User:Think Safety

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[edit] Digimon Wrestling

First you got to know…what a crumpet is before you know what cricket is...Sorry, that was from Turtles…

Anyway, first you got to know what a Digimon is before you know what Digimon Wrestling is. Digimons are fighting Tamagotchis, both of which are made by Bandai. Digimons came to the U.S. in 1997, and me and my friends first bought them in 1998. We used them to fight for championships, which were based off of real-life wrestling titles.

In order to be even more realistic, we created an organization to compete in, "Digimons" or "Digimon Wrestling". Digimon Wrestling has gone through numerous evolutions. This is its history.

The names have been kept to embarrass the competitors. The stories are all true...Sadly, I'm not kidding. Digimons. (Cue the Dragnet Theme.)

[edit] Main Companies of Digimons

Digimon Parent Companies

Company Timeframe
DWCW May 1998 - February 2000
DWWF February 2000 - July 5, 2003
DWWE March 20, 2004 - Present

[edit] The "Other" Companies In Digimons

Digimon Sub-Companies

Company Timeframe
DWWF Mid-Late 1998 - Beginning of 1999; Early-Mid 1999 - February 2000
DJWCW Late 1998 - Beginning of 1999; Early-Mid 1999 - February 2000
DMWCW Beginning of 1999
DIWCW Beginning of 1999
DWO/HWO Beginning of 1999
HCW-HWF Two Weeks in February 2000
DWCW InVasion June 2001 - September 1, 2001
NYDF July 2001 - September 1, 2001
DECW July 2001 - August 2001
DNWA July 2002 - July 5, 2003
DWCW August 2002 - July 5, 2003
EWW October 2002 - July 5, 2003
DAWA February 2003 - July 5, 2003
Extreme T.V. July 21, 2005 - March 28, 2006

[edit] All-Time D.W.O. Roster

Digimon World Order (Black & White)

Name Persona(s)
Dan Syxx Pac/Scott Hall/Syxx Pac
Joe Scott Hall/No Persona
CJ Macho Man Randy Savage/Bret Hart
Eric Hollywood Hogan
Bryan Kevin Nash/The Giant/Kevin Nash
EJ Eric Bischoff

[edit] All-Time D.W.O. Ultimatepac Roster

Digimon World Order (Green & Yellow) Ultimatepac

Name Digimon Symbol(s)
Joe Slasher Dual-Colored Single Slash Mark
Rampage II Dual-Colored Star/"BANG" with a Cloud of Smoke
(Mr. Doggo) Crusher Crushed Warehouses (Dual-Colored Bone)
Psycho Knife
Chucky Chucky’s Face
Rampage III “BOOM” with a Cloud of Smoke
Sniper Sniper Rifle
Rampage IV "R4"
Brooklynite Brooklyn Dodger "B"
Señoir Perfecto Thumbs Up/"Soy Perfecto!"
Raw Sewage Pipe Emptying Raw Sewage
CJ Vicious Diamond
Riper Emerald
Eric (ALL) Skull/Wolf Head
Dan (ALL) Skull
Bryan Just Too Sweet Just Too Sweet Hand Sign
Syxx-Pac Six Ball
EJ* Easy-E [No Official Symbol(s)]
[Even I don't remember EJ's 2nd digimon's name.] [No Official Symbol(s)]

*Well, technically anyway. I mean, EJ was never officially brought into the DWO Ultimatepac, but during the times that Eric was a member of the Ultimatepac, if EJ was ever around, then EJ would have been in the Ultimatepac, simply as a result of Eric's membership. Don't believe me? Than I've got two words for ya!!!! No not those two words. Two words that a wise man named Bryan once wrote in a very funny interview, "GO!!!! E-RIC!!!!".

[edit] All-Time D.W.O. Dark Knights Roster

Digimon World Order (Brown & Black) Dark Knights


[edit] All-Time D.W.O. Wölfpac Roster

Digimon World Order (Red & Black) Wölfpac


[edit] All-Time D.W.O. DarkWolf Roster

Digimon World Order DarkWolf


[edit] All-Time DX Roster

D-Generation X

Name Persona(s)
Bryan Triple H
Joe Road Dogg
Dan X-Pac
Eric No Persona
CJ Shawn Michaels
Katie No Persona
Jenny No Persona

[edit] All-Time Dogg Squad Roster

The Dogg Squad

Mr. Doggo

[edit] All-Time Kliq Roster

The Kliq


[edit] Digimons

As I have tried to talk about time and time again, Digimons is an organization that me and my friends started on May 10, 1998 and have continued up to, most recently, 2/23/07. It started out as Digimon World Championship Wrestling (DWCW) in May 1998, was reorganized as the Digimon World Wrestling Federation (DWWF) in February 2000, and later restarted as Digimon World Wrestling Entertainment (DWWE) in March 2004. I would like to write an article on the history of Digimons covering everything from the parent companies, to the individual championship lineages, to each member's biography; but all three times my article has been deleted. In response, I decided to use my User Page to, at least, introduce Digimons and give everyone a taste of the interesting yet entertaining company/club that me and my friends have assembled over the better part of a decade.

[edit] Origins

Digimons, what would later officially become Digimon World Championship Wrestling, started on Mother's Day: May 10, 1998. Weird right. Well, you see the two founding members were actually out buying flowers for their mother and grandmother like normal people, however, unlike normal people, they got their father to stop at their local toy store and purchase them each a digimon.

Joe would choose a clear green digimon, which he named Slasher. Joe thought that "Slasher" would be an ideal name for a fighting virtual pet such as a digimon.

Dan chose a clear blue digimon, and named it Killer. Again, the name was perfect for a digimon. "Killer" instills a genuine feeling of aggression, perfect for digimon competition.

On there way home from the toy store is when they stopped to get flowers. When they returned to the car with the flowers, Dan pulled the tab out of his digimon (Despite Joe telling him to wait 'til they got home so they can make more of a ceremony out of it.), thus bringing the first digimon, of what would become DWCW, to life.

[edit] Early Days of DWCW

In the early going of Digimons Joe and Dan simply "fought for the sake of fighting" since they had countless matches with nothing but bragging rights hanging in the balance. (Well, I'm sorry to here that.)

Then, Joe and Dan began to brainstorm. (That's a scary thought.) What if they created a company? What if they created titles to fight for? What if they got so serious about it they threatened live executions?...Okay, so that last one was a little much...but not by that much.

Finally, on one faithful day in mid May '98 Digimon World Championship Wrestling (DWCW) was born. DWCW was obviously inspired by the real-life wrestling promotion World Championship Wrestling (WCW) (Well, I think that's obvious.), which Joe and Dan were obsessed with at the time. (That's an understatement.)

DWCW would have championship belts that would be inspired by WCW as well. Joe and Dan decided that they would each pick a belt out of the four possible singles titles, in a draft sort of way. First, they fought a match to decide who would get the first pick, which Joe won. (Which would be rendered useless by Joe's absurd actions.) However, Joe waved-off the obvious choice of the DWCW World Heavyweight Title, citing that Dan's digimon was older then his and, therefore, should be World Champ. Joe then chose the DWCW World Television Championship as the belt he would start with. Why, you ask. Well, Joe's what you'd call a little slow. Just kissing...but seriously, the kid's not playing with a full deck. Okay, for real this time. He chose this title because at the time Booker T, who Joe was obsessed with (See a pattern?), was the WCW TV Champion. Dan then was officially awarded the DWCW World Heavyweight Championship.

Even with this new company with actual belts to fight for, Joe and Dan continued to fight what became known as "% matches", since nothing was on the line except the chance to improve your digimon's winning percentage. In other words, they started a company and brought belts in for nothing...absolutely no reason at all...Survey Says, Joe and Dan are retarded.

It wasn't until one faithful day when they participated in the now infamous Title VS Title match, a.k.a. "The Defense", when for one match, and one match only, a belt was actually defended. Actually two, amazingly enough.

[edit] "The Defense"

"The Defense" is the name given to the very first match in Digimon History to have a title at stake. (Gee, and it took just a shade under a decade.) Actually, it was the first ever Title VS Title match in history as well, since it was not only for Dan's DWCW World Title but for Joe's DWCW TV Title too.

This match, though groundbreaking and historical, was devoured by controversy. (Basically, it holds no credibility in the annals of time.) The match itself went off without a hitch, but after Joe secured the victory and appeared to have won the DWCW World Championship...all hell broke loose. Dan became unbelievably pissed-off and disappointed. So Joe being the older brother, and probably too sympathetic for his own good, put on an Academy Award winning act of a lifetime stating that "I lost too. It must have been a tie". Dan was convinced, whether for real or just because it meant that he would still be the DWCW Champ (Probably the latter.), and became happy once again.

Joe didn't tell Dan that he had lied until months later. This is because it would have caused an argument of mythic proportions. Anyway, prior to that, the match was considered a "DRAW" with both men retaining their respective titles.

This match had major repercussions on the sprouting company. There would be no more title matches for nearly a month. (Hmm...'cause that's so good for the company.) Until, that is, the "Supermarket Showdown".

[edit] The DWO

At this time I want to talk about the concept of factions in Digimons. We took the idea of a stable to a whole new level. (You ain't kiddin'.) Where as in real-life wrestling factions are a part of the company, in Digimons the company is at the mercy of the faction. Let me explain.

The first ever faction in Digimon History was the Digimon World Order Black & White (DWO Black & White). This was entirely influenced by the WCW faction the new World order Black & White (nWo Black & White). (No s@##! Ya think?) The whole reason Joe and Dan got into wrestling in the first place was because of the nWo. So naturally when it came time to create a company and a faction to be within that company, Dan created the DWO, sometimes referred to as the Dan World Order since he is the creator and leader, but not's just referred to as that to save us the embarrassment of saying "Digimon" World Order...

When it came to being a member of the DWO a few rules were set. Dan was in charge, a la Hollywood Hogan, and each person needed to take on a "DWO persona". Furthermore, each of your individual digimons needed to have a DWO persona. If not you would be prosecuted to the full extent of the law...just kidding...but I'm not.

Joe and Dan took on the personas of their favorite wrestlers respectively. Joe was Scott Hall and Dan was Syxx Pac. They used these personas for their digimons as well (Slasher=Hall, Killer=Syxx).

The DWO also developed catch phrases...Well, more like blatantly took the catch phrases of the nWo. "DWO 4 Life" & "Just Too Sweet" just to name a few. Going along with the nWo theme, the DWO began to use the hand signal of the nWo (Pinky and Index Finger pointed upward, with Middle and Ring Fingers outstretched touching your outstretched Thumb).

An original theme song would later be incorporated (That would be Jimi Hendrix's Purple Haze.), but for now the nWo Theme served as the DWO's original theme song.

[edit] The Third Man

Hulk Hogan? No CJ, Joe and Dan's cousin. In late May, CJ joined DWCW with his newly purchased clear white digimon, Vicious, once again a violent name for a fighting virtual pet.

CJ was given the option to choose a belt as his own, so he chose the DWCW United States Heavyweight Championship, as it was the highest ranking belt left as an option.

Within a few days of joining CJ would buy another digimon. This time it was a solid gray/blue digimon that he named Riper, also a fierce name suitable for a digimon. Riper was awarded the DWCW World Cruiserweight Championship, since it was the fourth and final singles title available. You see, since WCW only had four singles titles at the time, so did DWCW.

At this point, you may be wondering why CJ was given a second title for his second digimon. Well, that's because back then the actual digimon was considered to be champion not the person. For example, Joe was not DWCW TV Champ, Slasher was; and Dan wasn't DWCW World Champ, Killer was; and so on and so on. According to the Digimon Bylaws (Sure they exist.) the actual digimon that won the belt had to defend it, however this rule would quickly be phased-out as everyone and their mother started to have multiple digimons, and, when it came time for the belt to be defended, everyone just used whichever one of their guys was available. Since the individual digimons could be interchanged to defend any given championship, no matter which digimon actually won the belt, this left the person as the only constant in the equation. Therefore, we began being recognized as champion rather than the digimon itself.

Anyway, back to CJ, since he is after all the point of this section. So, after joining DWCW, CJ, of course, joined the DWO, as was the requirement to be a part of Digimons. For the DWO, he took on the persona of Macho Man Randy Savage. Later, he would switch to Bret Hart.

CJ would soon become a part of Digimon Lore, by becoming the first person in Digimon History to get a digimon by doing the tab.

[edit] The Ultimatepac

(Sigh) The DWO Ultimatepac, Home Sweet Home. Huh? What?...Another one of these daydreams and I'm gonna have an orgasm. Can I say that on Wikipedia?...Anyway...the Ultimatepac. This, Masterpiece!, is a revolutionary force in Digimon History. Prior to the DWO Ultimatepac no one (And I mean no one!) ever, EVER, even thought of breaking the ranks of the DWO Black & White, but due to Dan's politics Joe was left with no other choice.

Here's how it all went down. By now you know that it was written in blood that everyone must be in the DWO. They also must have a persona representing one of the nWo members. So, Dan was Syxx-Pac and Joe was Scott Hall and all was peachy. That is, until Dan decided that he wanted to be Scott Hall. (Don't ask me why.) So, because Dan was the boss and the DWO was a government of Dan, by Dan, for Dan, Joe was given an ultimatum. Scratch that. An ultimatum involves a choice, and, for Joe, there was no choice. Dan demanded that he vacate the character of Scott Hall and pick a new character. If not, he would be kicked out of the DWO and, vicariously, Digimons all together.

Given this blunt order, Joe was infuriated to say the least. For the time being, Joe had no options, so he lost the rights to the persona Scott Hall, and, by default, took his second digimon's persona of Dennis Rodman. (Yes the basketball player. Sadly, he was a nWo member. Then again who wasn't? I'm lookin' at you Vincent, Bret Hart, Jeff Jarrett...Scott Norton...and it goes on like this!) This would not last long.

Within a day or so, Joe hatched the most unthinkable plan. He would break the golden rule of Digimons: To be in Digimons is to be in the DWO. Joe, amidst much controversy, would form his own rival DWO faction. This was unheard of and damn near unfathomable, however, it would turn out to be the most influential move in Digimon History.

The DWO that Joe created was the Digimon World Order Green & Yellow. Why "Green & Yellow"? Because those were the colors of Joe's two digimons, Slasher was Green and Rampage II was Yellow. (Joe's digimon Rampage II was named after his old bike "Rampage", hence the "II" part.)

The name of this faction of the DWO would be the Ultimatepac. Why? Well, obviously the "pac" part comes from the WCW's "Wölfpac", as Joe made sure to point out, the "Original, REAL Wölfpac of Hall, Nash, and Syxx-Pac, not the nWo Red & Black Wölfpac." The "Ultimate" component comes from Digimons itself, since the highest level of a digimon is the "Ultimate Stage". (In case you were wondering why Joe didn't just create the DWO Wölfpac and follow WCW's lead, it's because we all considered the nWo Wölfpac to be the "Fake Wölfpac" and quote gay.)

Joe furthered his revolt against Dan by proceeding to make the first ever shirt in Digimons History, when he made his original DWO Ultimatepac T-Shirt so that he could fly his colors. Joe also developed all the other parts of his new faction. He created a brand-new Ultimatepac hand signal by modifying the nWo/DWO's hand sign. (The Ultimatepac hand signal consists of an upright Pinky and Index Finger, just like its DWO predecessor, but varies from there. Rather than an outstretched Middle and Ring Finger like the DWO's sign, the Ultimatepac's calls for a folded over Middle and Ring Finger, encompassing a folded-inward Thumb.)

Joe also coined catch phrases and sayings for his revolutionary group:

"Rebel With Out A Cause" stating that he didn’t need a reason to go against the grain. Though the Ultimatepac actually had a reason, Joe was fed up with Dan's greed and corruption, specifically Dan stealing the persona of Scott Hall. (By the way, at the time Joe was not aware of the James Dean movie by the same name. He would realize that irony later on.)

• The rarely used, "Two Words For Ya, Kick Ass!". This was obviously taken from the WWF's D-Generation X, the faction that would eventually draw us to WWF in late 1999, early 2000.

• The ever popular calling card of "U! P! Y!" or "Ultimatepac Ya!". This would become the exclamation point to many a U-Pac Promo.

"Kickin' Ass Since '98", which is proudly displayed on the back of Joe's current Ultimatepac T-shirt. This obviously references the year of the Ultimatepac's inception and it's original catch phrase, "Two Words For Ya, Kick Ass".

• And, of course, the Ultimatepac's answer to the DWO's "4 Life", "4 Digimons", basically stating that the Ultimatepac was all about Digimons, rather than a corrupt pecking order, like the one evident in the DWO. I'm looking at you Dan and Eric. I've been waitin' 15 mother$%@#&*@ years to get in the World Title picture! God Damn It!...Sorry. I was having flashbacks there.

