
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Hello. I am new to this. Please be patient.

I have been editing this website since mid-2006. I was forced to become a registered member because somebody was threatening to take my editing privildges away.

I only edit popular culture entries, because I am not comfortable expanding into more respected fields.

I find that it is fun to find mistakes and correct them. That is probably what you will see me doing the most here. You would be surprised at how many entries here have a part that makes no sense gramatically. Sometimes they are so confusing that I don't even fix them.

I think some people at wiki act like nazis and I will never do that. I can live with somebody editing my entries or even deleting them. Some people can not. I could not believe I was getting threatened that my editing privilidges would be taken away just because I don't think there should be a reference to the Columbine Massacre in the introductary paragraph for Barney Gumble's page here. So I made my own username here, even though if I had my option, I would have stuck to being an unregistered contributor.

You want to know my new pet peeve here? Horrible opening paragraphs. I am almost positive one third of all the pop culture references have something really out of place in it's opening paragraph. I haven't even bothered to fix them. What is the point?

I think this chiseling in of new facts is killing the pop culture entries. What is needed is for someone to take the effort to rewrite them. But who? Certainly not me. Somebody though.