Thomas Kenny

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Photo submitted by Martin Hornby - (Gallaher Cigarette Cards)
Photo submitted by Martin Hornby - (Gallaher Cigarette Cards)

Thomas Kenny (4 April 1882 - 29 November 1958) was an English recipient of the Victoria Cross, the highest and most prestigious award for gallantry in the face of the enemy that can be awarded to British and Commonwealth forces.


[edit] Details

He was 33 years old, and a private in the 13th Battalion, The Durham Light Infantry, British Army during the First World War when the following deed took place for which he was awarded the VC.

On 4 November 1915 near La Houssoie, France, in thick mist, an officer in charge of a patrol was shot through both thighs. Private Kenny, although repeatedly fired on by the enemy, crawled about for more than an hour with his wounded officer on his back, trying to find his way through the fog to the British trenches. He refused to leave the officer although told several times to do so, and at last, utterly exhausted, left him in a comparatively safe ditch and went for help. He found a rescue party and guided them to the wounded officer who was then brought to safety.

[edit] Further information

He later achieved the rank of lance-sergeant.

[edit] References

held privately by his grandson

[edit] External links