Besides all that, Joe needed a theme song and since the nWo Theme was off limits, and the Wölfpac theme was labeled "gay", Joe decided to use Razor Ramon's Theme as the theme of the DWO Ultimatepac in its infant days. Later Joe would adopt Jimi Hendrix's "Fire" as the now recognizable theme of the Ultimatepac.

The Ultimatepac was the original rival faction. Without them, there’d be no DWO Wölfpac, no DWO Dark Knights, no DWO DarkWolf!, no nothing! Just as the DWO played a key role in the founding of Digimons and DWCW, the DWO Ultimatepac played a key role in the progress and growth of Digimons and DWCW. ULTIMATEPAC YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!

[edit] The Tab

The most influential code in Digimon History. The Tab Code. For several weeks it had been "the Giant Squid of Digimons". (Ready To Rumble -Style: What?) We knew it was out there but we could never see it first hand. (Oh...Still, What?)

Then on one faithful day (I sure like to use "on faithful day" alot don't I?), CJ decided to try out the Tab Code to prove once and for all if it was possible or not. With amazing determination, his efforts finally paid off in a parking lot at a local fast food joint. (Did I jut say "joint"?) CJ had just gotten the first ever digimon with the tab, and it was the first ever Teddymon ever, tab or raised.

Shortly after, he arrived at Joe and Dan's house and informed them of the news and proceeded to repeat the feat with Slasher and Killer creating a triad that was unthinkable just hours earlier.

This improved competition, by creating an option for someone to be able to get whatever digimon they wanted. Also, the tab allowed for digimons to be able to fight right from day one, rather than having to wait two days for a Rookie and five for a Champion.

"Doing The Tab" became the only way any one of us got a guy. Tab Digimons were better than Raised Digimons in all aspects. They could fight right away, we could get whatever guy we wanted, they could fight more battles, they would never die from fighting too many battles, and they were considerably more victorious than Raised Digimons. All that, along with continued perfection of digimon care, has led to unprecedented success in Digimons.

P.S. To whatever moron typed the "Digimon virtual pet" article, the Tab Code does not "break your digimon". That is the most absurd, false statement that I've ever heard since Mike Piazza saying that he's not gay.

[edit] "Supermarket Showdown"

The "Supermarket Showdown" is when title matches made a triumphant, and permanent, return to Digimons. While out shopping with CJ's mom, Joe, Dan, and CJ began to defend their respective titles left and right. Up and down the isles they went, belts changing hands all the way. Vince Russo would be so proud. Seriously though, Vince Russo couldn't have written a worst storyline if he tried...obviously I'm being sarcastic, the man's a moron. Vince Russo couldn't book his way out of a paper bag.

If Digimons had been documented back then as it is today, that would have been about four pages worth of title histories easy, but, since no records were kept, the actual title reigns will forever be unknown. What is known is that all three superstars had owned all four championships at some point during this marathon melee. Actually, I can't even say that with any confidence. So, really nothing is known for sure about this event. Except that it happened and belts changed hands...many a as many times as the WCW World Title changed hands in New-Old WCW.

When it was all said and done, the landscape of Digimons would forever be altered. Now the driving force behind matches became title shots and the art of negotiation took center stage. Basically, we argued for hours on end over what matches to fight.

[edit] Hollywood Eric

Eric became the fourth member of DWCW on July 7, 1998. Eric became the first non-family member to join DWCW, instead he was one of Joe, Dan, and CJ's best friends. You know what, make that "one of Dan and CJ's" best friends and Joe's "only" friend. No, I'm kidding. Joe has TWO friends. Eric...and his older brother Bryan. What can I say, the man has no social life.

Eric had got a solid brown digimon for his birthday, and named him Hollywood after our favorite wrestler "Hollywood" Hogan. (The word "favorite" doesn't even began to describe the cult following we displayed towards Hulk Hogan. Actually, "cult following" sums it up rather nicely.) This was the first digimon name to come from a wrestler despite the fact that Digimons was heavily influenced by wrestling.

Once Eric became a member of DWCW he also became a member of the DWO (Since he had no choice, not that he wanted to choose since we were all brainwashed by Hulk Hogan and the nWo). Anyway, for the DWO, Eric took on the persona of Hollywood Hogan for himself and his digimon.

Since the four WCW singles belts were already accounted for in DWCW, Eric did not receive a title to start with, as had everyone else. (Let the politics begin! Just kidding, we were like 6. We didn't even know what politics were yet.) This would lead to the first Tournament in Digimon History. (In actuality it was a Triangle Match, but the first nonetheless.)

[edit] Bash At The Bowling Alley

In mid July of 1998, the now 4-man DWCW put on an event at a local bowling alley (Okay, so we brought our digimons to a bowling alley and embarrassed ourselves in public.) called Bash At The Bowling Alley. This event was a mix between digimon and bowling matches. Basically, we fought digimons matches in between frames.

Although this was not a full-fledged show ("Full-fledged"? I wouldn't call this "half-fledged!"), it proved to be a major turning point in Digimon History. It was another step towards the incorporation of shows in DWCW. Though it took another year before DWCW put on its first Nitro, Bash At The Bowling Alley is credited as one of the first "shows" in DWCW History. Also, included in the pre-Nitro Era would be the several "shows" where we would write down the matches on a piece of paper and then sign for them...otherwise they weren't "official"...true story.

Bash At The Bowling Alley also served as the inspiration for Eric's older brother Bryan to join DWCW and become the fifth man. Prior to Bash At The Bowling Alley, Bryan not only didn't take part in digimons...he despised them. Boy, things sure have changed since '98. Now Bryan is 85 and still having digimons. Just kidding, the man is a rambunctious 65-year old. But more on the "Benevolent Behemoth" later. Right now I'm suppose to be talking about Bash At The Bowling Alley.

Though Bash At The Bowling Alley wasn't a smash-hit with the DWCW audience (What am I talking about?), the DWCW wrestlers ate that s*** up! They always teased of putting on a sequel, but that never materialized...until, that is, 2006. No, that's not a typo. 8 years after the original, the DWWE put on a sequel to Bash At the Bowling Alley, the aptly named Bash at The Bowling Alley 2006. You wanna talk about embarrassment? Just picture four geriatrics bowling for digimon belts. More on that debacle later...when I finally start talking about events that have occurred in this millennium.

[edit] The Birth Of The Behemoth

The Behemoth Bryan purchased a digimon and joined DWCW a few weeks after Bash At The Bowling Alley. His digimon was a clear blue one, which he named Kevin Nash. (What a shock.) This was, of course, in honor of his favorite wrestler Kevin Nash. (Again, "favorite" doesn't even scratch the surface.)

After becoming a part of DWCW, Bryan joined the DWO (Since it was basically a law.). For the DWO Bryan took on the persona of Kevin Nash for both himself and his digimon, again because that was his favorite wrestler. (And, again, the word "favorite", to quote Hulk Hogan, "doesn't cut the mustard".)

Just like Eric, Bryan was not given a belt to start with. Also by this time Dan had no championships as well. So, in response, we decided to hold its first tournament, in which only Eric, Bryan, and Dan could participate in since they had no belts. This tournament would be for the brand new Digimon World Wrestling Federation (DWWF) World, Intercontinental, and European Championships.

[edit] Early DWCW Gimmick Matches

Though, for the most part, early DWCW had a very serious, professional atmosphere, there were some...How should I put this?...Very..."innovative" matches. ("innovative" = "we are all now stupider for witnessing and/or trying these matches")

Basically, it all started with Dan and Eric. (Huh, what a shocker.) They wanted to compete in never before seen matches. (Well, they succeeded. [Chris Elliot as Nathaniel in Cabin Boy: And how.]) So they decided to create all kinds of ridiculous match types ("ridiculous" doesn't even begin to describe these..."matches", and I use the term loosely.), however, they just used these crazy ideas for % matches, rather than disgrace any championship belts, which they probably would have been fined and suspended for...Well, they would have at least received some nice, legitimate, dead serious heat from the rest of us, anyway. (Basically, I would have punched Dan in the face while Bryan punched Eric in the face.)

Here's a list of these...Vince Russo-worthy matches:

"Sit-Up Match" - This one is a classic.(Yeah, that's it.) Well, was probably used the most at least. Actually, it still pops up and reappears every once in a while. This match calls for the two competitors to "hook-up" and then proceed to...well, do sit-ups until the fight is over. (After reading the name, if you expected more, you should get your head examined.)

"Stair Match" - These match-ups stipulated that the participants "hook-up"...and then run up and down a flight of stairs until the match ends. (Pretty straight forward...and retarded.)

"Throw Your Digimon Down The Stairs Match" - (Actually, I'm not sure what the quote unquote official name of this match type was,'ll get the general idea.) This match type is, basically, a modified "Stair Match". The difference is that instead of running up and down the stairs, one guy stands at the top of the stairs while the other stands at the foot of the stairs...then they toss their fighting digimons back and forth to each other until a winner emerges. (Okay, for this one, just take a moment and picture to kids flipping their digimons up and down the stairs...What's that? Is that a shark I see?...)

"Freeze Your Digimon Match" - The most stupid and dangerous match in Digimon History. Just like all of the previous "innovative" matches, it's exactly how it sounds. Two opponents "hook-up" and then place their digimons in a freezer until the match is over. (No, sadly I'm not kidding. Actually, this match is now outlawed in 12 states...I can't back that up.)

"No One Can See Match" - This match was actually widely accepted and seriously innovative. (No, seriously.) It was a regular physical actions required. The only stipulation was that no one not participating in the match can witness the match itself or, more specifically, the winner. It was first used as a pure gimmick match, but later became a tool for storylines. Most recently at DWWF Judgment Day 2001, where Joe and Dan fought for Joe's DWWF World Heavyweight Championship and the real winner wasn't revealed until the next PPV. (I never said that they were good storylines.)

Now, I'm sure I'm forgetting some other "innovative" matches and modifications, but this basically covers it. Besides, can you really stomach anymore of these high-quality...pieces of s*&^?

[edit] Big Belts

The brainchild of Eric, "big belts" would accompany the already existing "small belts". The small belts would be for the digimons and the big belts would be for us. (The humans that is.)

Anyway, from then on, all championships would be represented by a small belt and a big belt. This practice continued until small belts were phased-out during 1999. From then on only big belts were used. This was partially 'cause small belts were too easy to lose. Also, we started to eat up wrestling more and more and wanted to have big belts so we could mimic the nWo and DX more and more. (If you haven't guessed by now, we eat that s%!$ up!!! Big Time! Big Time!)

Big belts eventually evolved into belts that were actually able to fit around our waist...well, everyone except Bryan that is. I mean, the man's a 10ft., 500 lb. behemoth! When we played basketball it looked like a scene straight outta Billy Madison. Anyway, nowadays belts don't fit anyone...maybe that's a sign that we're getting to old for this s$#@?...Nah.

By the way, as the DWWE's Mr. PC likes to inform everyone these belts we fight for are made out of paper. So, in case you were wondering what we mean by "belts" and how 5 kids at a COMBINED age of 30 could afford "making belts", they're just paper.

Actually, they're quite elaborate works of art, drawn on paper yes, but impressive nonetheless. Nowadays DWWE belts are actually pretty accurately-drawn replicas. Not bad for being made by hand. My dad says tracing's for p&*@ies.

[edit] The DWWF Tournament

By this time in DWCW three superstars held no titles. Eric and Bryan had yet to hold a title all together, and Dan had lost his championships to Joe and CJ.

As a result, it was decided that more belts were needed (And so the seeds were laid to have an excessive amount of belts in digimons.), but with no more real-life WCW singles championships (We hadn't figured out how to do a tag match yet.) to mimic a DWCW belt after we didn't know where to turn to. Then it hit us...create a new company. And thus the Digimon World Wrestling Federation (DWWF) was born.

It was decided that the DWWF would not be its own independent company, but instead a part of DWCW. A tournament for three DWWF championships would be held to kickoff the company. Those three belts would be the DWWF World, Intercontinental, and European Championships. Each of the three belt-less competitors would emerge a champion by tournament's end, with first place receiving the DWWF World Title, the runner-up getting the DWWF Intercontinental Championship, and last place being awarded the DWWF European Title. This would guarantee that all five members of DWCW would have at least one championship to their name, and thus restore a sense of equality between them.

An interesting storyline leading up to the tournament, besides the birth of the DWWF that is, was that Bryan's digimon had died and he needed to do the tab and get a new guy before the tournament could start. So after he wasn't having any luck, he handed his digimon to CJ so he could do the tab for awhile. Then CJ got Bryan the first ever "Suped-Up Digimon". A "Suped-Up Digimon" is a digimon with a glitched-up amount of Energy Pixels. They are only achievable through the tab code and are very rare. The most amazing thing, and what seemed at the time to be the most unfortunate thing, was that this "Suped-Up Digimon" was an Augomon, which was the worst digimon that was capable of fighting. Despite this glaring disadvantage, Bryan decided to go into the tournament with this energy-enhanced Augomon.

So as the tournament got underway, Eric received the bye, and Bryan and Dan were set to square off in the opening bracket. Bryan and his juiced-up Augomon pulled the upset and eliminated Dan, who had a Teddymon by the way. With that win, Bryan was set to meet his brother Eric in the Finals, while Dan became the inaugural DWWF European Champion. (Ah, a first round knockout receives a belt...Vince Russo's wet dream. I mean the guy booked WCW to hell in a hand-basket. What a d@#*!) Eric seemed destined for history, since he and his Teddymon was set to go up against an Augomon, who was on a winning streak having already pulled off an amazing upset. Yet Bryan shocked the Digimon World as he defeated Eric to win the tournament and become the inaugural DWWF World Heavyweight Champion. This left Eric stunned, but at least he was the stunned inaugural DWWF Intercontinental Champion. (The runner-up of a tournament won the IC belt...I'm sure Pat Patterson would be so proud. At least he has the Brooklyn Brawler's shoulder to cry on.)

This tournament not only more than met its purpose to expand Digimons, it launched what would become the most innovative, as well as controversial (Let me tell you.), company in Digimon History, the DWWF.

[edit] Expansion Of The DWWF

The DWWF continued to grow after this initial three-belt tournament. First the fourth WWF singles title was added, the DWWF World Light-Heavyweight Championship. (This would be the first time that the Digimon Version of the belt was actually more valuable than the Real-Life Version.)

The DWWF Light Title would spend its entire existence feuding with other championships. (Where as the WWF's Light Title spent its entire existence M.I.A.) Some of the most notable feuds include: Light VS DWCW Cruiser (All 40 Versions of the Cruiser Title that is.), Light VS European, Light VS DWCW Syxx-Pac (Yes, we had a title in honor of Sean Waltman a.k.a. Syxx-Pac.), and later Light VS DWWF X-Pac (Again, yes, we had a X-Pac Title). By the way the Syxx-Pac and X-Pac Titles were "Heavyweights"...I'm serious.)

In addition to the Light-Heavyweight, the DWWF gained a fifth championship that would prove to stand the test of time and become the defining championship of the Late 1998-Early 1999 era of Digimons. That title was the DWWF Hardcore Championship. It even brought in its own match type, the Hardcore Rulz Match.

This match evolved over the following years, spawning several variations. First, was the original true endurance match. ("Endurance Match"?! More like "Death Match"!) This match would become known as the Old Rulz Hardcore Match. It called for its participants to fight until one digimon could not continue: whether it was via sickness, forfeit, or death. In addition the digimons could not be fed-up in between individual falls no matter how long the match lasted. This would result in a disqualification. (That's right. We had DQs in Hardcore Matches...[Ready To Rumble-Style]: What?)

As time went on, digimon care in DWCW improved and sickness was all but eradicated. That, compounded with the fact that forfeit was never an option for any of the Digimon Lifers ("Give Me The Hardcore Title Or Give Me Death".), created the need for a change in the rules of hardcore matches. These changes led to what was dubbed the New Rulz Hardcore Match. This match followed the same premise as its predecessor, but had several key modifications. Mainly that the match would switch to a Best Two Out Of Three Falls Match (As opposed to its previous infinite length.), the winner being whoever could capture two falls first. The participants could still not be fed-up for the duration of the match and the match could still end via sickness, death, forfeit, or illegal feed-up.

Recently, the current-day DWWE Hardcore Title has been defended in what was dubbed a "New Old Rulz Hardcore Match". This title fight followed the rules of the original Old Rulz Hardcore Match, but added one more potential end to the match. Recently digimons had begun to refuse to fight after numerous, consecutive matches without being fed-up, so this near-certain outcome was added to the list of possible finishes and the Old Rulz were revived much to the disturbed liking of the "Hardcore Icons" Joe and Bryan.

