User talk:Think Safety

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 It is suspected that this user might be a sock puppet or impersonator of Pelican.
Please refer to contributions for evidence. See block log and current autoblocks.

I'm not a sock puppet or impersonator of Pelican. I actually know Pelican, he's a friend of mine. That's why our User Page's are so similar.

After he got a little carried away and you guys blocked him, I created an account, however, I made sure to just stick with a User Page. I didn't try to create a "Digimon Wrestling" article because I know that doesn't belong on Wikipedia. I just kept it on my User Page. Also, I refrained from cursing or any inappropriate material, which is what got Pelican into trouble.

Now I do realize that I posted some comments on the MVP Baseball 2005 article, which were actually a modified version of Pelican's previous comments, and, for that, I'm sorry. It's just that he made some very good points and I wanted to refute the incorrect statements that are on the MVP Baseball 2005 Discussion Page. Anyway, I won't post anymore of Pelican's old comments nor will I post any problem causing comments of my own.

I'm just asking for you to please reassess your decision. I'd appreciate it if you remove the sockpuppet/impersonator box and restore my User and Discussion Pages.

Thank You. Sincerely, Think Safety. --Think Safety 19:19, 21 March 2007 (UTC)


[edit] WE'RE BACK

WE'RE BAAAAAACK!!!!!!OWO 4 Life 04:19, 7 March 2007 (UTC)

[edit] DIGIMONS LIVES!!!!!

Great to see you "OWO 4 Life". That's right! We are back. And why is that? Because Digimons is JUST TOO SWEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEET!!!!!!!!!!!! --Think Safety 04:27, 7 March 2007 (UTC)

Hey Think Safety, I couldn't have said it any better myself, as I'm sittin back listening to Voodoo Child.OWO 4 Life 05:03, 7 March 2007 (UTC)


Hey Think Safety, I couldn't have said it any better myself, as I'm sittin back listening to Voodoo Child.OWO 4 Life 05:03, 7 March 2007 (UTC)

[edit] Nice

Nice. --Think Safety 05:14, 7 March 2007 (UTC)

[edit] Work In Progress

Hey, OWO 4 Life. Did you see the new section that I'm working on? "The Lack Pack". It's not finished, but I think it's coming along rather nicely. It's a nice trip down "Egomaniac Lane". --Think Safety 05:17, 7 March 2007 (UTC)


When your Lack Pack, your Lack Pack 4 Life, sorry to hear that for its members. The Lack Pack article is comic genius!!OWO 4 Life 05:34, 7 March 2007 (UTC)

[edit] Thank You, OWO 4 Life

Thank you, but I can't take all the credit. After all, it was a team effort to enshrine these guys in "The Lack Pack". We should all give ourselves a round of applause...or maybe a punch in the face would be more appropriate.

"comedic genius". Glad to hear it. I just finished it up , so give it another spin. --Think Safety 05:45, 7 March 2007 (UTC)

[edit] P.S.

Who's Marvin Gaye? --Think Safety 05:46, 7 March 2007 (UTC)

[edit] New Work In Progress

Hey, "OWO 4 Life". Check out the new section "The Straw That Broke The Camels Back". It's about "The Silly Days of Digimons". It's not finished right now, but it's off to a good start.

Does that say 1:08 am?! Yikes! Can you say sleeping disorder? --Think Safety 06:13, 7 March 2007 (UTC)


I just got done reading the Lack Pack, hilarious and nice complete Lack Pack history, and The straw that broke the camels back, which I will have nightmares about tonight. Well, its now 1:54 AM, so I'm going to try and sleep. I got a busy day ahead of me tomorrow.OWO 4 Life 06:56, 7 March 2007 (UTC)

[edit] Goodnight, "OWO 4 Life"

Goodnight, "OWO 4 Life". I'm sure that this User Page won't be here in the morning, but we'll see.

"Early Morning". You hit the nail right on the head.

See ya tomorrow, "OWO 4 Life".

And "Think Safety". --Think Safety 07:16, 7 March 2007 (UTC)

[edit] OWO 4 Life User Page

Hey "OWO 4 Life"! One last thing here at 2:46 am. I know you're already logged off now, but in the morning, after you see this message, check out your own User Page. I started one for you.

OWO 4 Life!!!!!! Signed Think Safety. --Think Safety 07:53, 7 March 2007 (UTC)

[edit] Top of the Morning (what am I, Irish?)

Another Grand Day, as its a nice 7:58 AM. A nice total of about five hours of sleep. I saw my OWO user page, nice. I'll see ya after school Think Safety, but right now I'm going to eat some legimate breakfast as I think I hear the roosters calling. Then I'm going to get a eye check up, come to think of it I think I need a brain check up.OWO 4 Life 13:02, 7 March 2007 (UTC)

[edit] My Dream Has Come True

Hey "OWO 4 Life", I finally finished "The Straw That Broke The Camels Back". Just now!!!!...I have no life.

Anyway, be my guest to check it out. Be warned though, it's the longest section ever. Even longer than my ego-trip of a section about the Ultimatepac.

Next, I'll probably talk about the Resurgence of Digimons, when we brought it back and gang-warfare broke out between the Ultimatepac and the Wolfpac. You know, when we defaced every single belt...six times over...and three more times of Wednesdays.

See you later. --Think Safety 21:05, 7 March 2007 (UTC)

[edit] The Lack Pack Is Complete

I added Robbie to "The Lack Pack".

Thanks for catchin' that one "OWO 4 Life". --Think Safety 06:20, 8 March 2007 (UTC)

[edit] Vice City Glitch Stories

Not that this is relevant to anything about digimons, but in Vice City stories, after you complete a rampage for no apparent reason the rampage is still their and you can play it again, that makes sense. And when I was running over a big pipe in a construction yard, Ving Rhaymes got stuck in mid air, so well, he was just frozen in air, but I still could move him.OWO 4 Life 16:36, 8 March 2007 (UTC)


I'm standing next to Hollywood Eric, the man himself, in the flesh!!!!OWO 4 Life 05:04, 9 March 2007 (UTC)


Well, how the heck have you been Hollywood?! Rememberin' the good old days of "Hogan & Rodman" maybe?...No?...Trying not to? That's okay. I know how it is. College, a 100 friends, 1000 parties, a steady girlfriend...(starting to cry), a social life, (crying more)...a...a...(full blown weeping).

