Thomas Pappas

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Colonel Pappas was the senior officer present when Manadel al-Jamadi died during interrogation.  Military pathologists ruled his death a homicide.
Colonel Pappas was the senior officer present when Manadel al-Jamadi died during interrogation. Military pathologists ruled his death a homicide.

Thomas M. Pappas is a decorated United States Army Colonel and was the Brigade Commander in the 205th Military Intelligence Brigade. He was in charge of military intelligence personnel at Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq following the Second Gulf War and was subsequently punished for two violations of the Uniform Code of Military Justice -- dereliction of duty -- for his role in the Abu Ghraib prisoner abuse scandal, for allowing dogs to be present during interrogations and for supplying his troops with insufficient training. He forfeited $8000 in pay for the offenses in non-judicial punishment proceedings.

According to Captain Donald Reese, the Commanding Officer of the 372nd Military Police Company, Colonel Pappas was the senior officer present during the death in custody of Manadel al-Jamadi.[1] Military pathologists later ruled the death a homicide. During Sabrina Harman's article 32 hearing Reese testified that Pappas commented about Manadel's death: "I'm not going down for this alone.[1]"

Prior to entering the army, he attended Rutgers University in New Jersey and received his Master of Science degree from Central Michigan University. He also has a Master of Arts from the Naval War College in Newport, Rhode Island.


[edit] Findings of the Fay/Jones Inquiry

Pappas name was mentioned 125 times in the Fay Report.[2]

The final section of the report listed its findings on the personnel the inquiry recommended should be referred to their "chain of command for appropriate action.[2]"

Finding: COL. Thomas M. Pappas, Commander, 205 MI BDE.. A preponderance of evidence supports that COL Pappas did, or failed to do, the followwing:
  • Failed to insure that the JIDC performed its mission to its full capabilities, within the applicable rules, regulations and appropriate procedures.
  • Failed to properly organize the JIDC.
  • Failed to put the necessary checks and balances in place to prevent and detect abuses.
  • Failed to ensure that his Soldiers and civilians were properly trained for the mission.
  • Showed poor judgement by leaving LTC Jordan in charge of the JIDC during the critical early stages of the JIDC.
  • Showed poor judgement by leaving LTC Jordan in charge during the aftermath of a shooting incident known as the Iraqi Police Roundup (IP Roundup).
  • Improperly authorized the use of dogs during interrogations. Failed to properly supervise the use of dogs to make sure they were muzzled after he improperly permitted their use.
  • Failed to take appropriate action regarding the ICRC reports of abuse.
  • Failed to take aggressive action against Soldiers who violated the ICRP, the CJTF-7 interrogation and Counter-Resistance Policy and the Geneva Conventions.
  • Failed to properly communicate to Higher Headquarters when his Brigade would be unable to accomplish its mission due to lack of manpower and/or resources. Allowed his Soldiers and civilians at the JIDC to be subjected to inordinate pressure from Higher Headquarters.
  • Failed to establish appropriate MI and MP coordination at the brigade level which would have alleviated much of the confusion that contributed to the abusive environment at Abu Ghraib.
  • The significant number of systemic failures documented in this report does not relieve COL Pappas of his responsibility as the Commander, 205th MI BDE for the abuses that occurred and went undetected for a considerable length of time.
Recommendation: This information should be forwarded to COL Pappas' chain of command for appropriate action.

[edit] War Crimes Prosecution

On 14th November 2006 human rights advocate Wolfgang Kaleck brought charges at the German Federal Attorney General (Generalbundesanwalt) against Thomas Pappas and a number of other high officials for their involvement in human rights violations in Abu Ghraib in Iraq and Guantanamo Bay. Kaleck acts as an advocate for more than 30 human rights organisations as well as 11 former prisoners at Abu Ghraib and Guantanamo. According to a spokesmen of the agency Federal Public Prosecutor Monika Harms will examine the statement of claim now. [3][4]

[edit] Decorations

Colonel Pappas has received many awards and decorations, including the Legion of Merit, the Bronze Star Medal, the Meritorious Service Medal (6 OLC), the Army Commendation Medal (2 OLC), the Army Achievement Medal (2 OLC), National Defense Service Medal (1 Bronze star), Armed Forces Expeditionary Medal, Southwest Asia Service Medal (3 Bronze stars), Armed Forces Service Medal and the Armed Forces Reserve Medal.

[edit] References

  1. ^ a b MP Captain Tells of Efforts to Hide Details of Detainee's Death, Washington Post, June 24, 2004
  2. ^ a b AR 15-6 Investigation of the Abu Ghraib Detention Facility and 205th Military Intelligence Brigade (.pdf), the Fay Report, page 154 -- Findings
  3. ^ Adam Zagorin: Exclusive: Charges Sought Against Rumsfeld Over Prison Abuse. TIME, 10 November 2006
  4. ^ Sebastian Wessels: Keine Ruhe für Rumsfeld. jungeWelt, 15 November 2006 (German)

[edit] See also

205th MI BDE

[edit] External links