[edit] Tag Team Wrestling Is Born

For the first four to five months of Digimons existence one question plagued the competitors. How can we fight a tag team match? Many suggestions were made, but none stuck. That is until Joe hatched an idea that would make the Tag Team Match a reality.

The format was simple. Two tag teams of two men each would face off, for explanatory purposes we'll call them Team A and Team B. One member of Team A would face a member of Team B, while the other member of Team A would face the other member of Team B. If either team swept then they would be the winners of the tag team match, but if there was a split decision, Team A won one of the two fights while Team B won the other, then the two winning members would face-off in a third fall to decide a winner. (There has only been one time in history that a tag match went more than 3 falls. That instance occurred on what would be the final DWWF Raw on 7/5/03, when Bryan (the handicapped DWWF Undisputed World Tag Team Champion) faced Dan (the DNWA TNA X-Division Champion) in what has become known as "The Never Ending Tag Match", which, in fact, never ended.)

The development of the tag team format led to the creation of the DWCW World Tag Team Championships, representing the last WCW championship, at that point in time, for DWCW to emulate. These belts would be on the line in a Tag Team Tournament. Entrants in this tournament read as an eventual "whose who of tag teams". They included "The Outsiders" (Joe & Bryan), "Hogan & Rodman" (Eric & Joe), "The Dirty Browns" (Bryan & Eric), and the eventual champions "The Sideswipers" (Dan & CJ).

Despite the shocking upset win by "The Sideswipers", the fact was that they were not a naturally formed tag team and quickly lost the belts and vanished from the tag team radar, reappearing from time to time but never reaching their true potential. In their place rose the first tag team dynasty, "Hogan & Rodman". Eric and Joe defined the early tag team division. They dominated all opponents. In fact, the only thing that stood in their way from certain digimon immortality...was themselves. Joe dropped his half of the championship to Dan and began feuding with him to get it back, trading reigns in the process. This feud finally ended with Dan as the possessor of the half of the DWCW Tag Team Championship, and when Joe went to Eric to help him get the belt back Eric turned on Joe and formed "The Insiders" with Dan as a derogatory play on words towards Joe & Bryan's tag team, "The Outsiders". This effectively changed the landscape of the tag team division forever.

After the dissolution of "Hogan & Rodman", the next, greatest, and, in many ways, final dynasty to come along was "The Outsiders". Joe and Bryan. Bryan and Joe. No matter how you slice it, "The Outsiders" are tag team royalty. They would become not only the most successful tag team in DWCW history, but the most successful Tag Team Champions in Digimon History. Hands Down. (I'm lookin' at you Drunk Bastards.) "The Outsiders" hold the record for reigns, defenses, and time as champs. They have spanned the near-decade that Digimons has existed and destroyed every opponent that they have ever faced. From "The Insiders" to "The Drunk Bastards" (Dan & Dan) to "The Volumes" (CJ & CJ) to "The Sideswipers", "The Outsiders" have beaten every major tag team in Digimon History, but that's another story for a later section.

[edit] The Digimon Labor a local fast food joint

After Joe broke kayfabe and formed the DWO Ultimatepac, DWCW held a a local fast food joint. This meeting was the Digimon version of a Collective Bargaining Meeting. It would decide who was sleeping with who...[Sean "Sugar Daddy" Dawkins: What?] I mean, who's side Hulk Hogan was on...(Hold on, I'll get it.) The meeting was to find out where everyone stood on the DWO - DWO Ultimatepac Situation.

By the end of these Labor Union Deliberations we all received a raise, safer working conditions, and overtime...Who am I, Jimmy Hoffa? Anyway, when the dust settled, the battle lines were drawn, the sides were chosen, and...unfortunately, The Outsiders on opposite sides. Bryan stayed loyal to the DWO Black & White, leaving the two Outsiders to fend for themselves.

With the reigning Tag Team Champions split up in different factions, they were forced to fight for the two titles. That's because of the rule...Scratch that, the law back then that stated that a tag team must be in the same faction, if one of them left then they must fight for the tag belts. This brought a temporary end to the otherwise unstoppable force that was The Outsiders. In a way, as pointed out by Bryan, it's fitting that the undefeated DWCW Tag Champion Outsiders were never defeated, instead, they added to their lore by breaking up and refusing to job to anyone.

Pretty soon after this, Bryan would be the one, AND ONLY, member of the DWO. The other four members of Digimons were among the ranks of the DWO Ultimatepac. This only lasted for a matter of seconds though, as it was quickly decided to reform a five-man DWO.

If one thing came out of the Fast Food Meeting it's that...well...these guys will have Digimons just about anywhere.

[edit] The Man (Well, actually he was only 7.), The Myth (Well, at least we think he existed.), The EJ

During this timeframe, DWCW would gain its sixth and final "full-fledged, official" member, EJ. For this reason, EJ has become known as the "sixth man of Digimons" or, more accurately, the "Justin Credible of Digimons".

His knowledge of wrestling was limited and his driving force in Digimons was not championships but, instead, his friendship with Eric. Despite all that, EJ was nonetheless a part of Digimons. Forever linked with Eric, he followed him wherever he went. (They were an adorable couple. The real Hulk Hogan and Eric Bischoff would be proud.) Whether it was the DWO, the DWO Ultimatepac, or the DWO Wölfpac it didn't matter.

Although EJ was never a true main-eventer, he holds the claim as the only other person, besides the 5 lifers, to hold a championship. Not only a championship, but multiple championships, simultaneously no less. Most notably of these reigns were his two tag reigns of the DWCW World Tag Team Titles with his tag partner (Guess who?) Eric as "The Rockets".

EJ also claimed to have raised a Metal Greymon, which, if true, would make him the first person to ever have raised an ultimate in DWCW. I don't think EJ would lie to us about this...Then again, I don't know what EJ would or wouldn't lie about because I don't know EJ!!!

Though EJ didn't have the desire for Digimons as everyone else, he joined...(Okay, by now you should realize that the word "joined" in this context basically means "automatically became a part of".)...the DWO. He was dubbed Eric Bischoff more than picking the character himself. He also had a blue digimon, aptly named "Easy E". (That would be "Easy E" as in Eric Bischoff's nickname, not "Eazy E" the rapper...Not that EJ has any knowledge of either.)

By the end of his short-lived run, EJ would have a second digimon, though not even I, the Official Digimon Historian himself, can remember much about it. I think it was yellow but...Who knows? I mean, not even EJ could tell you what color his second digimon was...Actually, EJ probably doesn't even remember having a digimon. Well, he probably remembers he just blocks it out and pictures Eric's face anytime he thinks of Digimons in general.

Anyway, short story shorter, in 1999 EJ moved to Delaware. Rumor has it he has started up an "Anti-Joe and Dan Society"...Okay, I'm lying, but it isn't that far-fetched since neither me nor Dan has ever had a conversation with EJ. In fact, I don't remember any words being exchanged directly between either of us and him...Ah, EJ how little I knew yee.

[edit] Digimons Meets The Far East

Shortly after EJ joined DWCW, Digimons also gained a third sub-company, Digimon Japan World Championship Wrestling (DJWCW). A tournament was held for the DJWCW World Heavyweight Championship, which Joe won. This tournament christened the upstart company and set the stage for the original "Three-World Title Era" in Digimons. (That's right, Three World Titles. And yes this was the original Three-World Title Era, there would be several other Multiple-World Title Periods in 40...Okay, so it was 5 but still...There was only five people!...Think about that for a minute. 5 people, 5 World Titles... VVVVVVVVVIIIIIIINCE RUSSOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!)

Along with the DJWCW Tokyo Heavyweight Championship, DJWCW's equivalent to DWCW's United State Heavyweight and DWWF's Intercontinental Championships, the two titles made up the entire company for most of its existence. Actually, the only other DJWCW title was the short-lived DJWCW Kung Foo Fighting Championship of the "Silly Belt Era".

Though DJWCW never reached top billing, it was a cog in the well-oiled machine that was early Digimons (Well, periodically-oiled...Okay, bone-dry Wild Wild West that was early Digimons.), and served as the forerunner for the numerous "belts of originality" (That's a nice way of saying retarded.) that would follow.

In case you are wondering "Why Japan belts? Why not DNWA? DECW?". Well, two words..."Hideo Bryan". Ya see, Bryan loves Japanese culture and Japan belts were perfect to honor his devout following of Japan...even if the belts were completely made-up and not actually modeled after real Japanese wrestling championships.

(P.S. DNWA and DECW actually come later...No, I'm serious. Don't look at me like that. We really did have DNWA and DECW, just wait. You'll see. Yeah, 'cause anybody is really reading this. Except us that is. Hey Bryan!)

[edit] The Hogan Title

"Hulk Hogan is in the building!"

That's right, during 1998 while the DWO and DWO Ultimatepac were feuding...okay, it was basically guerrilla warfare, anyway, we had a Hogan Title. Specifically, the DWCW Hogan Heavyweight Championship. (Needless to say, that's a little excessive. After all the DWCW World Title might as well be the "Hogan Title". Jeez, for-get it!)

Back to the story. The battle lines were set with Dan and Bryan as the last two guys standing in the DWO and Joe, CJ, and Eric (And probably technically EJ, since he followed Eric like a second shadow.) making-up the DWO Ultimatepac. This was because Eric had just jumped from the DWO to the Ultimatepac, much to the shock of everyone.

So, in order to get "Hollywood Hogan" himself back to the DWO, Dan and Bryan came up with an elaborate plot. They would create a Hogan Championship in honor of Eric and award it to him so he would be swayed to rejoin the DWO. They spent countless hours (That's not really that exaggerated.) creating the Hogan Title and then, in a ceremonies storyline, presented the title to Eric, who promptly accepted the belt...and turned down their offer to come back to the DWO. Dan and Bryan's bribery had failed. Even more amazing, Eric was somehow allowed to keep the Hogan Belt and it actually became an official DWCW championship. Why? Well, apparently we couldn't get enough of that Hogan s%$#.

The Hogan Title was only the beginning. It further opened the door for many, MANY, MANY (I mean many.) more absurd titles to be created and brought into Digimons. I'll cover that later on in "The Silly Days Of Digimons" Section. For now, just be warned that these "championships", and I use the term loosely, include such upstanding titles as the "Poop Shooter Title", and the "Comet Cruiser", and let's not forget the "Mega Galactic Heavyweight"...I'm so ashamed.

[edit] The Ultimatepac Heavyweight

Some time in 1998, Joe decided to crate a new championship, the DWCW DWO Ultimatepac Heavyweight Championship. This was completely revolutionary, just like the Ultimatepac itself.

The Ultimatepac Heavyweight was also restricted by a revolutionary, cutting-edge rule, that stated that you had to be in the Ultimatepac to be able to fight for the Ultimatepac Heavyweight. This sounds straightforward, but no one had ever placed a requirement on a belt before.

This rule would be duplicated several times by future "faction titles". "Faction Title" is what we called belts that had this requirement placed on them. In other words, a faction title can only be fought for between members of the faction which that title represents. As I said earlier, in the Ultimatepac Heavyweight's case, only members of the Ultimatepac could fight for it.

Under this rule, a faction title can never leave its faction. No one outside the faction can get a shot nor could anyone inside the faction leave with the title; it would be vacated upon their departure from the group. This ensured that the faction championships could never be disgraced by the opposing faction.

Joe, being the ego maniac that he is, awarded the title to himself as the inaugural champion. This, however, was common-practice for most of Digimon History. This way no fictional Rio De Janeiro Tournaments were necessary. (I'm lookin' at you Vince McMahon.)

[edit] Other Faction Titles: The Fad Catches On

After Joe created the DWO Ultimatepac Heavyweight Championship as the first ever faction title in Digimon History, some...imitators began to pop-up. Namely, Dan's DWCW DWO Championship and Eric's DWO Wölfpac Championship.

These two faction titles followed along the same lines as the Ultimatepac Heavyweight, with one minor difference...THERE WAS NO COMPETITION FOR THESE F*&^IN' TITLES!!!!! What I mean is, I don't think that either of these two titles were EVER fought for. EVER!

Dan started himself with the DWO Title and Eric started himself with the Wölfpac Title, just like Joe had with the Ultimatepac Heavyweight, however, that's where these three titles differ. You see, no one else was ever in the DWO after Dan created the DWO Title, sooooo nobody could ever fight Dan for the DWO Title, making Dan DWO Champion...well, 4 Life. At least until 2002 during the second Invasion. (No, that's not a typo. We had a second Invasion...I'm embarrassed.) As for Eric and the Wölfpac Title,...that's "a Big 10-4, Ditto Molly". I mean, there were people in the DWO Wölfpac, only they either couldn't fight for the title (Dan was technically in the DWO while in the DWO Wölfpac and my cousin Nick didn't even have a digimon) or didn't dare try to take their fearless leader's title away from him (Eric never gave CJ a title shot...Well, that's heartfelt).

The moral of the story is that Dan and Eric will hold down just about anybody to remain at the top of their respective DWO Empires...even their own DWOites.

[edit] The Lack Pack

I figured now would be as good a time as any to talk about "The Lack Pack". (Pop Up Video: The name "The Lack Pack" was coined by Bryan.)

The first thing that you need to know about these guys are that they are most definitely NOT in "The Kliq of Digimons"! That's Number One!

Besides that, you need to know that we are d*#@s for the way we treated some of these "Digimon Lackeys". Plain and simple, "The Kliq of Digimons" would make "The Real Kliq" of wrestling proud. Proud being a relative term that is. Relative to the fact that anyone outside of these two Kliqs would preferably use the term "a$$h*&@" to describe the actions of these two backstage political entities.

Now, moving on. Who exactly is in the "The Lack Pack"? Well, that question should probably be "Who exactly isn't in 'The Lack Pack'?", considering that everyone outside of "The Kliq of Digimons" was considered a lackey.

You see, in Digimon Wrestling there is no "middle ground". Instead, there is a definitive "with us or against us" attitude. Not to the point of fighting the lackeys...What I mean is, if you're not part of "The Kliq of Digimons" then you're our lackey. That's just the way it is. I told you. We're d^%@s. Each of our five egos gave eachother's a run for their money, so just imagine how little a chance these guys ever had. "Slim to none" doesn't even begin to describe it.

Anyway, I'm off topic. Here's the list of unfortunate individuals (Or fortunate, depending on how you look at it. I mean at least they were in Digimons...even if they had no all...I mean The Gobblied Gooker would have a better chance at success in Digimons...Okay, so no he wouldn't, but you get my point...We're d^%#s! Power-hungry d$#%s.) Anyway, the list of lackeys:

EJ - The King of the Lackeys. He is "The Sixth Man of Digimons". For more info on his accolades...Sorry, I can't say that with a straight face. Man, I'm such a d%$@. Anyway, look at the EJ section farther up the page.

Jordan D. - The epitome of what being a "Digimon Lackey" is all about. He wanted to fit in so bad, that he told us that he "raised a Teddymon", something that none of us has been able to do even to this day. This poor little individual was the brunt of many a Joe-and-Bryan wisecrack. I don't even want to go into what we told this innocent lackey. It's too harsh. I'm just going to apologize and back away...just back away...

Andy D. - He doesn't really rank this high in the "Lackey Hierarchy", but he's Jordan D.'s little brother and this was the easiest spot to list him. (See, even when I'm writing an article to honor "The Lack Pack" I don't even give them the respect of ranking them the right way. Oh well, I mean would they notice?!) Anyway, he's best known (Yeah, 'cause we really "know him" for anything at all.) Anyway, he, and his older brother Jordan D., were in attendance for DWCW Halloween Havoc 1999 (The Pay-Per-View, which was put on by Joe and Bryan, since they were the only ones left in Digimons at the time. Eric, Dan, & CJ decided to retire and do "The Sonic Club" full-time. All of this will be disgusted in its pathetic entirety at a later time.) Okay, so Andy D. and Jordan D. were in attendance at Halloween Havoc '99, or as Bryan and Joe like to refer to it as "OWO Night". The D.'s were treated to quite a show. Basically, Halloween Havoc consisted of Bryan vs. Joe in every match, since everyone else was retired. Between matches, the D.'s were treated to Joe and Bryan ranting and raving for hours on end about the Ultimatepac, the OWO, and how much The Sonic Club sucked. The ensemble was completed by numerous (By "numerous" I mean dozens.) of t-shirts, banners, signs, and drawings hanging from the ceiling (And just about any other object in the room.), which depicted the Outsiders in all their glory. Needless to say, we never saw little Andy D. hanging around Digimons again. The poor kid was probably traumatized. By the way, for the least involved of the lackeys, why does Andy D. have the longest biography?