Oh, one more thing. Say it with me Bryan. "Cur-tain Call! Cur-tain Call! Cur-tain Call!" --Think Safety 05:18, 9 March 2007 (UTC)

[edit] Gang Warfare

Hey, "OWO 4 Life"! I finished up the Resurgence of Digimons section. It's kinda f&^#in' long, so read at your own risk.

Anyway, how's our friendly neighborhood Hulkster? I bet I know exactly what he's thinking.

"You guys are retarded."

"How old are you?"

"Don't put my name on this s^%%!"

"There was something called "Hogan & Rodman"?"

"Those were the good old days?"

"You're typing this on Wikipedia?"

"Bryan, you're still playing Grand Theft Auto?!"

"Vice City WHAT?! That's original."

"I sure hope Joe doesn't mention "This Magic Moment" on here."

"I can't wait til Andrea gets here so I can get the f*&^ away from these psychos."

And that's just within the first minute of seeing this Wikipedia article. --Think Safety 05:57, 9 March 2007 (UTC)

[edit] Royal Fumble

I finished the next section. It's all about the DWCW Royal Rumble Crown. It's ugly, but good luck reading it, "OWO 4 Life".

By the way, I just wanted to say that the Word Document, that I'm saving all of this in as a backup, is up to 28 Pages. Yikes! And I'm only up to the summer of 1999. I haven't even gotten to shows yet!!! --Think Safety 06:44, 9 March 2007 (UTC)

[edit] Next Section: OWO

Hey "OWO 4 Life",

One more thing here at 1:53 am, the next section that I'm gonna do, probably tomorrow, is gonna be about the OWO! So, if you read this message before I'm finished with it, hopefully the thought of an OWO section will help you make it through the day.

Good luck Big Kev. Signed "Think Safety". --Think Safety 06:59, 9 March 2007 (UTC)


It is now 2:08AM, I was just playing Vice City Stories, and before that I was basically forced into watching Borat. To say that movie sucked would be an understatement, not only was it incredibly racist, but there were scenes that could be compared to Steve O's career enders, and mainstream American still finds this funny, simply amazing, jeez Fooorget it. Anyway, I am now going to read the new editions to the page. I'll have visions of OWO night dancing in my head when I go to sleep tonight.OWO 4 Life 07:15, 9 March 2007 (UTC)

Oh, and one more thing before I start my reading voyage, CURTAIN CALL! CURTAIN CALL! CURTAIN CALL! I think we have a chance hear!OWO 4 Life 07:19, 9 March 2007 (UTC)

[edit] SERIOUSLY?!

A Curtain Call?!

It's a miracle! Praise him, and all his glories. --Think Safety 20:21, 9 March 2007 (UTC)

[edit] Coming Soon

Hey "OWO 4 Life", I finished up the OWO section. So, why don't you take a look at the title of the section that I'm going to work on next. IT'S NOT EVEN A PAY-PER-VIEW!!!!! --Think Safety 05:38, 10 March 2007 (UTC)

[edit] Nitro Live with 40 announcers, different announcers each hour

ITS A FOUR POST MASSACRE!!!!!!OWO 4 Life 07:13, 10 March 2007 (UTC)

[edit] Oh Yeah, Jimmy King Is Gonna B^%@&slap DDP

Hey, "OWO 4 Life". I just finished the First Ever Nitro section. Next up, Titles Named After Kliq Members A.K.A. the Hall, Nash, & Syxx-Pac Heavyweights...They would be so proud. --Think Safety 18:28, 11 March 2007 (UTC)

[edit] Dude, you crushed my Butterfinger Baby!

I just got done reading the nitro article, nice, wait a second my conscious just spoke to me and said I need to start on that five page paper thats due tomorrow but its ok here, I just told my conscious to SHUT UP!!! And if Nitro comes back to Cheynne anytime soon (in creepy old lady voice) Get me a T-Shirt.OWO 4 Life 18:57, 11 March 2007 (UTC)

[edit] Hey Yo, You've Selected Scott Hall...

Hey "OWO 4 Life". Check out the new section. Hopefully, it will feed your ego and get you through that 5-page paper. Good Luck, Fox. --Think Safety 21:40, 11 March 2007 (UTC)

[edit] Dance With The 'Taker

I finished the 33rd section, the DWO Dark Knights section. This one you don't have to read. Just kidding. Go 'head and give it a spin.

P.S. How's the 5-page paper coming? Jeez, I'm rude. I just keep bothering you. Not that you're reading this as you're working on the paper, but...Wow, this is getting confusing. Anyway, see ya later, "OWO 4 Life". --Think Safety 22:40, 11 March 2007 (UTC)


Just got home from class, and decided to write stuff, considering there is nothing else to do. I don't know if you got to this mission in Vice City Stories, but there is a Lance mission called Turn on, tune in, bug out and I was just wondering if it could have been any harder, I mean seriously it took me like six or seven tries to complete it.(wait a second who am I talking to, considering your at school!??)OWO 4 Life 20:53, 13 March 2007 (UTC)

PS: Who is Jack Ruby?(Shawn "Sugar Daddy" Dawkins voice: What?)

[edit] Ditto Molly

Personally, I'm starting the Nick Bockwinkle World Order.


PS: Jack Ruby was murdered...Do we really know this for a fact? How are you supposed to make a presentation on this?...A presentation on "Jack Ruby killing Oswald then dying in jail" maybe, but specifically "murdered"?...(Shawn "Sugar Daddy" Dawkins voice: What?) --Think Safety 22:40, 13 March 2007 (UTC)

[edit] Lack Pack is back causin no destruction, can't you see, were the good boys of digimons

Lack Pack in the hooooome, uh, I mean hoooouse!!! signed, Jordan D.OWO 4 Life 04:12, 14 March 2007 (UTC)

[edit] Glad I Called That Guy!

