of Maryland's Department of Geology.[1] He has published extensively on the phylogeny, morphology, ecomorphology, and locomotion of terrestrial predators, especially on tyrannosaurids and other theropod dinosaurs.[2] He is the author or co-author of "Saurischia",[3] "Basal Tetanurae",[4] and "Tyrannosauroidea"[5] in the second edition of The Dinosauria, which is the mostly widely accepted field authority in dinosaurian paleontology.

[edit] Footnotes

  1. ^ Holtz, Thomas R. Holtz, Jr..
  2. ^ Ibid.
  3. ^ "Saurischia", pp. 21–23, with H. Osmólska
  4. ^ "Basal Tetanurae", pp. 71–110, with R. E. Molnar, P. J. Currie
  5. ^ "Tyrannosaurioidea", pp. 111–136.

[edit] References