Jordan H. - To say that I didn't know Jordan H. would be an understatement. For God's sake, I met the kid once. Maybe twice, but that's pushing it. All I can say is that he was one of Eric's many friends who found themselves on the wrong side of the proverbial Digimon railroad tracks.

Katie - Bryan and Eric's cousin. She was a part of one of if not the most controversial moment in Digimon History...Backlash 2000. Why was she there you ask? Well, like many of the individuals who were there that faithful day, she was there for Bryan's birthday party...(Daniel. Daniel. On Bryan's birthday?!) PS: Katie was an official member of DX. ("Official" meaning, of course,...that she had no idea. Bryan and Eric simply just signed her up.)

Jenny - Also Bryan and Eric's cousin and Katie's younger sister. She too was in attendance for Backlash 2000. However, she actually made several other appearances at Digimon events...mostly because she had an inexplicable crush on Joe...and this is me talking! That is...him talking! Fortunately for her she grew out of it...we think...then again there was that whole "mall incident" that resulted in the revealing of her one-time crush...and then all of those other "mall incidents"...and the "party store incident"...she is over Joe...right?...I hope so for her own sake. That guy's unstable at best. The guy hasn't said five words to more than 5 people over the course of the last 10 years!!!! PS: Just like her older sister Katie, Jenny was an official member of DX. (Once again "official" meaning "completely oblivious to the fact". Again, Bryan and Eric just enlisted thei cousin into D-Generation X. That's the way these things work. Joe and Dan's cousin Nick "joins" the DWO Wölfpac and Bryan and Eric's cousins Katie and Jenny "join" D-Generation X. Plain and simple.)

Nick - Joe and Dan's cousin. Nick appeared twice in Digimons. The first time was during the resurgence of Digimons in early-mid 1999, when "The Defacement Wars" were unfolding. He actually played a key supporting role in the DWO Wölfpac side of things. I have no idea how, considering the fact that he didn't have a digimon. I guess it was because of Dan's political pull. Anyway, his second appearance was several months later in 1999, when Joe and Dan visited him and they took part in several exhibition matches. These opened the door for a lot of potential...but eventually nothing, as Nick quickly became uninterested in Digimons. And so, yet another lackey was born.

Matt - Also Joe and Dan's cousin and Nick's 2-year old brother. No, you read that right. He was two. He also hung around the Digimon scene in early-mid 1999...Big mistake! I want to apologize now for whatever he picked up during his time spent with "The Kliq of Digimons". Then again, he was two and probably barely remembers me or Dan, little less something that happened in 1999. Maybe we're gonna be alright here! Still, we're d&^@s! But I do have to mention one thing that Matt is known for. He may have been two, but he left his mark. Anyway, at the time Joe and Dan were playing the Playstation game "NFL Bltiz" a lot, having just got it for Christmas, and, as you should know, the nWo was at large in WCW, which was the basis of The Kliq of Digimons' lives. So Matt, being two, put those two things together and coined the phrase "nwo blitz", pronounced new•o•blitz. He sealed the now famous catch phrase by accompanying it with an overly-exaggerated "Scott Hall point". And so, the youngest participant in Digimons left his mark...though he probably doesn't remember.

Robbie - He was only a part of Digimons for a very short period of time, but boy did he make sure to leave a "memorable impact". ("Memorable Impact" is a nice way of saying that he had no f&^%ing clue what he was doing and everyone knew it, including him.) See, in the summer of 2001, Robbie was brought in by Dan & Eric to be Shane McMahon of the brand-new DWCW of the InVasion, which Dan & Eric had started in June at Backlash 2001. (That's right, we had Backlash in June. The blame for that delay rests solely on the shoulders of Dan & Eric, but more on that later.) Anyway, Robbie proceeded to display exactly how little he knew about wrestling. When it comes right down to it the poor kid never stood a chance. Eric & Dan basically fed him to the lions. His wrestling knowledge was minimal, his knowledge about Shane McMahon was even less (A.K.A. Non-existent.), and he had no idea what a digimon was, is, or ever will be. Plain and simple, Robbie was more lost than Bryan was while taking his infamous "7" math test. At least if he would have been given a character such as DDP or Shawn Stasiak he would have stood a chance...Okay, no he wouldn't have, but strapping him with a major character like Shane McMahon was ludicrous. Sure, no one expected him to play as major a role as the real-life Shane McMahon did in the WWF's InVasion storyline (Actually, no one expected him to play any kind of role whatsoever.), but it was downright sad whenever Robbie emerged from the entrance way as "The Owner of DWCW". I mean how is any sane person supposed to believe that?! Robbie is Shane McMahon?!...Robbie is the leader of DWCW?!...No offense, but Robbie can't tell the difference from a wristwatch and a powerbomb, little less the difference between a wristwatch and a wrist-lock. I don't blame Robbie for his massacre of a run in Digimons though. No, I blame the two conmen, puppet-masters of Dan & Eric. It was those two jocka%#es who booked Robbie right into..."The Lack Pack".

[edit] THEY WISH They Were In The Lack Pack.

To those of you reading this...okay so no one is reading this besides us. Anyway, it may seem as though the lowest form of existence in Digimons is to be a member of The Lack Pack. Well, that is technically the case. "Technically" because there are those who aren't even fortunate enough to be considered "Kliq Lackeys".

These are those individuals:

•"Miami Matt" - Okay so I gave the kid a made up nickname, does it matter? I mean I have no f&^%ing clue what this kid's last name is, nor do I care! This joker had several stints around The Kliq Of Digimons, even being able to touch a digimon at one point for some ungodly reason. The fudge-packer even tried to buy a digimon from several of the members of "The Kliq". Needless to say that wasn't happening!!!! (This was after he had previously said that Digimons was quote gay.) The first time we met this "Lackey Wannabe" was way back in 1998. The high-point of this day was, while we were playing a game of football, Joe and Bryan vs. Dan, Eric, CJ, and Matt, Matt got into a fight with Bryan. Big Mistake! Needless to say, the Behemoth won that scrimmage and Matt stayed in line for the rest of the day. It was during this meeting, in 1998, that Matt said, "Digimons are gay." Another, Big Mistake!!!!! The second time Matt met The Kliq Of Digimons was in 1999. The little piss-a&^ spent the day provoking the socially-challenged yet, when disturbed, raging-psycho that is Joe. When the faggot finally went to far and started poking said Joe on the head, Joe knocked the motherf*&^&^ out with one punch. That's right, one punch. "Mr. Coolguy" got knocked the f&^% out by one punch...directly to the face. Joe then proceeded to give the semi-conscious Matt double middle fingers while laughing in a deranged manor. Then CJ's mom walked into the room, screamed, and all hell broke loose. Long story short, Joe was forced into apologizing, however "The Kliqite" never felt so proud in his life. Needless to say the little jocka&^ never stepped out of line with The Kliq ever again, and Joe and Dan, who witnessed the whole thing unfold, often reminisce about the incident to this day. As if that wasn't enough for one day, this is when Matt tried to purchase a digimon from several Kliq members. (Yeah, 'cause that's gonna happen.) There was, however, a third..."incident" a few years later. On Halloween 2003, this blow*&^ hack found himself in the presence of The Kliq Of Digimons once again. This time, however, substituting his normal clothes for a Sublime T-Shirt and black jeans. (Chris Farley on the phone in Black Sheep: Whoa.) The d(*& was completely out of it, seemingly not remembering his last run-in with us (Or at least trying not to.). Anyway, he continued to "not fit the whole scene" and pretty much be a non-factor in the unfolding Halloween events. That all changed, however, when this a^$h&^@ shocked the world by making an absurd suggestion for what we should do next. "Big Poppa Dump" here said that we should go (And this is him talking, not me. I'm only quoting him for the sake of the story. This statement reflects only his feelings and not the feelings of The Kliq Of Digimons.) The jerk%$# said that we should go "n*&&^% knocking". Swear to God! That's what he said! Needless to say, we had no f*&^ing clue what he meant and responded with a resounding "WHAT?! WHAT THE F*&^ IS THAT SUPPOSED TO MEAN?!" He replied by explaining the rules of a "ring and run". When we told him that that's called a "ring and run", he said, "it's the same thing." Us: "No. No it isn't. Why the f*&^ did you call it that?" Matt: "That's what we call it in Miami." Us: "Why?" Matt:" 'Cause that's all that's down there." At this point, you may be offended by the statements of this f*&^face. Well, so were we. Needless to say, we all made that very clear and the queer never said another word the rest of his visit. If I new where the f*&^ this faggot lived, I would type that up right now so you could go there and kick the living s*&^ out of him, but I don't know. But I do know this, that we have never heard from Matt again, and we can only hope for it to stay that way. Oh, I almost forgot! During the night he told a woman in a passing car that he was paralyzed. The woman then stopped, knowing that he was kidding, and said "Aw, that's too bad.", sounding kind of annoyed, and she had a right to be! That s&^% was offensive! This was obviously a very awkward moment and The Kliq let him have it for this monstrosity too. In case you are wondering, Matt said that 'cause some of us happened to be sitting in my grandparents' wheelchairs, since we don't have enough seats out on the porch. (Don't worry. They didn't need them. We just had them to make travel easier.) Now, that's the end of Matt's "Lack Pack Lackey" Bio.

•The D*&^slap simply known as..."Boxer Boy" - Ah, "Boxer Boy". Another f*&^head. We refer to him as "Boxer Boy" because one, we didn't know his name, don't know his name, and never will know is name. Why "Boxer Boy" though? Don't worry, he brought this all onto himself. The one and only time we ever met this kid was on Halloween 1999. He was "a friend of a friend"...Well, "a friend of a kid we actually know"...Well, at least he was "a friend of a kid we see on a regular basis". That "kid we see on a regular basis"'s name is Mike by the way. Anyway, he was dressed in a fake Scream mask ("fake" because it was green. [Shawn Sugar Daddy Dawkins: What?]) aaaaaand a pair of boxers. I f*&^ you not! The kid wore boxers and went trick-or-treating with us. Right from the get-go he "messed up the whole vibe", but, since we actually have self-restraint and dignity, and we know how to act in public, we tried our best to let the kid hang around. This a*&blaster didn't help his case however. We began to overhear him whispering to "the kid we saw on a regular basis" saying several negative things about some Kliq members. This was not the smartest thing in the world. I mean, there is five of us, plus two Lack Pack members were present. Namely Katie and Jenny. So spreading negative statements could put you into a position no one wants to be in, and that's being on the opposite side of The Kliq Of Digimons. Insulting The Kliq Of Digimons, is like giving us a license to kill, but, since we have consciouses, we restrained and told Mike to tell "Boxer Boy" to cut it out or else. So Mike did and that was that for "The Boxer Boy Incident". This was the only time we ever saw the stupid idiot that was "Boxer Boy". (I'm sorry. I'm running out of insults.) And if we ever see him again it will be too soon.

•Jeff - Okay, first you need to know about the atmosphere that this unlucky individual was stepping into. Several times a year Bryan and Eric's uncle comes to town and The Kliq hangs out with him, since he's basically an "Honorary Kliq Of Digimons Member". I mean think about it. 1.) He let's everybody know exactly how he feels a la The Kliq Of Digimons, 2.) The fact that he despises Tim Deegan a la Bryan, and 3.) His numerous stories of broads a la the real-life Kliq. Anyway, Mike (That's right, this guy unleashed two of the Lack Pack Lackeys on The Kliq Of Digimons.) Mike gets invited by Eric to hang out with his uncle and The Kliq Of Digimons, an honor not bestowed on many individuals. But, unknown at least to the rest of us, another friend of Mike and Eric's, Jeff, is invited as well. Now, at this point we all know that this is going to completely destroy the usual laidback, hilarious atmosphere that usually encompasses Bryan and Eric's uncle's visits. So anyway, Mike and Jeff arrive and, along with Bryan, Eric, and their uncle proceed to play some poker. Now, it was just a friendly game...No money was involved...But this game would become an infamous moment in Lack Pack Lackey History nonetheless. Anyway, now usually Bryan and Eric's uncle tells all sorts of stories, The Kliq Of Digimons reminisce about past squashings of "Lack Packers", and a good time is had by all. But, in this case, with Jeff in attendance an awkward silence overtook everyone. If that wasn't bad enough, whenever somebody thought that they were about to win, Jeff would reveal a straight, or a flush, or royal flush for Christ's sake (Just kidding...but not by much.), or some other absurd hand that just happened to beat whatever somebody else had. Anyway, though no money was on the line, The Kliq Of Digimons, in this case Bryan, is very competitive especially when it comes to competiting with non-Kliq members. As the game continued, Bryan became more and more enraged as Jeff continued to "win", very suspiciously. In fact, Jeff wound up winning the whole damn game. After he and Mike left, we all agreed that it was completely ridiculous that Jeff continued to win every hand, the whole time Eric denies that Jeff was cheating. To this day, all of us think that Jeff cheated, even CJ who wasn't even there, all of us that is except Eric.

[edit] The Straw That Broke The Camels Back

"The Silly Days of Digimons"

What can I say, that hasn't already been regretted? This was, to steal a page from Mr. PC's book, the worst idea since the Vietnam War. Wow, did I just type that?! Well, when you think about it, it really was just as bad. In terms of Digimons that is.

Basically, what we now refer to as "The Silly Days" consisted of an absurd amount of absurd belts being brought into Digimons. Why?...I have no f^&@ing clue. I do know what it resulted in however...the Apocalypse of Digimons...Well, the first one anyway. That's right, Digimons has seen multiple Apocalypses...should that be Apocalypti? I wouldn't know, considering it's not humanly possible two have multiple Apocalypses and, therefore, a plural version of Apocalypse does not exist.

Anyway, back to the task at hand. (Did that sound gay? Well, now it did.) Okay. So, "The Silly Days". Well. Where do I begin. Okay, first I'll list the known titles that were brought in during this period. (I stress "known" because God only knows what we wound up bringing in! We might as well have brought in a "This Belt Sucks Belt"! Wait, I think we had one of those...seriously.)

The Silly Belts:

DWCW Digimon Heavyweight Title - That's right, we had a "Digimon Title"...Now, you would think that a "Digimon Title" would be considered the ultimate prize in Digimons. But no, it was just another run-of-the-mill championship lost in the pile of s%$# that was "The Silly Days".

DWCW (changed to DWWF) North American Heavyweight Title - Basically, a belt whose name actually has a real wrestling background that was just in the wrong place at the wrong time. Not that we made this belt to represent the NWA North American Heavyweight. (As evident by its DWCW then, still incorrect, DWWF sanctioning.) (Also, needless to say that, at least from Joe and Dan's stand point we didn't know that an actual "North American Heavyweight" existed, little less that something called the "NWA" existed...besides the rap group.) We brought in this title to "better rival the DWWF European Title" since they would each represent a whole continent. True story. I couldn't make this s%$@ up!

DWCW Hall Heavyweight Title - Okay, this one would eventually, actually lead to something great...just...not right now. Even the "Hall Heavyweight" had no chance to make an impact in a time in Digimons when the belts were more overcrowded then the nWo in 1998-1999 WCW.

DWCW Poop Shooter Title - Don't adjust your computer screen! Yes, that does say "Poop Shooter Title". This championship was created in honor of the digimon who shot poop as its weapon during battle, the Numemon. This digimon was also presented with the honor of being the DWO Ultimatepac's mascot. Why? Actually, it actually makes sense. (I'm stressing the word "actually" because for once something in Digimons has a real point.) If you remember the DWO Ultimatepac's hand signal. (You better 'cause I'm not re-writing that whole elaborate description.) Anyway, the Ultimatepac's hand signal resembles a Numemon so...It became the mascot of the Ultimatepac. However, after that heart-felt story, despite all this, the belt still failed miserably.

DWCW Bomb Belt Title - This belt follows along the same line as the "Poop Shooter Belt". The "Bomb Belt" represented the Mamemon, who shot bombs when battling. Also, a failed championship. Are you seeing a pattern here?

DWCW Knockout Title - Once again, this belt represented a digimon. this time it was the Darkmon, who shot boxing gloves for some inexplicable reason while fighting. I mean, the Darkmon is the quote fallen angel of digimons...So why does the damn thing spit boxing gloves?!

DWCW Teddymon Heavyweight Title - Ditto Molly, yet again. The "Teddymon Heavyweight", get this, represented the Teddymon. Apparently, we ran out of "witty" names for belts by this point. So, voila! The "Teddymon Heavyweight". That's like if the WWE created a title called the "Wrestler Heavyweight". Just think about that for a minute. You know what? Don't. It hurts me just thinking about telling you to think about it and then telling you to think about it...then rethinking it. (Scott Caan: What?)