I'd like to take this time to personally apologize to Jordan D. for the unspeakable things that I said to that kid. "DWO 4 Life"?! I probably "Traumatized Him 4 Life". Anyway, I'm just putting it out there on cyberspace for everyone to see. Jordan D., I am genuinely sorry. If I had your phone number, it would be a definite "Billy Madison moment".

P.S. "OWO 4 Life", nice Wolfpac remix. You're a regular Weird Al. I think we got ourselves an "official" Lack Pack Theme Song. --Think Safety 06:10, 14 March 2007 (UTC)

[edit] Did you know that Nick Bockwinkle doesn't have a Wikipedia article? Hmm...what a shocker.

Anyway, I finished the Sonic Club 2000 section. Next up: OWO Night. (sigh) The good old days when The Outsiders were tag team champions for months on end, and we ran Digimons...and it didn't even lose a step, and we built shrines to ourselves on a nightly basis. "OWO Night 2007"?...Nah, it's a once-in-a-lifetime thing. Unless...(Dr. Evil Pinky Music) Halloween Havoc 2007: Where The OWO Headlines Every Match. --Think Safety 06:58, 14 March 2007 (UTC)

[edit] Vice City Stories Glitches Part 2

First, I just wanna say that I got the 37th balloon on the first island...well, that's not supposed to exist. Maybe this explains the whole "Lance's House Balloon"?...probably not. This game is just f&%%ed up!

Second, HOW MANY GOD DAMN, AK-47-TOTTING, BIKINI-CLAD BROADS ARE THERE IN THIS F*&%IN' MISSION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I play it one time, I have MORE than enough Sniper Bullets. I play it another time, I run out half way through the mission...F%$^! Anyway, I finally beat the motherf&^#er. HALELUYA! HOLY S&^$!

(Pret-ty Thick Sarcasm) By the way, how's the Deli? I mean it's exactly where you wanted to work...Well, at least it's where they said they were gonna put you...hmm, (Lumberg Voice) yeeaaah. --Think Safety 21:33, 16 March 2007 (UTC)

[edit] Lack Pack Shirt #2

Front side: IT WOULD BE A HONOR... Back side: To hold your titles.OWO 4 Life 03:51, 17 March 2007 (UTC)

[edit] Lack Pack shirt #3

Front: The Kliq of Digimons are our Favorite Wrestlers. Back: The Kliq of Digimons are our Favorite Wrestlers. (just in case people didn't see the front of the shirt)OWO 4 Life 03:55, 17 March 2007 (UTC)

[edit] Lack Pack shirt #4 (wow, I'm really getting into this)

Jordan D's very own Lack Pack shirt!!!! Get them hot off the press!!! Front: Lack Pack logo Back: A pool ball with the number 0 on it.OWO 4 Life 03:57, 17 March 2007 (UTC)

[edit] Daytona Wolfpac

Daytona Wolfpac in the houuuuse!!!!!OWO 4 Life 21:06, 18 March 2007 (UTC)

[edit] SNF Poker

Are you ready for some Poker?!

Weeeeeellll, It's Sunday Night and the gang is here! CJ's eatin' pizza and Bryan's drinkin' beer.

You better get ready! You better get right! 'Cause Uncle Brad is in town and we're playin' Poker tonight!

ARE YOU READY FOR SOME POKER?! A SUNDAY NIGHT SHOWDOWN! Mike and Jeff Ward are stoppin' by, even though they weren't invited!

Hank Williams Jr.'s on his sixth wife and ALL my rowdy friends are here for SUNDAY NIGHT!!!!! --Think Safety 23:49, 18 March 2007 (UTC)

[edit] Jimmy Hoffa Would Be So Proud...Yikes!

Hey, "OWO 4 Life". I went back and made a McDonald's Section. It's the 23rd section between Tag Team Wrestling Is Born section and EJ's section. --Think Safety 00:44, 19 March 2007 (UTC)

[edit] Subject/headline:

Thanks to "cool shows" (can you sense the sarcasm) like "Amazing Race" and "The Apprentice", SNF Poker hasn't even been mentioned and has been pushed aside worse than HHH's push in 1996.OWO 4 Life 00:49, 19 March 2007 (UTC)

[edit] Well, there goes my day.

NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Oh well, time to get 100% in Vice City Stories...(sigh) yeeeaaaah...I'm really...not looking that game. (gun loading) Just kidding, but kinda not. --Think Safety 01:10, 19 March 2007 (UTC)


The DWO and Ultimatepac in McDonald's was the greatest thing to happen to that fast food burger joint ever!OWO 4 Life 01:02, 19 March 2007 (UTC)

[edit] uh my guy, Bobby Lizzy, Bobby Lemon, Billy Bean, Bobby Lazlow, fooorget it!!

Vice City Stories is warped, I'm playing it right know, at least it was the only thing that stopped me from taking those cyanide tablets becaue I was watching the "Amazing Race", anyway I only have 49.7% complete and the extra missions are already boring, not to mention each one takes like twenty minutes to fucking complete! I can't wait to read the finished product of OWO night!OWO 4 Life 01:47, 19 March 2007 (UTC)

oh and one more thing,the vigilante missons are seemingly impossible to complete!OWO 4 Life 01:49, 19 March 2007 (UTC)


Tommorow: DWWE Spring Break Out! The Outsiders compete in a chugging contest, loser passes out first, as they compete in hilarious matching spring break attire! A Pool will be built in the backyard, and we'll do swan dives head first into the shallow end!(yikes, I went a little to far on that one), The Outsiders will joke about fat broads and tell the hilarious story of college fat broads wanting there phone numbers! Then we'll cruise Neptune Beach (approx. 60 miles away!) for chicks in bikinis! Check it out tomorrow, DWWE Monday Night Raw Spring Break Out!!!!!!!!!!OWO 4 Life 02:05, 19 March 2007 (UTC)


At 1:47 am 3/19/07, the OWO Night section is complete!!!!!!! And it's JUST TOO SWEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEET!!!!!!!!!!!! Outsiders 4 Life!!! --Think Safety 05:52, 19 March 2007 (UTC)

[edit] Update: Vice City Stories

Well, I beat the Protection, Prostitution, and Drug Missions (Wow, that looks so bad.) aaaaaannd it couldn't have been MORE boring. Can't wait for those Vigilante Missions you mentioned or the ever exciting Ambulance Missions. (sigh) Barnstorming, "Vice Sights", and 40 other Time-Trial/Checkpoint Missions. Can't Wait!!!

