Thomas Elphinstone Hambledon

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Thomas Elphinstone Hambledon (Tommy Hambledon) is the fictional protagonist of many spy novels written by the British author Manning Coles from 1940 through 1963. Tommy was a teacher in a British boarding school in his first appearance in Drink to Yesterday and, during school vacations, a spy in Germany for the Foreign Office. At the end of this book, which takes place in World War I, he disappears at sea and is presumed dead. He reappears as the hero of the next book, Pray Silence (known in the US by the title Toast to Tomorrow), which begins in the 1920s. He is an amnesiac in Germany who gradually works his way up in the fledgling Nazi Party until, in 1933, he becomes Hitler's Chief of Police. He then recovers his memory and thereafter battles to defeat Hitler and his plans. At the end of the book he fakes his own death in Danzig (Hitler himself reads the oration at his 'funeral') and stows away with Reck on an English cargo ship bound for Cardiff. On their return to England he and Reck are faced with the problem of a series of unexplained sinkings of ships not long out of harbour in Portsmouth in They Tell No Tales.

In Green Hazard the Gestapo mistake him for Professor Ulseth, inventor of a new and extremely powerful high explosive, and kidnap him. He then finds himself once again in Berlin where he has to fool his 'hosts' into believing that he actually knows something about chemistry whilst praying that they will fail to recognise a former colleague. After World War II, he continued his career in the Foreign Office and helped defeat a number of Communist plots. In these later adventures, he was frequently aided by a semi-comic team of model-makers from the Clerkenwell Road in London, Forgan and Campbell who first appear in A Brother for Hugh. In this and some other of Manning Coles' subsequent novels Hambledon actually occupies quite a minor role - in The Man in the Green Hat he hardly appears at all in the first half of the book.