DWCW DWO/HWO Heavyweight Title - Before I explain the "DWO/HWO Heavyweight", I should explain what the "DWO/HWO" was. The "DWO/HWO" was a sort of "super group". It consisted of the DWO, which already had its own faction title mind you, and the HWO, the Hogan World Order, which existed only on paper...and in Eric's mind. See, the HWO was created by Bryan & Dan back when they created the Hogan Heavyweight. It was a further tribute to Eric, his own "faction in a faction" of sorts. Anyway, after that plan fell through, the HWO existed only in the sense that it was written on every version of the Hogan Title from then on. (Literally, "only on paper".) That is, until Dan (the DWO) and Eric (the HWO) formed the DWO/HWO. Now, the HWO, since it was never a real stand-alone faction, never had its own HWO belt. So logically, any sane person, or persons in this case, would not create a belt for a "super group" before making sure that each of its members had its own faction title to begin with...Right? Wrong! Because Dan & Eric did just that! They had the bright idea to create a faction title for a "super group" despite there never being a HWO Title. Needless to say, this belt had "None chance...NONE!".

DJWCW Kung Foo Fighting Title - Everybody was Kung Foo fighting indeed. By this time the DJWCW was sincerely under-stocked with only two belts in its arsenal. So, we decided to create a third belt for the somewhat stable company. Unfortunately, that belt was the "Kung Foo Fighting" Championship. This...was completely absurd. A Kung...Foo...Fighting...Title...We could have just called it the "DJWCW Kung Foo Championship", but noooo we had to throw that "Fighting" in their to make it retarded. Not to mention the fact that the word “Foo” is spelled wrong. That should be “Fu”. Also, we have no business in the first place having any sort of "Kung Foo Title", considering the closest any of us has ever been to Kung Foo was Bryan when he took Karate for two weeks.

New Sub-Company: DIWCW - Now the fun begins. You see, three companies were not enough for "The Kliq of Digimons". Oh. No. No. No. They needed more useless, fake companies to overrun with their backstage politics. For example, the DIWCW. (Another very original name by the way.) DIWCW or Digimon Italian World Championship Wrestling was the Italian counterpart of DJWCW. It consisted of only three titles, but an unbelievable amount of worthlessness.

DIWCW World Heavyweight Title - The most prominent of the three titles in DIWCW was, of course, the "DIWCW World Heavyweight Title". That brought Digimons World Title total to 4...That's right, 4 World Titles...Is there any wonder why "The Silly Days" was so bad?

DIWCW Italian Heavyweight Title - This "meaningful" title, by meaningful of course I mean "worthless", served no purpose whatsoever. Yeah, 'cause we needed an "Italian Heavyweight" in Digimons...Anyway, this belt was supposed to build a feud with (Let me stop and catch my breathe.) the DWCW US Title, the DWWF IC Title, the newly added DWCW (Then quickly changed to DWWF.) North American Title, the DJWCW Tokyo Title, aaaaand your first divorce.

DIWCW Mafiaweight Title - This stereotype of a belt was a real mamaluke. It should have been whacked. Not for nothin' it sucked. The "Mafiaweight"? Forgetaboutit!!!!!...This title disgusts me. ...A supposed Italian Digimon Title and it was a Mafia Belt...tune up the violins and bring in the gondolas!!!!! Oh, I almost forgot...BOTTA BING! OH!...Get The F%#^ Outta Here! What F&^#ing "Mafiaweight"?! Get Outta Here!!!!!

New Sub-Company: DMWCW - Remember the DIWCW? Yeah, this is the same thing only its Digimon Mexican World Championship Wrestling (DMWCW). I gotta tell ya, these names are like nothing I've ever seen before...Can you sense the hostility in my voice...uhh...typing?

DMWCW World Heavyweight Title - This World Title, the "DMWCW World Heavyweight", would make 5, count 'em FIVE!, World Titles in the same time...and there's only five of us...Keep reading. It gets better. And of course by better I mean "worse".

DMWCW Taco Heavyweight Title - Here's some more stereotypical, racist crap. Now, when creating a Mexican Company, you think you'd have a "Luche Libre" Title...maybe a "Mexico City" Championship...Well, we didn't have those! That would make too much sense. No. We had the "Taco Heavyweight"...I'm through talking about this. This embarrassment speaks for itself.

DMWCW Nacho Heavyweight Title - And what's a "Taco Heavyweight" without a "Nacho Heavyweight"? Answer: One hell of a stereotypical, Mickey Mouse Organization that's what. By the way, I can't even remember if this is the right order to rank the "Taco" and "Nacho" or if it's the reverse. Either way, it can't be good.

DMWCW Salsaweight Heavyweight Title - Okay, is this a company or a menu? Jesus, Mary, & Joseph! Maybe we can start the order!!!...Sorry. It just seemed appropriately funny, what with the whole "menu" reference and all...I'll just be moving along now.

New Sub-Company: DWO/HWO - Couple things here. First, you'll notice that the sub-company for this next batch of belts is the DWO/HWO, not to be confused with the "super group" of the DWO/HWO. Why did we create a DWO/HWO sub-company?...Why the hell do we do anything we do? I'm seriously left speechless about this one. All I can remember is that we considered these belts to be too big for any one company, DWCW or DWWF, and they obviously didn't fit the cultural context of DJWCW, DIWCW, and DMWCW, so we needed a company that wasn't a part of any one company or sub-company. This leads me to my second point, which is that all of these titles were meant to be bigger than any World Title. The whole set, from the "Universal" straight down through to the "Comet Cruiser". (Space...the last frontier.)...'Cause that's such a brilliant idea! Holy s^&$! A whole set of titles that are all ranked higher than the World Title...Ring the f*&@ing bell for this one! Where's the thinking in that?! Sooo what, I guess that if they say that The Monkees were "bigger than the Beatles", and John Lennon said that the Beatles were "bigger than Jesus" (Don't look at me! I'm just quoting them.), then these belts were supposed to be "bigger then Digimons", I guess. And on that note, moving on.

DWO/HWO Universal Heavyweight Title - The "DWO/HWO Universal Heavyweight" was the highest ranking of all the DWO/HWO monstrosities. A sort of "Super World Title"...Yeah, a "Super World Title" dipped in s&^%.

DWO/HWO Mega Galactic Heavyweight Title - Ah, the "Mega Galactic Heavyweight Title"...Everyone needs a "Mega Galactic Title", don't they?...It just means so much and...(Chris Elliot in Cabin Boy: Say What?) The "Mega Galactic Heavyweight" was yet another absurd belt that had no business in Digimons, in a superhero movie maybe, but not in Digimons. By the way, why wasn't it just called the "Galactic Heavyweight"? What the f&^% is a "Mega Galaxy"? Where's Bill Nye The Science Guy when you need him?

DWO/HWO World Heavyweight Title - This is good. Think about this. Now, all of the DWO/HWO Titles are greater than any World Title, remember? So, that means that this belt, the "DWO/HWO World Heavyweight Title" would be "the World Title of World Titles"...I guess. Then again, so would every single God Damn belt in the HWO/DWO sub-company!!!!

DWO/HWO Super Television Title - (sigh) Are we done yet?! Okay, by now you get the point. Every one of these stupid belts wasn't worth the paper they were drawn on. (Don't go there Mr. PC!) This one, the "DWO/HWO Super Television Title"...was no different. My final thoughts on these pieces of garbage: They all belong in a galaxy far far away.

DWO/HWO Comet Cruiserweight Title - Finally, the last DWO/HWO Title. The "Comet Cruiserweight"...What can I say that already hasn't brought tears to my eyes from remembering these belts? It was a Cruiserweight...and it was Cosmic...Well, I guess that's cool. Sense the sarcasm? 'Cause I'm layin' it on pre-tty thick.

Sorriest Belt Ever HWO, DWO, Wölfpac Heavyweight Title - Well, I guess we left the best for last, huh? Jeez, really diggin' up some bones here. Anyway, this unsanctioned belt, it wasn't officially a part of any company, was created by Joe and Bryan. The point of the belt was to mock all of the groups, up to that point in time at least, that Dan and Eric had made: the HWO, the DWO, and the DWO Wölfpac. This was in response to Dan, Eric, & CJ launching the Sonic Club 2000 and caring more about that then Digimons, and that, of course, was a federal offense to Joe and Bryan. So, hence, the "Sorriest Belt Ever HWO, DWO, Wölfpac Heavyweight Title" was born. P.S. On the straps of the belt it actually says, "This Belt Sucks". True story. I'm looking at the actual belt right now, crying just thinking about how this f%$#ed up Digimons.

THE END (I felt like this was appropriate, since I feel like I just wrote a novel.)

And there you have it, the list that no title wants to be on, the list of "the silly belts".

After having opened the floodgates, we quickly realized that there were too many damn belts in Digimons. (Well, who didn't see that coming?) (By the way, it was at this point in time that EJ's mom disposed of every championship that EJ currently held. She was cleaning his room...If I had actually ever had a conversation with the kid, I would have knocked his lights out for this crime, but, instead I sat there...crying inside...dead quiet on the outside.)

So, in order to fix Digimons, we went the complete opposite direction. We retired all of the newly brought-in "Silly Belts" along with all of the DWWF and DJWCW belts, leaving only the DWCW belts to continue on. This...didn't work either. Digimons lost its edge, there were no more long-standing DWCW-DWWF-DJWCW feuds, and Digimons simply became boring. In early-mid 1999, Digimons, more specifically DWCW, was retired.

[edit] Resurgence Of Digimons

DWCW remained on hiatus for the next one to two weeks, but then...the drive to have Digimons came back and so did DWCW. We also decided to revive all of the pre-Silly Days DWWF and DJWCW belts to, once again, accompany their DWCW counterparts. However, this was not your father’s DWCW. Oh no, my friend. Gone were the days of peaceful competition. DWCW was back...and with a vengeance. So much so that these times are often referred to as "The Faction Wars" or "The Defacement Wars".

To say that "the battle lines were drawn" would be an understatement. (By the way 1999 us, "the wars over, you can punch-out now".) When we decided to bring back DWCW, the storyline of the DWO Ultimatepac vs. the DWO Wölfpac was picked-up where we had left off, with one small change...the use of defacing. We used markers to deface just about everything and anything we could get our hands on. For Christ's sake, Eric & Dan were, at one point, plotted to steal Joe's original Ultimatepac shirt and deface that...Fortunately for their well-being, they thought wiser. (Seriously, that shirt was like Joe's kid...the man has no social life.) We made up for squashing any excessive plots by defacing the belts so much that today some are nearly, if not completely, illegible. The excessive use of markers has also dampened many a belt to the point of near deterioration.

If defacement wasn't enough to push Digimons off the deep end, then the genuine heat that existed between the Ultimatepac and the Wölfpac sent Digimons into the a downward spiral of violence. Now, I wouldn't go as far as to use the phrase "gang warfare"...“Blind path of rage"? Yes. "Total dislike"? Sure. "Mutual hatred"? Definitely! But "gang warfare"? Ehh...close, but no cigar. Now, the terms "shoot promo", "mocking reenactment", and "double-crossing" all DID become a part of our vocabulary during this time. (Even if we never actually said those actual words, but…you get the idea.) Every time we had Digimons during this time, it wasn't complete without someone verbally assaulting someone else.

Now, allow me to set the stage for this time of absolute chaos in DWCW. Picture West Side Story…Actually, don’t. I have no idea what that would look like, considering I’ve never seen the movie. Anyway, the DWO Red & Black consisted of its creator and leader Eric, his brother-in-arms Dan, the third man in the Wölfpac CJ, and…future inductee into “The Lack Pack” Nick. Opposing these four bloodthirsty guys were two equally, scratch that, more psychotic individuals by the names of Big Daddy Cool Bryan and the ringleader, the leader of the pac, Joe.

What this era basically boiled down to was braggin’ rights. Whichever faction had the most belts ruled the company. They would be able to rant and rave about everything under the Sun. Needless to say that the walking egos know as Joe and Bryan were in control of DWCW for most of the “war”…or, at least, cut promos that would lead you to believe that that was the case. Now, I don’t want to make it sound like this was a bad time in Digimons, excessively violent maybe, but not bad. On the contrary, it was a very VERY successful era. Without it, Digimons probably would not have recovered from its retirement and probably would have fallen flat on its face, kind of like Bryan after being hit in the head by a bookbag. I’m lookin’ at you CJ. Just kidding…but seriously, you could have killed him!…I know, we can call you “The Concussioner” and you’ll do the throat-cutting thing…and…What? Oh, I’m sorry. I zoned out there for a minute. Where was I? Oh…Anyway, it was the sense of pride and the revitalized drive that brought Digimons, basically, back from the dead. It’s what also fueled Bryan and Joe to keep the company going as a two-man tribute show to all things Ultimatepac and OWO.

At this point you may be wondering, “How did this all stop?”…“Why did DWCW become a two-man show?”…“Is this Joe guy a psycho?” The answers are the Sonic Club 2000, the Sonic Club 2000, and yes. Seriously though, the thing that finally brought the defacement wars, if not to a complete stop, then a slow crawl was the Sonic Club 2000. That, however, is another story for another section.

[edit] "...Visions Of OWO Night Dancing In My Head"

OWO 4 LIFE!!!!!!!

The following section is the official documentation of the history of the Outsiders World Order, better known as the OWO.

The OWO was started during "The Defacement Wars" by Joe and Bryan. They were, of course, at the time the only members in the DWO Ultimatepac and were bogged down in the trenches of WWIII against the Aryan Race uhh...the DWO Wölfpac. Heavily outnumbered, they needed to think of something fast to combat the red & black "DWO" defacings that appeared on just about every championship belt in Digimons at that time. Their decision, create a new faction.

This new faction would be a "home away from home" of sorts that would exist within the confines of the DWO Ultimatepac, much like the real Wölfpac of Nash, Hall, & Syxx did in the nWo Black & White. This faction would be for them only. No one else could ever join. It would be...The Outsiders personal, honorary faction, in other words, the Outsiders World Order (OWO).

Because the OWO was so reminiscent of the real Wölfpac, it quickly garnered the alternate nickname of the "Original Wölfpac World Order". I know. I know. It's one too many "Ws". Just think of "Original Wölfpac" as the first "O", then it'll all work out.

Anyway, the OWO would, "conveniently", have the colors of red & black. That would allow Bryan and Joe to be able re-deface the belts, since a red or black "D" can easily become a red or black "O". The OWO would also take another page from one of its rivals, "borrowing" the DWO Black & White's catch phrase "4 Life". This would allow things that were previously defaced in honor of the DWO to quickly become OWO property.

The Outsiders World Order quickly gained top billing...okay, Joe and Bryan forced the OWO down everyone's throat...but to-may-to to-ma-to. The fact was, that the OWO took on a life of its own, and, when the DWO Wölfpac fell to the almighty Sonic and Digimons looked doomed, the OWO stepped up and ran DWCW. The epitome of this run is what is now often referred to as simply..."OWO Night". In reality it was Halloween Havoc 1999, but, with no one else in attendance, The Outsiders ruled the whole scene. With Jordan D. and his little brother, who couldn't have been older than 5 or 6 at the time, Andy D. in attendance, Joe and Bryan decorated the arena (Bryan's room.) with all things OWO and Ultimatepac. Everything from shirts draped on the beds, to drawings of Scott Hall and Kevin Nash tapped to the ceiling, to numerous pieces of Ultimatepac & OWO propaganda was laid out across the room. Bryan and Joe then proceeded to spit-out braggadocios shoot promo after shoot promo on every subject from the DWO, to the Wölfpac, to the Sonic Club 2000.

The PPV was actually really good. I don't have the exact Nielsen Ratings in front of me, but...What am I talking about? Anyway, seriously, this PPV was good. I mean think about it, Digimons is Bryan and Joe's lives. They wouldn't take it for granted. Even though every match was, obviously, Bryan vs. Joe, they put more heart than spunk into that show. Or is it more spunk than heart?...

In the years since its creation, the OWO has developed a cult following matched only by The Fa...You know what? On second thought, I'm not gonna go there. Just beware, because you never know when the OWO might return.

[edit] The DWCW Royal Rumble Crown: Definitely NOT Part Of The "Resurgence Of Digimons"

This "championship", and I use the term loosely, was brought in during the summer of 1999, just prior to shows. The idea was to have a belt, like the DWWF Hardcore Title, that called for its own match type that would happen day-in and day-out and drum up interest and excitement in Digimons. This belt couldn't have missed the mark more if it tried.

First off, a royal rumble every time we had Digimons?...for a quote Royal Rumble Title?!...of DWCW?! Who ever thought of this is a complete and utter moron. Oh...well, I am so it all works out. Anyway, this d*&^, me, had the bright idea to bring in this title in, of all things, a royal rumble. At least we could have had some sort of qualifying matches to make the belt mean something, instead the five of us aimlessly wandered around the room fighting until we lost. (Which is basically what a royal rumble is in Digimons.)