PS: I only have 39.6% (At least I think that's what it says, since I can't really read the Stats Screen in this game.) IS THIS GAME DONE YET?! How much percent can the Side Missions give you?! Hey Rockstar, you know there's a reason why they're called "Side Missions", right?! I mean, I had 37.1% when I beat the Main Missions, and that's with the Loan Shark Missions already beat, plus 3 Jumps, 1 Rampage, 66 Balloons, 1 Robbery Mission, 3 Car Lists, a PCJ Playground, and a partridge in a pare tree...That means that nearly 70% of this f*&^ing game comes from Side Missions....F&^# Man. By the way, why is my "PS" bigger than my main point? --Think Safety 06:02, 19 March 2007 (UTC)

[edit] This just in...

The Daytona Wolfpac has left the building.OWO 4 Life 15:41, 19 March 2007 (UTC)

[edit] Ambulance missions from hell!

Well, its 11:42 am, and I just got done with the ambulance missons, and just a shade under two hours, alright(no exaggeration, maybe even more than two hours!). Seriously this has to be the longest extra mission in any GTA misson, even giving some San Andreas extra missions a run for their money! Completing this gave me an astounding 50%, this game is seriously warped!OWO 4 Life 15:45, 19 March 2007 (UTC)


That OWO Night chapter ruled ass!! We should get a picture taken with knight outfits on standing over any other faction in digimons, with Jordan D. and Andy D. in the background cheering us on. But seriously if we had not carried the weight in digimons after the Wolfpac retired, then DWCW would have probably went under about four months early and digimons itself might not have survived!OWO 4 Life 15:52, 19 March 2007 (UTC)

[edit] Vice City Side Missons Stories

Vigilante Missions: (M. Bison voice) GAAAAAAME OVAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!OWO 4 Life 18:59, 19 March 2007 (UTC)

[edit] Let's get physical.

Hey "OWO 4 Life", I just finished the DWCW Gimmick Match section. It's section 21, between The Birth Of The Behemoth and Big Belts.

Red Team: "We'll take the physical challenge Mr. Summers."

Mark Summers: "Robin, get the dig...dag...diggy-mons, 40 gallons of gack, a plunger, a new vertebrae, and a fat broad." --Think Safety 02:50, 23 March 2007 (UTC)

[edit] Grease Lighting!

During the era of the notorious DWCW gimmick matches, the only thing missing was Olivia Newton John prancing around the shows (in Jon Lovitz voice, that would be a little weird), I mean we could add all our ages up at the time and she would still be older than that number.) By the way are you typing from the Disney World secret underground computer lab, or is there a computer in the coordinates, and how is Disney World life treating you?OWO 4 Life 15:56, 23 March 2007 (UTC)


And one more thing before I wonder aimlessy throughout the day (I know, I do that everday), WWE has released the city Wrestlemania 24 is going to be, and its going to be in Orlando, (March 30th I believe). Me and Eric are probably going to go, of course we'll probably get the cheapest seats. The show is going to be in the Orlando football stadium, so its going to be the first outdoor Wrestlemania since Wrestlemania 9, and the stadium is said to hold up to 60,000 people or more. Tickets probably won't go on sale till October. So if we do go, which we probably will, if anybody wants to go, will make it a Wrestlemania 24 road trip!!OWO 4 Life 16:07, 23 March 2007 (UTC)

[edit] Who will help me take over vice city stories?

I just printed out a list of the extra unique jumps, 100% COMPLETION IS AS GOOD AS MINE!!!!!! It is 1:42 AM, and I was going to go to bed, but now I have some work to do!OWO 4 Life 05:43, 24 March 2007 (UTC)


It is now 2:25 AM, and I have finally gotten 100% COMPLETION, GAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAME OVAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Next: GTA Vice City, and I won't punch out until I have 100%. Goodnight everybody!!!!!OWO 4 Life 06:29, 24 March 2007 (UTC)

[edit] Vice City is as good as mine!

It is 12:20 PM, GTA Vice City: (Shang Tsung voice) IT HAS BEGUN!OWO 4 Life 16:22, 24 March 2007 (UTC)

[edit] And Just A Shade Under A Decade.

No, I'm kidding! 100% in GTA Vice City Stories, Congratulations!!!!!

"Next GTA Vice City"...Good Luck. Then again, you are a GTA psycho so...maybe that should be Good Luck to GTA Vice City because It's Finished! It' Done! Bryan's Through With Ya! Feel That? That's Your Spotlight Fading.

Anyway, as I sit here wondering how I'm going to finish these Cheat Sheets for my test on Tuesday, plus the Excel Assignment for one of my other classes, I carelessly zone out...then start to type up new sections of the Digimon History.

Check out the completed Dan & Eric Un-Retire: The Return Of The Backstage Politicians and I Love It When A Plan Comes Together...Well, Sort Of. sections. Also, I added a DWO and Wolfpac Titles section. It's the new Section 32.

PS: As we speak...well type, Dan and CJ are on their way to see the new Turtles Movie. I would have went, buuuuuut I sure as hell am not down with the whole "Sonic Club Lackey Scene"! 'Cause Dan and CJ are meeting a whole slew of Wolfson buddies that I want no part of. Anyway, I guess it's back to the nightly grind of homework and insomnia. See ya tomorrow...Oh. Wait. You're working for like 40 hours this weekend...Well, back to my awesome 61.7% Vice City Stories game...or suicide. Which sounds quicker to you?! --Think Safety 02:03, 25 March 2007 (UTC)

[edit] (Sigh) The Good Old Days Of Crotch-Chops And Profanity.

