Third National Ministry

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[edit] The Ministry

Prime Minister Stanley Baldwin 1935–1937
Lord President of the Council Ramsay MacDonald 1935–1937
Lord Chancellor The Viscount Hailsham 1935–1937
Lord Privy Seal The Viscount Halifax 1935–1937
Foreign Secretary Sir Samuel Hoare 1935
Anthony Eden 1935–1937
Home Secretary Sir John Simon 1935–1937
Colonial Secretary Malcolm MacDonald 1935
James Henry Thomas 1935–1936
William Ormsby-Gore 1936–1937
War Secretary The Viscount Halifax 1935
Duff Cooper 1935–1937
Secretary of State for India The Marquess of Zetland 1935–1937
Secretary of State for Air The Viscount Swinton 1935–1937
Dominion Secretary James Henry Thomas 1935
Malcolm MacDonald 1935–1937
Secretary of State for Scotland Sir Godfrey Collins 1935–1936
Walter Elliot 1936–1937
Chancellor of the Exchequer Neville Chamberlain 1935–1937
Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster JCC Davidson 1935–1937
Minister without Portfolio Anthony Eden 1935
Minister without Portfolio Lord Eustace Percy 1935–1936
First Lord of the Admiralty Bolton Eyres-Monsell (from November 1935 as The Viscount Monsell) 1935–1936
Sir Samuel Hoare 1936–1937
President of the Board of Trade Walter Runciman 1935–1937
President of the Board of Education Oliver Stanley 1935–1937
  • Anthony Eden served as Minister without Portfolio, with specific responsibility for League of Nations Affairs (and was often referred to as "Minister for League of Nations Affairs) for approximately six months; during this time, he enjoyed equal status with the Foreign Secretary (Sir Samuel Hoare) and sat in the cabinet.