The digimons tried there best to give this belt a chance. The Royal Rumble Crown actually had an impressive start in DWCW. CJ became the inaugural champion and proceeded to defend it three successful times before losing it to Joe. Joe then proceeded to defend the crown, which was in fact a belt in the shape of a crown...with belt straps, four times successfully.

There was, however, an omen of sorts that followed the belt around through much of its career. We probably should have took it as a sign and retired the damn belt, but we continued on, the Royal Rumble Crown destined for Hall of Fame-worthy mediocrity. This omen started with the first time that the title changed hands, when Joe won the title from CJ. (Sadly, they probably didn't even actually face each other in the damn match) When CJ went to get the title to award it to Joe, he returned empty handed stating that the title was gone. This was met with the usual thoughts of "misplacement" or "clumsiness" or what have you, but was, in actuality, only the beginning to the saga that was the disappearing Royal Rumble Crown. In response Joe made a new replica title, which he used during his reign, until, that is...he lost the title. He just couldn't find it. First he thought that he must have just "misplaced it" or "dropped it somewhere" or "it fell out", but he looked everywhere and could not find it. This same mysterious disappearance occurred at least two more times in the titles history. Once with Dan and the other with Bryan, if I remember right...which, of course, I probably do because I have no life.

To this day several of those titles are still missing, forever lost in a mysterious, alternate reality. Okay, so they were probably just dropped somewhere outside or maybe thrown away, but it's just cooler to say "mysteriously disappeared". "Cooler"? Am I twelve?

Another awesome, by "awesome" I mean pathetic, aspect of the Royal Rumble Title was how meaningless it became by the time we started having shows. By that point, people started to stop competing in the nightly waste of time that was the royal rumble. In response, we started to plan for its retirement (Which would somehow never happen, since the damn belt lasted until DWCW was ended in February of 2000.)…Anyway, we planned for its retirement by having only the champion and those who had yet to hold the title participate in the daily royal rumble, in order to ensure that everyone had held the championship at some point. It is beyond my extensive Digimon comprehension to figure out how in the hell this belt lasted until DWCW’s end. That feat…well, unfortunate occurrence, is nothing short of a miracle…well, an evil miracle that is.

Anyway, the history of the Royal Rumble Crown can be summed up by one instance, it's Re-Inaugural Round Robin at Summerslam 2002. This match will forever be know as "The Royal Fumble". Why? Jeez...Why not?! First off, there was a tie between Dan & CJ, which required a play-off between them to decide a champion. Second off, prior to that tie Dan and CJ had accidentally fought an extra time, which was a waste of time and, for all intensive purposes, a "% Match" within a re-inaugural a Pay-Per-View no less. And finally, why did we bring the f*&^ing thing back?! Wasn't one run of mediocrity and humiliation enough? Oh, was Joe's idea...again. Now it all makes sense. The kid never learns when to give-up. No wonder he has no friends.

[edit] Live! From Cheyenne! The First EVER DWCW Monday Night Nitro!

July 1999, DWCW has its first official scheduled show, DWCW Monday Night Nitro. Why we waited a year and two months I'll never know. With that said, we more than made up for that by having as many shows as humanly possible in as little time as possible. (By 2000 there were days when we had 4, 5, even 6 a row!) Not only did we have a s*&#load of shows, but each show had a s^%$load of matches. It wasn't uncommon to have 13-match Nitros or 15- 16-match PPVs. Retarded...excessive...absurd...but definitely not "uncommon".

No matter how you slice it, shows changed the face of Digimons forever. Shows gave DWCW structure. Instead of randomly occurring matches made on the spot, an actual card, as we say in the wrestling biz (Who am I, Dave Meltzer?), of scheduled matches served as a blueprint for how each show would develop throughout the night. (Of course, due to the absolute hatred between the Wölfpac and the Ultimatepac each and every card was "subject to change".) Another result of these scheduled shows were more elaborate storylines and promos, which began to occur in Digimons. The Outsiders/Insiders rants became...Well,...scheduled rants...Okay, bad example, but you get the idea. Shows would also set up the pecking order for the numerous titles in Digimons. Cruiser, Light, Ultimatepac, and TV title matches would kickoff each show, where as the World Titles would be reserved for the Main Event, with Royal Rumble, Tokyo, IC, and US title matches filling in the rest of the card.

Some negatives did occur as a result of the incorporation of Nitros, Thunders, and DWCW PPVs. There's is no doubt about it, once the first DWCW Nitro occurred Digimons evolved. It wasn't just some minor adjustment. Everything Digimons was, was now obsolete. In the early stages, the first 14 months, DWCW was defined by the impromptu matches that could occur at anytime. Sure, records were almost completely non-existent, title lineages weren't even a thought, and championships changed hands quicker than the WWF Hardcore Title after the 24/7 rule was created, but DWCW wasn't about that. DWCW was all about trying to win as many belts as possible and stepping on whoever to get them. I'm knew exactly who you were stepping on. No, seriously though, DWCW was just about round the clock belt shots, and shows kind of deprived us of that.

In the end, however, as shows became more serious and sophisticated yet funny and low-budget, Digimons has become something even better. Without shows we never would have had some of the most defining moments in Digimon history. Such as Backlash 2000 (I didn't say that they were necessarily good defining moments. Just, "defining moments".), the InVasion (Ditto.), the Second InVasion (Are there any good defining moments?), "we've been punk'd" (I guess not.), the Pete Rose storyline (Here's a good moment...for all the wrong reasons.), Extreme T.V. (Okay, at least this was a successful defining moment. Even if it was a heel company.), the DWO Apocalypse storyline (Again, a heel faction but captivating nonetheless.), and countless other matches and moments that wouldn't have otherwise been possible.

Bottom line: Digimons with shows and Digimons pre-shows are two separate animals, but both are great for different reasons. Plain and simple DIGIMONS 4 Life!!!!!

[edit] I Don't Think We Have Enough Stuff In Honor Of The Wölfpac. Let's Make Some Titles.

As if Digimons didn't already have enough ties to the nWo, the Wölfpac (Nash, Hall, & Syxx that is.), and the Kliq in general, in the summer of 1999, we decided to bring back the DWCW Hall Heavyweight Championship, originally a "Silly Days" belt. Along with the Hall, we brought in another "person title", the DWCW Nash Heavyweight Championship, this was a brand-new belt at this point.

These two titles, along with the already-existing DWCW Hogan Heavyweight Championship, formed the start of what was the "people titles". You may be wondering at this point, "Why in the world did we expand with "fake" belts?," and, "How can these belts be so successful?". Well, firstly don't ever, I mean EVER, refer to the Hogan, Hall, Nash, or the eventual Syxx-Pac belts as "fake". If you will be shot. No, I'm joking...but I'm not. Anyway, secondly, the reason we expanded with these championships is because, obviously, these guys are our idols. That's why they are guaranteed to be a success. I mean winning the Hogan, Hall, Nash, or Syxx Championship was as big as winning any other belt in Digimons, if not more!

The aforementioned DWCW Syxx-Pac Heavyweight Championship was brought in near the end of DWCW in late 1999, but it demanded, and received, just as much respect as the Hogan, Hall, & Nash had before it. This belt completed the foursome and, with the exception of the Hogan, all of them were replaced by DWWF equivalents during the changeover in February 2000. But for a future section.


Q: Why was the Hall Heavyweight first? Why not the Nash then the Hall?

A: Short Answer: Because Joe's an egotistical moron. Long Answer: Joe physically makes most of the belts for Digimons and, so, his character got a title first. (Now that you wasted your time reading the long answer, I hope you realize that you should have just stopped after the short answer.)

Q: Okay, the Hogan, Hall, and Nash were Heavyweights, but why the Syxx?

A: Because we are so power-hungry that we lived by the statement that a Heavyweight belt is better than a non-Heavyweight belt, therefore, for a belt to be the best, it has to be a Heavyweight, hence the DWCW Syxx-Pac Heavyweight Championship. There are some exceptions to this rule, most notably the DWCW DWO Championship.

Q: Why not name a belt after an actual good wrestler, like Flair or Harley Race?

A: Go to hell!

[edit] DWO Dark Knights

The DWO Black & Brown, as it was known as, if I remember right (Which I most likely do because Digimons is my life.), was created by Eric and Dan, originally, in 1998 at a local playground near a certain flag football field. The name "Dark Knight" came from a website that had a list of all the digimons in order from best to worst with the top digimon listed as something called a "Dark Knight", rather than the true top digimon, the Teddymon. The Dark Knight, by all accounts, is a falsified creation, but Eric and Dan decided to exploit this joke and, hence, the DWO Dark Knights.

This version of the Dark Knights existed only on paper (Actually, not even that, since we never wrote anything down back then.) Anyway, the original Dark Knights existed in "official recognition" only, meaning that Dan and Eric created and retired the group giving them the rights to it according to Digimon Law, but the group was never actually an active faction back then. A little known fact, is that Joe, so impressed by the name, actually half joined the group and half stayed in the DWO Ultimatepac. This practice was later outlawed.

It wasn't until about a year later, in the summer of 1999, that Eric and Dan revived the group as a true, active faction. This is when they incorporated the famous ceremonial Undertaker entrances and the infamous feeding each other energy while battling. This version, the best-known version, of the DWO Dark Knights had a pretty successful run. For their theme song they used the WWF Superstars' Undertaker "Man In Black" scary-turned-comical theme song.

During this run, the Dark Knights were also known for their multiple Dance Contests...true story. Don't believe me? Just listen to that ridiculous "Man In Black" theme song.

The DWO Dark Knights were eventually merged with their predecessor, the DWO Wölfpac, to form the DWO DarkWolf, which was obviously a hybrid of the two factions.

In 2004, in the DWWE, Dan and Eric teased a DWO Dark Knights reunion, but, when it was picked up on by Joe, Bryan, and CJ, they ditched the plan in favor of...the now infamous "punk'd promo".

In 2005, during the belt roster split between DWWE Raw and Joe's Extreme T.V., Dan created a protagonistic alter-ego for Extreme T.V. simply known as "The Dark Knight". Dan played the role of the despised heel and remained faithful to the DWWE and its Raw program. The Dark Knight was eventually sent back to his place of origin...supposedly The Depths of Hell.

[edit] DWO DarkWolf

The DWO DarkWolf, as stated in the DWO Dark Knights' article, was a hybrid of the DWO Wölfpac and the DWO Dark Knights formed by the merger between the two factions. DarkWolf really didn't have anything in particular that made it stand out, other than being Dan and Eric's newest "group of the second". However, that second would be their last.

It was the DWO DarkWolf that Eric, Dan, and CJ were in when they decided to retire from favor of having The Sonic Club 2000 full-time. Yikes! I'm sorry if I sound a little biased, but this s&^% pisses me off! I mean quitting draw Sonic pictures?! I'm no expert, but I think you can have Digimons and draw at the same time!!!...God Damn It! F$*&in' little c*&^s.

Anyway, the DWO DarkWolf did not last too long and, after being disbanded in favor of its three members' retirements, it never resurfaced in Digimons again.

[edit] The Sonic Club 2000: And Then There Were Two

This, my friends, is what threatened to kill Digimons for the better part of 1999. When it was started it actually had little negative effect on Digimons, as Eric, Dan, and CJ would just have it on the side and not interrupt the almighty DWCW.

It wasn't until the months of August and September, when "The Defacement Wars" were dying down, that a new war erupted. A war involving Digimons itself. A war between Digimons...and the Sonic Club 2000.

It started with minor scrimmages, occurring whenever Eric, Dan, and CJ wanted to have the Sonic Club instead of Digimons and ran off to do so. This was considered high treason under Digimon Law. (Where do I get this stuff from?) Anyway, this obviously pissed off Bryan and Joe, which lead to them hunt down and mock the "Sonic Club Buddies", as Joe and Bryan derogatorily dubbed them. These altercations would culminate in violent outbursts, usually resulting in minor injuries and time-out. Just kidding about the "time-out" thing...but I'm not kidding about the "minor injuries". It was also from these face-offs that Bryan coined the phrase "APPROVED! DING!!!!". (Complete With Two Thumbs Up.) This was another derogatory phrase that was used by Bryan and Joe whenever one of the "Sonic Club Buddies" would finish a drawing.

These altercations finally boiled down to the shocking events that occurred on a DWCW show (Either Nitro or Thunder. Amazingly, I actually don't remember.) in October. It was on this show that the "Sonic Club Buddies" would attempt to cripple retiring in favor of having the Sonic Club 2000 full-time.

It all started when Eric came out and uttered the statement, "I retire from Digimons, and I also retire the DWO Wölfpac and anything else I've ever created". As if this wasn't shocking enough, Dan came out and mimicked Eric's actions by saying, "I retire from Digimons, and I also retire the DWO and anything else that I've ever created." Finally, to complete the thought, CJ emerged and said, "I retire from Digimons, and I also...Well, I retire". (The reason CJ hesitated was because he was going to say that he "also retires anything else that he has ever created", but, up to this point in Digimons anyway, CJ had yet to create any group and, therefore, had nothing else to retire except himself.) After the "Sonic Club Buddies" retired they left the ring area, leaving Joe and Bryan all alone in Digimons to fail...or so the "Sonic Club Buddies" thought.

Joe and Bryan, at first, tried to get Eric, Dan, and CJ to comeback stating, "This is ridiculous. Just come back. You're really retiring?". After these attempts failed, Bryan and Joe became enraged and started to move in a completely different direction...They decided to continue DWCW with just the two of them running it. DWCW Nitro and Thunder would now be DWO Ultimatepac Nitro and Thunder, Halloween Havoc 1999 would eventually become "OWO Night", and Digimons became all Outsiders, all the time.

[edit] Halloween Havoc 1999: "OWO Night"

At first, when Eric, Dan, and CJ spontaneously retired from Digimons, it seemed that DWCW would be doomed, but, on the contrary, DWCW flourished with the Outsiders at the well as the rest of the boat.

Joe and Bryan took over DWCW with authority. Nitro and Thunder were taken over, every championship was held by the DWO Ultimatepac, and, the crown jewel, Halloween Havoc became "OWO Night". It was a dream come true for The Outsiders.

With all of their competition out of the way, The Outsiders did whatever they pleased. (Not that they didn't do that anyway when Eric, Dan, and CJ were still in Digimons.) With no opponents, how did DWCW remain at such a high level of quality and success? Well, part of it was that running the Wölfpac, Dark Knights, DarkWolf, Wolf Blitzers, Pac-A-Ramas, Whatever out of DWCW was a goal of The Outsiders from Day One. Okay, so maybe actually running them out of Digimons wasn't the goal, but completely destroying them was. So, anyway, my point is that with the "Sonic Club Buddies" gone The Outsiders were on a "Power-Trip High". As if these two egotistical d*&^s needed anymore reason to squash people, now they were in charge of keeping DWCW going...That's like putting the nWo in charge of WCW...Oh, they basically were. I mean Eric Bischoff, Hulk Hogan, and Kevin Nash basically ran WCW.

Anyway, another reason DWCW stayed successful was that Digimons were Joe and Bryan's lives. They would never want it to end. (Hence, the reason we're still having the DWWE in 2007. It's like a new millennium or something. Yikes!) Bryan and Joe didn't want DWCW to die, on the contrary, they wanted it to be...well, "4 Life"!

DWCW also remained successful because, though these two individuals lack the brain capacity for many other things like math or social skills, they are the two most innovative ideamen of Digimons. With The Outsiders booking the entire show, fighting all of the matches, and cutting every promo, they made sure that every angle was well received (A.K.A. shoved down your throat until you were aware of it.), every storyline went over ("The Sonic Club 2000 Sucks! Got It?"), and every match went off without a hitch ("You mean we're guaranteed to have all the belts? Let's have another round of matches!!!").

In reality, DWCW was in better hands with The Outsiders than it was with warring factions attacking each other. There was no turmoil, no bloodshed, and no work stoppages due to...let's just say "creative differences".

Anyway, what everyone wants to know about, when looking back at this time in Digimons, is DWCW Halloween Havoc 1999. Did The Outsiders really turn it into "OWO Night"? Was there really Ultimatepac/OWO paraphernalia all around the arena? Was Jordan and Andy D. really in attendance? The answers to these questions are for all intensive purposes, you bet your a^%, and "held hostage" is more like it.