Hey "OWO 4 Life", I just finished up the DX section it's called, DWWF VS. HCW-HWF & The Birth Of D-Generation X. Basically, it covers the "GTA 4-Star Alert" that was the HCW-HWF and then the start of D-Generation X, which was a "6-Star Alert" for all Lack Packers. --Think Safety 03:40, 25 March 2007 (UTC)

[edit] The DWWF: one long wild and crazy trip

The DWWF, great times, millions of shows, tons of politics, thousands of factions, backstabbing, botched invasions, more violence, People's champion, Real Person matches, bookbags, World's greatest house shows, and much more, all in the span of 3 1/2 years. Now its time to read the new pages. PS: In Vice City, I got 21%.OWO 4 Life 05:09, 25 March 2007 (UTC)


As we join Heraldo Rivera live on location, a developing story has taken shape. It appears that a new "Flavor Of The Week" has been selected. Oh! And I thought we had a winner with the last one. So sorry. But I'm sure you got some lovely...uhh..."parting gifts".

This new "Flavor" is a chubby little guy, in fact, from a quick glance he resembles "2002 Fat Chinese Daniel". ...Is it creepy that I'm typing this?

Okay, let me explain. I was minding my own business playing some "B-Ball" (That's for you "2001 Bryan".), listening to some Run-DMC, Eazy-E, Eric B. & Rakim, all stuff that "Goldberg" and Marcy would have enjoyed I'm sure...Anyway, they were washing Marcy's car and after they went inside this Hyundai (Good luck with that piece of s*&@ by the way. I know from experience.) this car pulls up and parks (The wrong f*&@ing way, mind you.) And this George Costanza look-a-like (That's harsh.) gets out and goes inside, only to re-emerge several minutes later, with "Goldberg" accompanying the new couple. (Wow, this is so creepy. Why am I giving a play-by-play?) So after I re-issued the Hammock Match Challenge (Just kidding. Maybe. No. No. ...Or am I?) Anyway, the two lovebirds drive off in the Hyundai while "Goldberg"...sits down on his porch...Then quickly goes inside as I continue to "shoot some hoops".

Well, that's the story from the front line. How's things in Bologna-land and Meat-ville? (Well, that sounded horribly gay!) By the way, are you even home yet? Otherwise, who am I talking to?...Suddenly I feel all alone...Oh, wait. That's how I always feel. (phew) That was close. See ya later...maybe.

PS: TUESDAY! AT SCHOOL! ON THE BENCH! BE THERE! I've got a surprise. "It's an oldie but a goodie." (That's a "Back To The Future" reference by the way...but you wouldn't know that.) The surprise has nothing to do with "Back To The Future" though, so don't worry. Let's just say Dan, CJ, and Eric would be embarrassed, to say the least, if they saw the surprise...Well, see ya Tuesday! --Think Safety 23:22, 25 March 2007 (UTC)

[edit] Baskin Robins 33 Flavors

I'm sittin here havin a Miller High Life and some dinner and listenig to Wrestling Observer Live and read the hilarious new flavor of the week storyline. Earlier when I drove by their house she was outside and saw me but didn't wave and she was calling somebody on the phone. Anyway, I be there Tuesday on the bench to see this suprise.OWO 4 Life 00:40, 26 March 2007 (UTC)

[edit] Studying on the night shift

Its 12:40 PM and I'm trying to study for my test tomorrow, but when you diagnose yourself with ADD like I have, it can become a problem. Anyway, I'm still thinking about the level of controversy/violence/politics that was a major part of the DWWF era in digimons, I mean seriously that era gave WCW's locker room a run for its money. During that time, at any moment I thought I was going to be shot or stabbed, ok that is a little exaggerated, well maybe not. I can't wait for Backlash 2000, you could write a book on that alone, and just think that was only four months into the DWWF era.OWO 4 Life 04:50, 27 March 2007 (UTC)

[edit] Spanish Armada: 1583, 1639, 1986, 1972, please just give me the answer!

Sorry I wasn't on the bench today, I was out there studying for the test with the girl in my class, but she wanted to go in the building early, but I tried to delay her, to no avail, so I went to. I should have said I'm waiting on my heterosexual life mate, wait, (Jon Lovitz voice) that would have been a little weird. Oh well, see ya later. PS: Update on Vice City (man I like to brag, well makes sense, since I'm a d***), I've got 41%, with all rampages done, 96 hidden packages, and about twelve unique jumps, and right now I'm between Vercetti's missions, Kent Paul, taxi cab missions, and vodoo Rita or whatever her name is, well that explanation went a little long.

One more thing (I'm I done yet!) I just watched ICON's new video which is a Raven promo from 11/3/97 Nitro, and its pretty spectaculer, he's in a classroom spoutting out Raven quotes that should belong on my picture.OWO 4 Life 20:07, 27 March 2007 (UTC)

[edit] Now I know what you feel like when Jennifer gives you false hope.

Just kidding. So...a little "study session". HUH?! HUH?!....HUH?! ...That was kinda creepy. HUH?! Okay, I'm gonna stop now. Anyway, that's okay. The "surprise" will just have to wait until Thursday. Jeez, I hope this doesn't get built up too much. Otherwise it might become a big disappointment...yeeeaaah, that's...that's what's gonna happen, isn't it?

Ahhh, what am I saying? This "surprise" can't miss! Not only would it embarrass CJ, Dan, and Eric...and probably me and you...if we knew anybody to be embarrassed by...Huh? What?! Oh, I was just zoning off there…and starting to cry. NO! Well, maybe. What was I saying? Oh, the "surprise". No one at school will even know what the hell they're looking at...Actually, they'll probably be a little scared seeing me sitting there with this "blast from the past"...that they have no idea ever even existed. But I've said too much. Oh, and I’m workin' on an added bonus to the surprise, but let me see what I can do.

PS: "heterosexual life mate". You have no idea how f#*&ing ironic that is!!! That's EXACTLY the word I was thinking of after Amanda came over to talk to you that day, and here we are...two guys... sitting on a bench...alone... And you too guys are makin’ conversation about stuff I have no f(*&ing clue about. And then when you guys were walking away and she turned to me and said "Goodbye..." and hesitated 'cause she had no f*&^ing clue who the hell I was ‘cause I was just…kinda there, so you said "Oh, that's Joey." so she said "Bye Joey." and then you guys walked off. ...It was an hilarious moment to say the least, and I had to stop myself from laughing when I was thinking about the whole situation afterwards. --Think Safety 01:53, 28 March 2007 (UTC)

[edit] "It was there that I first discovered alienation."

