Serenity: Those Left Behind

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Cover of the trade paperback, collecting the series. Art by Adam Hughes.
Cover of the trade paperback, collecting the series. Art by Adam Hughes.

Serenity: Those Left Behind is a 2005 three-issue comic book limited series published by Dark Horse Comics. It was written by Joss Whedon and Brett Matthews, illustrated by Will Conrad, and colored by Laura Martin. It is the first comic book series to be based on Whedon's short-lived 2002 television series Firefly and the 2005 feature film into which it was adapted, Serenity. The story is set between the end of the series and the beginning of the film, and depicts (among other things) what happens to Lawrence Dobson, the Alliance secret agent who attempted to capture Simon and River Tam in the pilot episode of Firefly, also titled "Serenity."


[edit] Synopsis

Spoiler warning: Plot and/or ending details follow.

The story opens with Shepherd Book giving a sermon in a border-planet town, which is shortly revealed to be a diversion so Mal, Zoe, and Jayne can pull a heist. The three are having a standoff with fellow thief Ott and his gang, who were tipped off to the job by an unknown party. Ott demands the payload, and Mal agrees, not wanting to risk the lives of his crew. Pushing his luck, Ott then asks Mal to give up his gun, as well. Mal threatens Ott to back down, but he persists. Mal briefly muses on how his gun was one of two things that got him through the war, and stuck with him afterwards (the other being Zoe). Mal drops his gun to the floor, but then kicks it into Ott's face, knocking out a few of his teeth. Ott orders his men to open fire, and a pitched firefight ensues. Ott's team retreats with the payload, while Mal, Zoe, and Jayne pursue. Ott's crew escapes the planet, after notifying the entire town of the heist. While the townspeople chase Mal and the others, thinking that they have the stolen money, Shepherd Book steals a transport and the four make their escape.

With the townfolk still in pursuit, Mal radios Wash, notifying him of the need to make a hasty escape. Wash and Kaylee use Serenity to knock over a water tower, stunning the pursuers long enough for the crew to escape.

Meanwhile, Lawrence Dobson, missing his right eye from his last encounter with Mal, is still on Whitefall where he was left during the pilot episode. Dobson seems to have carved out his own niche on Whitefall, complete with bodyguards and a lair. He has made a deal with the Hands of Blue who have been trying to recapture Simon and River Tam. Dobson, obsessed with killing Mal, claims he has the perfect plan, and needed only Alliance clearance to make it easier.

After returning to Persephone, Badger approaches Serenity with a handful of goons to pitch a job to the crew. Not taking any chances, Zoe stuns Badger's hired muscle with fire-retardant gas as they attempt to board Serenity, and shoots them. Serenity takes off with Badger on board.

Badger explains to the crew that the Battle of Sturges (which he refers to as the bloodiest battle in the Unification War) was fought over a pile of money, which is supposedly still floating in the battlefield, unclaimed. Mal says that he'll consider the job, telling Badger to get off his ship "before the stain sets." They leave Badger in the desert of Persephone.

Mal gathers the crew, telling them that he's decided to take Badger's job. Inara asks him to take her to "duties" first, and Mal declines. Mal insists that the job is more important, and Book pushes Mal to reconsider. When Book reminds Mal that he gave Inara his word, Mal states that it means nothing. Mal provokes Book by saying that his word was no different from the Shepherd's preaching, and that when push came to shove, Book didn't pray, but stole a vehicle and did "what needs to be done to survive." Book punches Mal in the face.

The crew travel to the coordinates given to them by Badger. Mal, Zoe, and Jayne board one of the ships to look for the money. Once they reach the location Badger claimed the money would be at, it becomes clear that they have been set up. There is no money, and Dobson and his henchmen ambush the three, demanding "an eye for an eye." Mal tells Zoe and Jayne to "kill them all" once Dobson shoots him. Instead, they dispatch Dobson's men before he can fire a shot at Mal, who shoots out Dobson's other eye. Before leaving, Mal shoots him again, just to be sure.

While Mal, Zoe, and Jayne are fighting Dobson, the Hands of Blue attempt to sneak aboard Serenity. Due in part to River's psychic abilities, Simon, Inara, and Kaylee are tipped off to the fact that they may have visitors. After going to the cargo bay to investigate, Kaylee is attacked by one of the agents. Simon knocks the agent down with one of Jayne's weights, causing him to fall back into his ship. Kaylee closes the airlock and continually jury-rigs it to keep the agents out (who are trying to bypass the lock). Wash flies Serenity through the remains of a derelict ship, knocking the agents' shuttle off of Serenity. Mal orders Wash to "step on it," having safely re-entered the ship along with Zoe and Jayne. The Hands of Blue are incinerated by Serenity's engine flare.

Mal finally takes Inara to her destination, and seems to not have given her the kind of goodbye he truly wanted to. Later, Shepherd Book stumbles upon Mal talking to himself, saying his true thoughts to Inara. Book tells Mal that he will be leaving Serenity, fearing that his time on the ship has been corrupting him.

The Alliance, having learned of the fate of the Hands of Blue, passes the assignment to retrieve the Tams to the Operative. He accepts the mission.

[edit] Notable occurrences

  • Lawrence Dobson is revealed to be alive even after the occurrences of the pilot episode of Firefly.
  • The Hands of Blue are finally killed, and are referred to as "Independent Contractors".
  • During the fight on Serenity, it is revealed that the blue material that gives the Hands of Blue their name also extends to (and covers) their torso. The purpose of this material is never directly revealed. However, it can be inferred that it is worn to protect them from the effects of their handheld device.
  • Derrial Book and Inara Serra leave Serenity.
  • The Operative makes his first appearance in the comics, although he wears his sword at his side, rather than across his back, as he does in Serenity.
  • The twins, Mingo and Fanty, are first mentioned by Badger aboard Serenity. They are responsible for providing the crew with the payroll job pulled at the beginning of the film Serenity.

[edit] Cover illustrations

Cover to Issue #1. Art by Bryan Hitch.
Cover to Issue #1. Art by Bryan Hitch.

Each of the three issues was released with three different covers, with each cover featuring one of the nine major characters, and each one illustrated by a different artist. The series was collected into a single volume, with a cover by Adam Hughes. All issue covers also appear within the compilation.

[edit] Reaction

The miniseries was a success, and on February 11, 2006, Dirk Wood of Dark Horse Comics confirmed at the WonderCon convention in San Francisco that Joss Whedon is currently writing another Serenity comic[1]. Details of the plot see the crew of Serenity pulling off a successful job which results in unexpected wealth. The series will be set within the continuity of the television series and is to be called Serenity: Better Days.

[edit] Notes and references

  1. ^ Wondercon '06: Dark Horse Panel. Whedonesque (2006-02-12). Retrieved on June 30, 2006.

[edit] External links

The Firefly series
Episodes Serenity | The Train Job | Bushwhacked | Shindig | Safe | Our Mrs. Reynolds | Jaynestown
Out of Gas | Ariel | War Stories | Trash | The Message | Heart of Gold | Objects in Space
Spin-offs R. Tam sessions | Serenity: Those Left Behind | Serenity
Characters Derrial Book | Jayne Cobb | Kaylee Frye | Malcolm Reynolds | Inara Serra
River Tam | Simon Tam | Hoban Washburne | Zoe Washburne | Minor characters
Terminology Moons and planetsThe AllianceBlue SunUnification WarSerenity
ReaverBrowncoatFirefly slangCompanion
In other languages