The Outsiders turned Halloween Havoc into their own personal ego-trip. Needless to say every match featured them fighting each other, but there was no other option so that's not what made this night so memorable. What did make Halloween Havoc a night to remember was the underlying sentiments of The Outsiders towards the three DWCW-Retirees taking center stage in the form of an all-night bashing. In other words, Halloween Havoc was like one big shoot promo against the Sonic Club 2000. (Not that Digimons at this time wasn't already one big shoot promo.) The excessive, even by Ultimatepac/OWO standards, amount of paraphernalia hanging around the ringside area only added to that atmosphere.

The coup de grace, however, was the attendance of Jordan D. and his little brother Andy D., who witnessed everything unfold. They couldn't have had less of a clue of what was going on, but, nonetheless, they were there, front and center, seeing firsthand, the egomaniacs that were The Outsiders. With that said, they did get their money's worth, not that they paid any money to watch the event. (Actually, we probably could have charged them for attendance...and they probably would have paid, being such innocent little kids just "trying to be a part of the cool crowd". Come to think of it, I'm shocked that we didn't actually charge them admission. I mean, we're d*&^s!!!) Anyway, back to the task at hand. The D.'s witnessed one hell of a show, if I do say so myself. (Hmm, still a d*&$.) The Outsiders cut promo-of-the-year quality shoots on the members of the Sonic Club 2000. No facet of their careers were safe. They picked a part The Insiders, The Destroyers, the DWO, the Wölfpac, etc. etc. You name it, The Outsiders ripped it limb form limb. By the end of the night, The Outsiders had soundly established themselves as the tag team, faction, group, power, etc. of DWCW, and all of Digimons at that time. This was just in time, as over the next few months DWCW began to receive an unfair comparison to its inspiration WCW. This negative connotation would lead to DWCW's ultimate demise, but that is for a later section, not this major ego-trip of a section. DWO Ultimatepac 4 Digimons!!!!! OWO 4 LIFE!!!!!!

[edit] Dan & Eric Un-Retire: The Return Of The Backstage Politicians

When Eric and Dan decided to come back to Digimons, they not only brought back their usual "best friends-worst enemies saga"; they brought with them backstage politics the likes no one had ever seen before or after.

These two jocka#$es proceeded to, once again, corner the DWCW World Title Market, except this time they came up with whole new ways to keep the DWCW World Title out of the hands of The Outsiders. Dan and Eric...created the Real Person Match.

Dan and Eric began fighting for the DWCW World Heavyweight Championship almost exclusively against one another. To meet the "one week rule" (A champion needed to defend their belt once a week to avoid being stripped of their title.) and make sure that the DWCW Title stayed within their possession, Dan and Eric began fighting in predetermined title fights they dubbed "Real Person Matches". These matches consisted of them actually competing against one another in a wrestling match. This took Digimons to a whole level...Well, that's an understatement.

Anyway, to determine a winner for each Real Person Match, these two d&^%slaps would simply decide who would win...That's It! No digimon match necessary!...Later on, after the "Backlash 2000 Incident", a rule was created stating that a digimon match must be fought to determine a winner of a Real Person Match. At this point, however, Eric and Dan just used their political pull to keep the DWCW Title occupied between the two of them...Kind of like a mini Kliq within The Kliq.

Also, "as an added bonus", Dan and Eric would repeatedly put their careers at stake, retiring each other multiple times only to have the other reemerge as their partner later on. (New-Old WCW would be proud, and that's never a good statement.) Anyway, these two caballeros used their backstage politics to bring Digimons into a new era...the steroid era. Oh, I'm sorry that'll be in about 6 years from now...No, seriously. I'm not kidding. Aaaanywho, Dan and Eric brought Digimons into a new era full of politics, and not just the backstage variety. We would eventually have Presidents, Commissioners, CEOs, Treasurers,...Wait, no actually that's not to much of an exaggeration. Trust me, things got ugly for awhile there. But don't worry, The Kliq of Digimons eventually settled their differences, regained control of Digimons, and continued to squash all others who try to enter the realm of Digimons. "TKOD" 4 Life!!!!!! (That stands for "The Kliq Of Digimons" 4 Life.)

[edit] I Love It When A Plan Comes Together...Well, Sort Of.

Around December 1999-January 2000 DWCW went through an inactive period. When it finally started up again a plan began to take shape. A plan to create a second Digimon Company. That company would be the DWWF. The same DWWF that was a sub-company within DWCW now.

The plan was to take the DWWF championships and form a second, rival yet coexisting company along side DWCW, which would retain the DWCW and DJWCW belts. This would allow us to continue the current DWCW schedule of Nitros, Thunders, and its PPV Line-Up, as well as, starting a second, DWWF schedule consisting of RAWs, Smackdown!s, and its own PPV Line-Up. (By now you should realize the size of this proposed work schedule, and that this plan had no hope from the get-go.) The two companies would become entirely separate entities, running simultaneously, creating a competitive atmosphere in Digimons the likes we'd never seen. They would have minimal interaction with each other, only occurring at cross-promotional super-cards.

The thought, and hope, was that this dual-company system would revive Digimons by re-instilling the drive in all the superstars. What actually happened couldn't have been farther from this plan. First and foremost, by this time New-Old WCW was giving DWCW a very VERY negative connotation. Compounded with that, DX and the "Attitude Era" were making the WWF and, vicariously, the DWWF more and more appealing. This led to the overwhelming consensus that DWCW needed to go and that the DWWF was the rightful replacement.

I say "overwhelming consensus" and not "overall consensus" because it wasn't everyone who thought that the DWWF should replace DWCW. It was the consensus of everyone...but Joe. That's right, the usual socially-impaired, perpetual monkeywrench in the gears of Digimons Joe stood in the way of this new plan.

Joe didn't want to abandon DWCW, but he knew that New-Old WCW wasn't helping his case (Well, that's an understatement.) and that the DWWF looked like the way to go in order for Digimons to continue, though he tried to plead his case. But after Bryan, Dan, and Eric formed a picketing line (True story.) demanding the death of DWCW and the rise of the DWWF, Joe went along with the idea. However, he made one request in order to make a point. Joe demanded that the DJWCW belts be discontinued. (This my seem like an insignificant demand, that probably would have happened anyway, AND IT IS...but, ya see, Joe didn't want both sets of subordinate belts to outlast the parent DWCW. This way, only the DWWF, an obvious equal, overtook DWCW.)

After the changeover, the disagreements didn't end there. Unfortunately, they were just beginning. The ensuing DWWF years, from the first show in February 2000, until the final show, the July 5, 2003 edition of RAW, were filled with innovation and accomplishments, as well as, controversy and arguments. I guess, in the end though, what didn't kill Digimons (It came damn close on several occasions, but, still, didn't kill it.) only made it stronger, since Digimons today, the DWWE, is a well-balanced, smoothly-running company. Sure, we have a few problems here and there, but believe me we've learned our lessons from the DWWF, and we will never EVER let history repeat itself. (I'm lookin' at you, me. Commissioner?! What were you uhh...I thinking?!) (PS: Nice Job with the whole DWCW InVasion thing Dan and Eric.)

Well, one thing that definitely did remain constant throughout the DWWF was...that The Kliq Of Digimons reigned supreme over all!!!!!!!!! Sorry Lack Pack.

[edit] DWWF VS. HCW-HWF & The Birth Of D-Generation X

The next major stand-off occurred only a few shows into the new DWWF Era. D-Generation X, obviously inspired by the WWF faction by the same name, became the DWWF's version of the DWO. It was the original DWWF faction. The group that everyone started in. Everyone even chose a DX persona to emulate, just like the did originally with the DWO back in 1998.

Bryan, the unofficial yet official leader of DX, took on the role of Triple H. "Unofficial yet Official" because, though the four of us together started DX as the parent group, and Bryan never actually claimed leadership, he more than earned it over the years. In fact, he remained a member of DX basically from day one until July 5, 2003, the final day of the DWWF. Really the only time he wasn't a member of DX was when he retired the group to join the DWO Ultimatepac and help form the DWO Ultimatepac Supergroup during the summer of 2002, though he would later return to DX.

Joe took on the role of Road Dogg. Why? Well, to follow the Razor Ramon-Intercontinental Title Theme of his career, I guess. Also he formed The New Age Outlaws (Fake Ass Outsiders.) with Dan, who...was NOT Billy Gunn. (Nobody was nor wanted to be Billy Gunn. Sorry Billy, but your DX persona was...kinda gay.)

Instead, Dan took the role of X-Pac. Perfect because he was Syxx-Pac in DWCW and both personas are characters of the same wrestler, Sean Waltman. So, basically, Dan was the same person.

Eric...Well, Eric never really took on a DX persona...He was just...kinda "Eric".

Within a month, CJ had come out of retirement and became Shawn Michaels. Though back problems had made Michaels retire two years earlier, because he was one of the founding members of the real-life DX, his persona was eligible.

At first, everything was hunky dory (Did I really just type that?!), but Joe didn't want to be just another D-Generate in the pack. No, Joe had to be his own boss. So, Joe decided to bring the DWO Ultimatepac to the DWWF and become DX's rival, much like he was with Dan's DWO in DWCW. However, this was met with instant criticism. (The term "instant criticism" doesn't cut it...,but the phrase "major stand-off", which was used earlier in this section, fits rather nicely.)

Right from the moment Joe uttered the name "DWO Ultimatepac", everyone else became enraged and quickly squashed the idea. The term "that's DWCW stuff and can't be in the DWWF" was thrown about, only, in turn, enraging Joe. This led to a war of words resulting in the retirement of Joe from the DWWF. Joe didn't retire from Digimons all together though. Oh no, Joe had to go the extra mile and really derail. Joe created his own COMPANY! (That! Is Absurd!) He dubbed it Hall Championship Wrestling (HCW), of course, in honor of his favorite wrestler Scott Hall. (That's probably the first time that the words "in honor of" and "Scott Hall" were used in the same sentence.) After that came under attack for the use of "Championship Wrestling" in the name, Joe changed the company to the Hall Wrestling Federation (HWF).

Needless to say, a one man company is completely useless. Joe didn't put on a single show, not even a single match! Joe didn't even make a belt of any kind for the HCW or HWF. By the same token however, Bryan, Dan, and Eric didn't have any DWWF matches during this timeframe.

Basically, what transpired was nothing more than a 2-week work stoppage. What finally came out of all of this, when cooler heads prevailed, was a unanimous decision to continue the DWWF with DX as the one and only faction. All DWCW groups, belts, etc. were thereby band from the DWWF. As time passed, DX became a four-man, later five-man once CJ came out of retirement, faction of egomaniacs just like its DWO predecessor. A "War On DWCW" was even in talks, but, unfortunately, never materialized. (The "War On DWCW" idea was directly inspired by the WWF's DX invasion of WCW.)

DX even brought in its own faction title, the DWWF DX Championship. It would follow the rules set by the DWO Ultimatepac Heavyweight way back when; that no one other than the members of DX were allowed to fight for the belt.

DX also saw the birth of the first, and most prominent, of Joe's "friends". It was during this initial run of D-Generation X, that Joe unveiled a run of the mill, white sock in the center of the ring one night, and presented to the world, his "right-hand man" of sorts, "Mr. Doggo". Obviously, "Mr. Doggo" is inspired by WWF wrestler Mick Foley's "Mr. Socko", but, since Joe was Road Dogg, his sock friend would be "Mr. Dogg-o". (Please do not feel sorry for Joe. He doesn't want your pity...just your continued alienation. To borrow a quote from Bryan, "Alienation, I relish in it.".) Mr. Doggo would also serve as the inspiration for the DWWF's version of the Ultimatepac, the Dogg Squad. That would be the rival faction that Joe would eventually create, as he was, once again, the first man to break ranks.

Oh, one more thing. The DWWF's D-Generation X adopted all of the...well, mannerisms and sayings of the WWF's D-Generation X. EVERYTHING! From the crotch-chop to the crossed arms to...well, those two little words, Suck It!

[edit] The Dogg Squad

Yes, once again, it was Joe who broke ranks and left the original faction, in this case D-Generation X. This time, however, there wasn't really one reason that led to his defection. Instead, there were several things that added up and led to Joe's eventual departure from DX.

Mostly it was the result of the build up from both the dispute concerning the DWCW-DWWF changeover and the dispute over Joe wanting to bring in the DWO Ultimatepac. (Believe me the DWWF was a very angry time and we all held grudges...I guess that explains why Eric got screwed out of the DWWF Title at Backlash 2000, CJ got left for dead in DWCW during the InVasion by Dan & Eric, no one could ever trust Dan...EVER, CJ KO-ed Bryan via an airborne bookbag, and Joe was genuinely, and deservingly, hated for his "Commissionary Acts".) Also adding fuel to the fire, and probably serving as the last straw, was another argument with Dan over the use of Joe's current character. This time it was over the persona of Road Dogg. Apparently Dan wanted to be Road Dogg...maybe. I say "maybe" because after Joe left DX Dan continued to be X-Pac...Oh well, that's why he's Dan. No one ever new what he was thinking or planning.

Anyway, whatever the reason, the end result was that Joe left and formed a new faction in the DWWF. A faction which he named "The Dogg Squad". The name was in reference to Al Snow's WWF faction "The J.O.B. Squad". Also, the "Dogg" part obviously came from Joe's Road Dogg persona and the name of his faithful friend Mr. Doggo.

The Dogg Squad would keep the black and green colors of D-Generation X, and Joe would also continue to use Road Dogg's theme song for his own entrance. Joe also went the whole nine yards like he did with the Ultimatepac, coining a catch phrase. He called it "Mr. Doggo's Final Four", which is probably too hot for TV...uhh Wikipedia. But what the hell. The four "little words" that Mr. Doggo and The Dogg Squad had for ya were "Go! Sniff! A Crotch!" (Well, that's heartfelt...and gay.)

D-Generation X and The Dogg Squad were, at first, mortal enemies, much like the Ultimatepac and the DWO were, and, for the time being, Joe led a one man revolt against DX. That is, until a second man made the jumped from D-Generation X to The Dogg Squad. That second man was shockingly Eric. Joe and Eric then formed a new tag team they called "The New Age Dogg House". An obvious jab at Joe and Dan's old tag team "The New Age Outlaws". Dogg House wound up winning the DWWF Tag Team Titles, but success was short lived, as, once again, history repeated itself and Joe was stabbed in the back by Eric. At the same time Dan and CJ turned on Bryan and DX. The three of them then formed their own faction..."The Kliq", a name that came under immediate dispution on whether or not it was in fact Bryan or Eric who had the rights to it. No matter who legally (At least as far as Digimons is concerned.) owned the name, the three usual suspects took on both Bryan and DX, as well as, Joe and The DS. This led to Bryan and Joe solving their personal differences and forming a "DX/DS Alliance" to counteract the three former "Sonic Club Buddies".

DX and The DS would remain allied up until Joe decided to retire The Dogg Squad and..."try some new ideas out". It wasn't pretty, but that's later on. Right now, I wanna get to one of, if not the, most defining moment in Digimon History...Backlash 2000.

[edit] Backlash 2000

Backlash 2000. Well,...Where do I begin? Backlash 2000 took the tension that already existed in the DWWF...and brought it to a whole new level. (You...That is, I ain't kidding!) I mean, the DWWF already had a tense atmosphere by this time, what with the whole "Ultimatepac Stand-off", the "HCW-HWF Defection", the birth of The Dogg Squad, basically the DWWF's whole existence up to this point. Backlash 2000 took all of these...proverbial pink elephants in the room...and brought all of that awkwardness to the forefront of the company!! Let me put it this way, the tension that resulted from Backlash 2000, specifically the Main Event, could've given the Cuban Missile Crisis a run for its money.

I guess it was just a matter of time though, that the evil plots of Dan and Eric against the rest of us finally backfired in their faces. (Oh. What?...Oh, I've just received the award for "Understatement Of The Year". ...Well, I'd like to take this time to thank all of the people who made this possible. Uhh...I wanna thank the Academy, although I don't know who that is...nor do I care. Um...I would also like to thank our fans. It's because of you, after all, that we do this crazy thing called Digimons. ...Uhh...Big ups to the DWWF production crew. Note to self: Never let Dan use a camera ever again. EVER! ...Hmm...I feel like...I feel like I'm forgetting somebody...But who?...Who would I be for...getting Uhh...OH! OF COURSE! Those two upstanding individuals themselves, Dan and Eric!!!!! Without them, this could have never been possible. Seriously, if it wasn't for them this "shining moment in Digimon History" would have never came to be. Anyway, back to the story. Wow. This is the longest self-interruption in the history of mankind. Bra-vo me. Bravo.)