First, I realized that I forgot to comment on your Vice City update, since I got caught up in my "heterosexual life mate" ramblings. So...41%?! Already?! 96 PACKAGES?! ALL THE RAMPAGES DONE?!...Psssssycho!

Now, I just watched the Raven Promo...

OH! MY! GOD! That is the greatest promo I have ever seen!!!!!! Are you sure you didn't write that?! "...made me realize the depths of human evil and the dark underbelly of human society". Ho-ly S*&@! That f*&^ing rules!!!! "I didn't care. I never obeyed the rules." hahahaha. Is this Raven talking or "The Lost Boy"? "I realized that nothing NOTHING in nature behaved so consistently and rigidly as a human being in pursuit of destruction"...Wow! Just Wow! Hat's Off! Round Of Applause!!! GAAAAAAAAAAME OVAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!! --Think Safety 02:11, 28 March 2007 (UTC)

[edit] Lack Pack Lackeys

I started a new section it's right after the Lack Pack section. It's called THEY WISH They Were In The Lack Pack. It's all about the people who have had run-ins with The Kliq Of Digimons at one time or another, but either don't deserve to be or don't have a reason to be in The Lack Pack. Right now I got Matt from Miami and "Boxer Boy". Let me know if you think of anybody else who deserves this "honor". I'm thinking about adding Mike and maybe Adam, but I don't know. Wait! I think I just thought of a third member!!!! Jeff! W.! (I'll be respectful and not use his last name.) See ya tomorrow "OWO 4 Life". --Think Safety 04:45, 28 March 2007 (UTC)

[edit] 1:34 AM

Just thought that I would write some ramblings before I try to go to sleep. That was a truly hilarious scene at the bench when I introduced you, all we needed was some college kid to come up to us and say and I quote "Purple Rain sucked", because I would have kicked his a** and screamed in his face, this movie rules!!!! (in similar MOOOOOOON! fashion). I'm about to read the wannabe Lackeys, I think you about covered this section, but if I think of anybody I tell you. PS: Vice City update, 53%, 100 packages, and just got done with SunShine Autos. And one more thing, I wish I knew the d***slap who came up with the idea of putting the Rhino and Hunter in the f****** army base, if I did I would kick him right in the diddley! Well, another absurdly long post, oh well, see ya tomorrow. Quote the Raven Nevermore.OWO 4 Life 05:45, 28 March 2007 (UTC)


Its a nice 8:15 in the morning, and before I go to my rock n roll class, I want to make some comments about the Mene Gene quotes when he interviews Larry Zybsko and then Hall and Syxx come out. I watched it again last night and besides the hilarious "Right Here!" and creepy smile by Mene Gene there are more funny things:

1. When Hall and Syxx come out, Hall says something like I want throw one up to San Dog (San Deigo) and then Mene Gene actually starts explaining what Halls doing by saying something like "He trying to get over with the local crowd here" and in the process interrupting Scott.

2. When Larry wants Scott Hall and Syxx to get in the ring, Mene Gene says something like "As they say on the game show COOOOME ON DOWN!!!"

3. And when the NWO theme starts playing it takes both Mene Gene and Larry a while to notice (In M. Bison voice, I guess you didn't hear that did you, hah, (covering my hear with a disgusted look on my face).

My post just keep getting longer and longer, oh well see ya on the bench.OWO 4 Life 12:25, 29 March 2007 (UTC)


I just got back from rock n roll class (and speaking of that we watched performances by Earth, Wind, and Fire, and Metallica, yeah because they go together) and before I go play Vice City, I just gotta ask one thing to society in general, WHY? WHY DO THEY STILL CALL ME A WARLORD?

I challenging Guile, right now, to a six-sided steel cage match, SHADOLOO IS AS GOOD AS MINE!OWO 4 Life 14:57, 29 March 2007 (UTC)

[edit] "WHAT IS THAT!??"

I just watched another Raven promo of pure genius from the 11/10/97 Nitro from ICON. Its is the beginnings of the flock because Van Hammer is in the ring with him and looks a little "weird", well that would be an understatement, and Perry Saturn is also in the ring. A hilarious quote with Tony Shiavone saying "I can see why" during Raven's promo, what a d***. And for no apparent reason there is some lame Goldberg/Mongo super bowl ring storyline or something that comes after it, what a couple of jocka****!OWO 4 Life 15:24, 29 March 2007 (UTC)

[edit] I'm Seriously M.I.A.

Where the hell have I been? I was supposed to call you like 2 1/2 hours ago. Sorry about that, last second unfinished (and forgotten) Excel Assignments are a b*&^^!!! Anyway, to quote Mean Gene, "As they say on that game show, Come On Down!"

PS: Dan's on death watch until 10:00 pm...Yikes! I guess BWO Night 3 will have to wait...Nah, we can just have it at midnight. I sure as hell won't be asleep. --Think Safety 00:35, 30 March 2007 (UTC)

[edit] Raven Is My Idol!!!!!

I just watched the Raven promo...That was too f^%$in' funny!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

To steal a page from your book, here's my comments:

1.) Can the fans please shut the f*&^ up?!!! The whole first minute is pure incoherent noise [Sean "Sugar Daddy" Dawkins: Could you for just one second?]

2.) Raven: "I had an abusive childhood..." Tony: "I can see why."

What an a^%h*&^!

3.) Raven: "all the freaks, mutants, misfits, the disenfranchised, the hopeless, the unwanted,..."

Bravo Mr. Raven. Bra-vo.

4.) Tony: "What Is That?"

And then he says it again, as if we didn't catch it the first time.

5.) Larry: "I Don't know. He can use some mothballs."

[Sean "Sugar Daddy" Dawkins: What?]

6.) Larry: "What's he got in his shirt?"