Anyway, Backlash 2000 was bad. How bad you ask? Well, if you didn't realize how bad Backlash 2000 was based on the Cuban Missile Crisis reference earlier on...then you are completely retarded. However!...However. Let me just say this. If there is only one thing that you remember from this novel of an introduction, it should be this: that Backlash 2000 = bad, very bad, I mean WWF Survivor Series 1997 Bret Hart-Vince McMahon bad!!!! Your next question may be, why was it so bad? Well,...let's see. Backlash 2000 nearly destroyed the Digimon Industry, just about crippled the DWWF, and altered Digimon History forever!!!!!!!!! If that isn't bad, then Jennifer will start returning Bryan's phone calls!!!!

Now, since Eric is..."unavailable for comment" and Dan in no way, shape, or form supports this project to document Digimon History, I'll relay the story that I have pieced together over the years. I may not know all of the facts, probably no one does, not even Dan and Eric, but I've all but launched a full-scale investigation into the events that occurred at Backlash 2000. And this...This is my story...This is Backlash 2000.

It was a dark and stormy night. (Sorry, it just seemed fitting.) Anyway, it was a partly-cloudy afternoon with a 25% chance of rain...or at least, that's what Tim Deegan told me. Okay! Okay! Seriously now. Allow me to delve deeper into the story of Backlash 2000. ("delve deeper"? Who am I, Ernest Hemmingway?) Anyway, It was the afternoon of Sunday April 29, 2000, one day before Bryan's official birthday. But since that would have been a Monday, his party was held one day before, so it could be during the weekend. Needless to say, The Kliq Of Digimons were out in full force at this party. Some members of The Lack Pack were in attendance as well, namely Bryan's cousins Katie and Jenny. Well obviously! It was, after all, Bryan's birthday!!!! Anyway, since The Kliq was all there, we decided to go ahead and have Backlash, our April Pay-Per-View. So we booked the show, with the centerpiece being a Dual-Main Event. The first Main Event of the evening would be a Real Person Match between Joe and Bryan. This match, although for no title, had significance in the evolution of Digimons. This match was part of a two-match series that made up Joe and Bryan's debut Real Person Matches. Up until then, Real Person Matches were a tool used solely by Dan and Eric to protect the World Title, DWCW or DWWF, from being lost to any of the others, as a result, no one else had ever competed in Real Person besides Dan and Eric. This historic moment however, would be overshadowed to say the least by the second Main Event of the evening. That would be the now infamous DWWF World Heavyweight Championship First Ever Real Person Cage Match between the DWWF World Champion Eric and his challenger and cohort Dan. (Little known fact: Originally, when Backlash 2000 was booked, Joe and Bryan's basically-meaningless Real Person Match was scheduled as the final match of the night, with Dan and Eric's Real Person DWWF World Title Cage Match proceeding it on the card. This was changed after much debate (as usual). So, just think about that for a second. This Title Match that now lives on in infamy wouldn't have even been the final match of the show it took place on. Just imagine the added awkwardness that would have occurred if Bryan and Joe had to follow that mess. Yikes! Making it even more ridiculous, Bryan and Joe's match was a planned "No Contest Draw". That's right, Bryan couldn't even get a meaningless victory on his birthday. Well, that's heartfelt.)

The object of this First Ever Real Person Cage Match would be the same as any real-life WWF or WCW Cage Match. The first person to escape the cage and have both feet touch the ground wins. Easy, right? Yeah, easy to cheat. First, recall that I had said in the "Dan and Eric Unretirement Section" that during this early stage of Real Person Matches the winner wasn't chosen by a Digimon, at least, not always. Instead, the winner was chosen and agreed upon ahead of time by the participants in the match. This Backlash 2000 Main Event would be no different. Prior to match time, Dan and Eric discussed behind closed doors...(Probably literally. Trust me, we take this s&^^ seriously!) Anyway, Eric and Dan discussed their plan for the match, and the decided finish would be that Eric escapes the cage by climbing over and thus retaining his DWWF World Heavyweight Championship. It should be increasingly obvious by now that you know that this finish did not happen. In fact, quite the opposite happened. Actually, exactly the opposite happened!!!!! The match was going smoothly, much to the genuine excitement of the looker-ons, namely Bryan, Joe, and CJ. This match-up was suspenseful and actually interesting to watch, as opposed to Dan and Eric's usual Real Person Title Fights, which made little or no effort to hide the fact that they were simply a loophole to keep the title around one of their waists. This Cage Match had everyone wondering how exactly this match would end, and, more importantly, who would emerge DWWF World Champion. It didn't take long for their questions to be answered, as Dan hit two consecutive X-Factors on Eric (The second one was so over-the-top that both man began to laugh, breaking character for the only time during the match. That is, until the ending.) leaving the Champion helplessly laid out on the ground. Dan then jumped up and made an immediate mad-dash for the cage. Eric, still going along with the match as planned, didn't initially react, but, after realizing that Dan wasn't continuing his assault on him and, was in fact, making an unplanned run towards the cage, then jumped up himself and took off after Dan. Eric made it to the cage just in time to see Dan hit the ground on the other side. ...The look on Eric's face was probably the same look that Julius Caesar had on his when Brutus literally stabbed him in the back, since that is exactly what Dan had just figuratively done to him. Dan had just turned on his partner Eric in mid-match and effectively stole his DWWF World Heavyweight Title. If you were to ask me to describe what I witnessed first-hand, I'd put it this way. It was as if the whole match up until Dan X-Factored Eric for the second time was in one speed and then, like that, it was thrown into fast-forward once Dan took off for the cage.

The reaction to this match couldn't have been more chaotic. In fact, it was probably just as awkward as the ending itself. First and foremost Dan, with DWWF Title in hand, sported an ear-to-ear smile, having just won himself the biggest prize in Digimons. Eric, obviously, had just the opposite expression. He was irate, to say the least. First, he was beside himself over what just happened. Second, he was genuinely pissed-off and rightfully so. And thirdly, he continued to plead his case to the rest of us that he got screwed and should get to keep the title. Joe, having just witnessed the total demise of one of his biggest enemies, was engulfed in non-stop laughter. He couldn't have been happier to see Dan and Eric split, evening out the political pull of the company. Bryan, though an enemy to "The Kliq" as well, (Remember that's The Kliq, as in Dan, Eric, and CJ's group at the time, not The Kliq Of Digimons.) wasn't impressed one bit with what just went down. Nor was he happy that Joe found any humor in this. This is understanding, however, once you take into account that Bryan and Eric are brothers, and Bryan didn't appreciate watching his brother get screwed out of his DWWF World Title. This led to a slight altercation between Joe and Bryan. Joe pointed out what this meant for them in terms of creating a level playing field in the DWWF, while Bryan explained how, basically, what Dan just did was b*&^s&^% and it shouldn't stand. In case you were wondering, during all of the fallout from this match, CJ stood completely silent and utterly speechless. Don't forget, he was the third man in "The Kliq", and he just witnessed, basically, the complete disintegration of the faction, since one of his fellow Kliqites had just screwed the other out of the DWWF World Title.

As the arguments continued, it seemed that there was no end in sight, but, through all of this disagreement and disarray, Dan was able to keep his newly "won" DWWF World Heavyweight Championship. How you ask? Well, in hindsight, I really don't see any reason why Dan was able to keep the title. Eric was chosen and supposed to win the match. Technically, if the match didn’t happen and was called off due to extenuating circumstances, Eric would have been given a successful defense of the title. So, therefore, the title should have been his. Despite all this, at the time Dan was seen to have physically won the title, therefore, he had a more legitimate claim to the belt. The ruling was almost a punishment of sorts for them not using Digimon Matches to choose winners in their Real Person Matches. Dan being able to keep the title he just outright stole was a political win for the traditionalists of Digimons, mainly Joe, who disapproved of Digimon Titles being fought for in Real Person Matches that were not decided by digimons. In other words, digimon championships were effectively being "awarded" instead of "earned".

The decision to grant Dan the title also came with a new rule for Digimons. From this point on, all Real Person Matches would use a Digimon Match to determine a winner. This didn't mean that it was "illegal" or "not allowed" to fight a Real person Match without fighting a Digimon Match first. It just set the precedent that fighting a Digimon Match to determine the winner of a Real Person Match gave the winner of the Digimon Match a legitimate, undisputed claim to the victory, no matter what the acted-out ending was, therefore, it was in everyone's best interest to fight a Digimon Match to determine the winner of a Real Person Match. in other words, we all made sure to let the Digimons decide from then on the fate of who would win and who would lose Real Person Matches.

When the smoke cleared and everyone cooled down, and Bryan got to enjoy the rest of his birthday (Well, that's awkward.), the fallout led to a three-way split of "The Kliq". Eric formed a one-man faction called "The Lone Degenerate", Dan formed a one-man faction known as "X-Troop", and CJ...well, CJ unleashed a whole army of one-man factions that I'll list in the next section, which will go into more detail about the DWWF immediately following Backlash 2000. Also at this point, Joe and Bryan put their differences aside and continued on as the "D-Generation X/Dogg Squad Alliance".

The legacy of Backlash 2000: Well, first and foremost, this is considered the worst possible scenario when ending a Real Person Match. Secondly, Backlash 2000 has become a driving force for many storylines, as well as the punch line for many inside jokes, throughout the ensuing years of Digimons. Even Dan and Eric have tried to spin this thing several different ways, whether it's "a drive for revenge", or "just another chapter in the Dan-Eric Saga", or let's not forget the whole "it was all planned" storyline. (Possibly the worst storyline by these two individuals. That is...until the whole "you've been Punk'd" storyline. But that...that's another story.) One thing is certain about the legacy of Backlash 2000, and that is...The DWWF: It was the best a times. It was the worst a times.

[edit] Backlash 2000: The Kryptonite Of The Kliq

As I had said in the previous section, Backlash completely destroyed the faction known as "The Kliq". Eric became "The Lone Degenerate", Dan was now a member of the "X-Troop", and CJ...CJ entered the Twilight Zone, spitting out groups quicker than an auctioneer.

First, I'll cover Eric's faction "The Lone Degenerate". It was more of a nickname than a group, but at the time in the DWWF factions were all the rage. (In reality, the unwritten rule was that you had to be in a faction. You couldn't just be "in the DWWF".) Going along with the whole D-Generation X theme of the era, and the fact that Eric was now a "loner" a "lone wolf" of sorts, he came up with a name that combined the two elements, "The Lone Degenerate". In other words, "The Lone Degenerate" was basically a poor man's D-Generation X, allowing Eric to continue the DX attitude without having to rejoin Bryan and Joe in the actual DX faction.

Dan, also going along with the heavily DX-inspired atmosphere of the DWWF (Specifically a toy DX army jeep that he had with the name "DX-Troop 69" painted on it.), created a one-man-band of a faction that used the DX mold of how to be a faction. This allowed Dan to continue his X-Pac persona without any problem.

The third member of the trio formerly calling themselves "The Kliq", CJ, decided to go a whole other route. It all started when, at a show shortly after Backlash (Most likely the Raw right after.), CJ said he had an announcement and needed to come out. Whatever he was originally going to say will never be known, because as soon as he stood in the doorway to start his walk "out to the ring" (Joe and Dan's room.), the Andy Griffith Show theme song began playing on television (Joe, Dan, and CJ's grandparents were watching it in the next room.) and we all began to say "It's the Andy Griffithers!!!". CJ then proceeded to start his walk out to the center of the ring...and announce the creation of "The Andy Griffithers". Though this was only the first of dozens of one-hit-wonder groups created by CJ during this time, it was the most memorable and is therefore often used when referencing all of CJ's factions as a collective whole.

Because I'm a psycho, and a little Monkish, I'm going to attempt to put together a list of all of CJ's factions. In reality,...that's not possible. There's just too damn many! But I'll try my best to use my useless super powers of Digimon Memory Skills to come up with as comprehensive of a list as possible. So,...Here we go.

CJ's Factions:

The Andy Griffithers - Like I had said in the end of the Backlash 2000 section, it was a spur of the moment thing. During a show, probably the RAW right after Backlash, CJ said that he needed to come out to the ring because he had an announcement. So later, right when CJ was waiting in the entranceway, he took a step towards the ring and, instantly, The Andy Griffith Show Theme began playing. (The reason being because Joe, Dan, and CJ's grandparents were in the next room watching the show.) At this moment the rest of us said that that was his theme song. (Since he didn't have one once "The Kliq" broke up.) Then we started calling him "The Andy Griffithers". By this point, whatever CJ was originally going to say was forgotten because he proceeded to announce the creation of his new faction "The Andy Griffithers".

The Frosty Kreamers - Later on, in the same show, CJ reemerged to retire "The Andy Griffithers" and create and join a new faction..."The Frosty Kreamers". It was obviously derived from the donut chain Frosty Kream.

The DigiMonks - Still later on in on the same show, CJ came out once again and retired "The Frosty Kreamers". This time announcing the creation of "The DigiMonks". I have no idea what so ever as to where the inspiration for this name came from.

Total Carnage - Here's where any little structure that did exist up until this point...was thrown out the window. CJ began making and retiring groups like there was no tomorrow...AND NOT EVEN ON SHOWS ALONE!!!! He did it on a 24/7 basis! I'm obviously forgetting alot of these spontaneous factions. (Make that "spontaneous combusting factions", since CJ would create and instantly retire them, one right after another.) This one, "Total Carnage", and the next one, "Maximum Destruction", were created one right after another. (I have no idea which really came first but...yeah.) Anyway, the inspiration for these two came from two video games that CJ was holding in his hands while riding in his van. One was "Maximum Carnage" and the other was "Destruction Derby: Total Destruction". CJ simply took half of the name from one game and half of the name of the other game and put them together. In this case it was the "Total" from "Destruction Derby: Total Destruction" and the "Carnage" from "Maximum Carnage". Hence, "Total Carnage".

Maximum Destruction - For this one, CJ obviously took the "Maximum" from "Maximum Carnage" and the "Destruction" from "Destruction Derby: Total Destruction". Hence, "Maximum Destruction". Anyway, these two groups were short-lived because, just like their numerous predecessors (and their even more numerous successors), they were retired immediately after their creation.

The Coney Island Islanders - This was actually more than just the name of a flash-in-the-pan faction. Whether or not CJ actually created this name during his mad run of creating groups is unknown. (He probably originally did, but I just remember it during the InVasion. Then again, I guess he was still factionless by then and so, technically, it one of his groups.) What is known is that the name "The Coney Island Islanders" became the name of a World Championship Tag Team in the summer of 2001, during the first InVasion. At the time Dan, Eric, CJ, and...I guess...still technically Robbie were in DWCW in the early years of the InVasion...Just kidding. Early days of the InVasion. It just seemed like years. Anyway, Eric was the reigning DWCW World Tag Team Champion, all by himself. After having defended it once successfully at DWWF King Of The Ring 2001, he decided to award the other tag team title belt to his fellow DWCW roster member, CJ. At this point, CJ began calling them "The Coney Island Islanders" even coming up with a ridiculous entrance theme, complete with an even more ridiculous dance. ...I actually remember the lyrics...I'm just whether or not to type them...Ahhh, what the hell?! Here are the lyrics:



Coney Island.




CJ would sing this every time they came out. At first by himself (It took Eric awhile to embrace the image of "The Coney Island Islanders".), but eventually accompanied by Eric. Remember. The song was also accompanied by an "Official Coney Island Islanders Tribal Dance". (..."Coney Island Islanders Tribal Dance"?...Well, I think it's safe to say that I'm probably the first person EVER to type that. I mean, I don't think anyone on Coney Island has ever performed a "tribal dance"...Not to many tribes on Coney Island, no. ...Now I got visions of Stephon Marbury and the entire Brooklyn Cyclones Franchise in my head doing the dance. Yikes.) Aaaaaanywho, where was I? (I genuinely forgot.) So Eric awarded CJ the other DWCW Tag Belt, CJ conjured up the image, and "The Coney Island Islanders" were born! ...Unfortunately, they would eventually meet the same fate as the rest of CJ's one-hit-wonder factions. As Eric never really fully wanted to do the angle. Eventually, in unprecedented fashion, he forced CJ to give back the half of the DWCW Tags that Eric had awarded him. CJ had no choice...he vanquished his half of the tags and "The Coney Island Islanders" were no more. The name would resurface every now and then and CJ would sing the song from time to time, but there was never another full-on entity known as "The Coney Island Islanders".

There you have it! That's all I know. I know it's not nearly all of them, but nobody knows all of CJ's factions. NOT EVEN CJ!!!!! So in honor of the rest of the factions that are unknown let me type up a general bio for all of them:

Name: God only knows!

Inspiration: Everything and Anything.

Time From Creation To Retirement: None existent.

Legacy: [Sean "Sugar Daddy" Dawkins: What?] [Dr. Emmett Brown (Slightly Modified...Okay Completely Modified!): Legacy? Where these things are going they don't need a legacy.]