First off, you can't have something "in" your shirt. Second, it's a nipple ring...which would be ON his chest, not "in" anything. Well, maybe "in" his nipple, but definitely not his shirt.

By the way,...Is that Buffalo Bill?...or Goldust. --Think Safety 00:54, 30 March 2007 (UTC)

[edit] Ring The F&^%ing Bell!!!!!!

Here Ye! Here Ye! The Backlash 2000 Section has been completed!!!!!! All those that wish to, may read at their own risk. Warning!: Excessive reading of this section may cause an overpowering desire to spit in Dan's face...and then punch him in the eye. --Think Safety 19:07, 1 April 2007 (UTC)

[edit] Jennifer Sighting!!

I was riding down the street at about 1:00 pm to go get a Camel Rider sandwich and at the apartment complexes in that area, I saw a girl walking her dog and suddenly realized that is Jennifer! It was from a distance, but I'm about 95% sure it was her (usually I can instantly recognize a girl, What??), and she was smoking a cigarette (hmmm, I didn't know that, I wonder what else she hides from me). Anyway, I hurried up and got my sandwich, but when I drove by the apartments, she wasn't out there, but!! if she was I would have probably drove in there to talk to her and ask her where she has been for the last five months now! The saga continues!

Well, see ya later, and good luck with the frat boy study group, you should tell them, "If you f*** this up and I miss the Yankees game, I will kill you, and tell them, "I have to fight a depressed behemoth for ownership of the DWO, so hurry this study s*** up!!

Meanwhile I'm about to go to class and well not pay atention of course, but think about how I'm going to ask you know who if that was her boyfriend because I better work my way up to that question or its going to leave me nowhere to go. And why I'm on the subject, I think tomorrow in my rock class I'm going to get up in the middle of the hip hop video and yell "South Bronx the South South Bronx" and then start break dancing in the middle of the aisle way.OWO 4 Life 18:00, 2 April 2007 (UTC)

[edit] Never Mind the Bollocks, its the Behemoth!

Well I checked my syllabus and tomorrow is the video on punk, so I'll break dance next week. Tomorrow I'll spike my hair up and call myself Bryan Vicious and tell Amanda to call herself Nancy, not that she will know who that is.OWO 4 Life 00:59, 3 April 2007 (UTC)

[edit] WWE's ECW One Night Stand

Well, during my last post, Raw came on, and I decided to check the live events schedule for WWE, and to my surprise they will be here in Jacksonville on Sunday June 3rd, but what is even more amazing is it will be One Night Stand. I checked tickets and they are already going on sale April 7th, (well, good job on WWE advertising this because I have seen 0 commercials for it.) The ticket prices range from $150, 75, 50, 35, and 20. For $150 dollars I better have Terry Funk, Sandman, Sabu, or any other real ECW wrestler to throw a fireball in my face! It also states this will be the first pay-per-view in Jacksonville. (WCW Greed just called me and said that is bulls***!! I should wear a huge Paul Heyman picture T-shirt to the show.OWO 4 Life 01:10, 3 April 2007 (UTC)

[edit] Raw shenigans

Vince McMahon just came out on Raw, with whats looks like a brown Stetson hat on his head. He said his physican surgically implanted the hat on his head until his hair grows back, and he says it's because, "I have more testerone running through me than an all male jailhouse." Then Bobby Lashley came out and knocked the hat off his head so Vince ran by the announcer's table and put on Jerry Lawler's crown, Bobby knocked that off, then he put on JR's hat, Bobby knocked that off, then he ran under the ring, Bobby put him back in the ring, then it got really creepy, Vince ran under Lilian Garcia's dress, and then Bobby ripped her dress off (becuase apparently its ok to do that, even if its a face nonetheless) then Vince ran out of the ring and ran up the aisle way. The whole thing was absurd, but pretty funny. Plus there was a vignette with Vince before all of this, that was funny, but that would be another absurdly long story in itself.OWO 4 Life 02:12, 3 April 2007 (UTC)

[edit] IT HAS BEGUN!

And one more thing, the beginnings of the Behemoth's Principles (not the real name, because well I don't think I could say that on Wikipedia.) is finished, there are fourteen so far. Be there on the bench to get the insight into the mind of the Behemoth, or if your wise you will run the opposite way as fast as you can and bring anybody you see with you, well see ya on the bench.OWO 4 Life 02:19, 3 April 2007 (UTC)

[edit] Meltzer's Rants are back

A hilarious quote from the legendary Dave Meltzer "The first WWE game in Nintendo's motion sensored system, in early development, has things like if you want to do a power bomb, you actually motion for a power bomb, to do a crotch chop, you do a crotch chop. And if you want to sell like the Great Khali, then make sure you never went to wrestling school."OWO 4 Life 02:19, 4 April 2007 (UTC)

[edit] Done...For Now

I finished the Kryptonite of The Kliq section. That is...minus about 100 of CJ's groups, but I can't remember anymore. Anyway, check it out. Particularly the Coney Island Islanders's pretty ridiculous.

PS: I can see it now...

Saturday Night. At The Baseball Grounds. Nolan Ryan Throwback Jersey Night. Bottom Of The Ninth. Score 3-2, The Suns Are Losing. Bases Loaded, 2 Out. The Count, 3 Balls-2 Strikes. The Pitch. Called Strike Three.

My Dad: What the hell was that call?!

You: Yeah. What the hell was that?

My Dad: (Turns and looks at you.) That was a ball.

You: Yeah.

My Dad: What was he looking at?

You: I don't know.

My Dad: Oh well. It was a good game.

You: Yeah...(Overly excited.)CLOSE!

We leave the ballpark to the sounds of SpongeBob SquarePants...No, I'm serious. They play it every time for that ridiculous "Tennis Ball Toss".

Wow, that was a long "PS". --Think Safety 23:36, 5 April 2007 (UTC)

[edit] Vice City Glitches Stories To The Max

This is the worst one yet.

I've been trying to play it for the last 15 minutes.

1st Try: I skip the opening screen.

2nd Try: Ditto Molly.

3rd Try: This time I let the movie run for a while then...this wierd "Loading..." appears on the screen and....nothing.

4th Try: I let the whole movie play...again the weird "Loading..." and nothing. Wait! As I'm typing this, it just went back to a load screen with a drawing on it and...back to the weird "Loading..." hmm...Guess I won't be playing Vice City Stories. --Think Safety 23:36, 5 April 2007 (UTC)

[edit] The Behemoth's Depression Levels

Vice City Glitch stories, the legend continues, anyway I'm now going to reveal the new Behemoth Depression Level Simon system. There are a number of colors of the stages of the depression, so here we go

5. Green- The lowest level of depression, when for short periods of time I actually feel, well, whats the word I'm looking for, oh yeah, happy. (These usually don't last that long though.)

4. Blue- Just a feeling of overall boredom, with nothing to look for on the horizon.

3. Yellow- This is when hope really takes a turn for the worse. Motivation is non-existent and waves of sadness begin to take their toll on you.

2. Red- This is an extremely painful level, so just imagine what #1 will feel like. The waves of sadness in #3 turn into 20 foot tidal waves of sadness. At this point you get a burning emptiness inside you, and loneliness is something you cannot escape.

Drum roll please 1. Black- Take #2 and times it by 10 and you get this pure pain and agony. This level is so painful it is hard to describe in words. This is when you have just no hope what so ever for the future. The feelings of sadness, loneliness, and anxiety are all taking a toll at one time. I still don't know if I did the black level justice, but there it is, the five levels of the Behemoth's depression.

PS: Right now its between the level green and blue, for me, that is actually good right now.OWO 4 Life 04:33, 6 April 2007 (UTC)

[edit] Dave Meltzer has a speedy delivery!!

"Chris Kanyon announces retirement"

"Chris Klucsaritis aka Kanyon announced today on his Myspace account that he was retiring from pro wrestling effective today."

"Today marked the 15th anniversary of his pro debut on April 5, 1992 in Levittown, NY. He said he will announce his non-wrestling plans for his future Wednesday on the Howard Stern show."

Who Bettah than Kanyon. (thats me talking here not Dave Meltzer)OWO 4 Life 04:37, 6 April 2007 (UTC)

[edit] Live! From The Bryan Show Studios!...The...Bryan...Show...

Since CJ's on DeathWatch till Midnight...Yikes! (That "Yikes!" is for CJ working till midnight...and the fact that I just typed "DeathWatch" on Wikipedia.) Anyway, since him not being here kind of messes up the rest of WrestleMania...I've devised an all-star line-up for the next episode of The Bryan Show!!!!!

Up first. Straight out of a time warp! "EARLY 90s Joey". (This is a sequel to "Mid-90s Joey" that I did about 6 months ago, but I don't think you were there to see that.)

And, the main event of the evening...If we don't piss him off and say that he's an auto mechanic. The only man, other than maybe Fidel Castro, to be banned from MTV...The Diceman. Andrew Dice Clay! (Actually, mainstream society's so warped, they'd probably be more than happy to give Fidel Castro a reality show.)

PS #1: "The Behemoth's Depression Levels". Nice Touch. ...I was just wondering, is this you talking or am I learning about this in 9th grade health class. I mean, that's quite elaborate. It seems like that should be in a health dictionary or something.

PS #2: Kanyon's retiring?!...Wait. Retiring from what? I mean, has the guy done anything the last 6 years? ...Other than coming out of a box and singing to The Big Show...while wearing a dress. Oh! And holding up signs at WWE House Shows. Plus, the whole "coming out of the closet thing"...and then being mocked on the Howard Stern Show. ...Actually, he's been quite busy...just not in the ring.

[edit] Billy likes Soooda

The Diceman and early 90's Joey will be a Bryan Show classic. The Diceman will make absurd jokes, and early 90's Joey won't understand any of them because he will be like seven years old.OWO 4 Life 01:57, 7 April 2007 (UTC)

[edit] FOR ME FOR G'S

If it isn't the Old boys of DIGIMONS....They're only 26, 28, 29, and 30 years old respectively. WOW that is some passion (if you wanna call it that)....Well it looks like business just picked up on Wikipedia.....HOLLYWOOD ANONYMOUS (anonymous because anything closely resembling my real name could ruin my life) IS HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hollywood Anonymous 03:53, 7 April 2007

[edit] Hollywood Anonymous, the man, the myth, the legend

HOLLYWOOD ANONYMOUS!!!! Is this who I think it is, or is this a rib by Think Safety? By the way I'm not 30, I'm 65. DWO 4 Life!!!!!!OWO 4 Life 04:06, 7 April 2007 (UTC)

[edit] One Night Stand, the greatest thing since WCW Greed

Hey Hollywood Anonymous, we are going to get One Night Stand tickets tomorrow, which is the first day they go on sale.OWO 4 Life 04:11, 7 April 2007 (UTC)

[edit] Vice City

In Vice City I have 99% done, but I don't know what is left, my anger level is rising very quickly!OWO 4 Life 04:12, 7 April 2007 (UTC)


What price tickets are you getting? make sure they're good. You know it is raw, smackdown, and ecw right? Hollywood Anonymous 04:16, 7 April 2007 (UTC) Hollywood Eric

[edit] We're taking over!

Tickets are from 150, 75, 50, 35, and 20. I guess will get the 35 dollar ones. For 150 dollars, RVD should 5-star frog splash me from the turnbuckle to the crowd.OWO 4 Life 05:41, 7 April 2007 (UTC)

[edit] WWE ONE NIGHT STAND (what the hell?)

Make sure you get my ticket rookie biatch....Call me tomorrow when you go Hollywood Anonymous 06:07, 7 April 2007 (UTC)

[edit] Im in GTA 100% Heaven right now!

Its 2:23 AM, and MY DREAM HAS COME TRUE! I've have gotten 100% in Vice City. The GTA Fab Five have been finally completed by yours truly! GAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAME OVAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!! ( In Bison's intercom women voice: Target Destroyed). I can now go to sleep, Goodnight everybody!OWO 4 Life 06:28, 7 April 2007 (UTC)