User:The prophet wizard of the crayon cake/Organization C

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"Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law."
Aleister Crowley on doing what thou wilt.

"Conserve a smidgeon of sanity whilst doing what thou wilt, but only a smidgeon."
The Prophet Wizard of the Crayon Cake on doing what thou wilt.

"Love is the law, love under will."
Aleister Crowley on loving.

"mmmm love."
The Prophet Wizard of the Crayon Cake on loving.

(A spiffy bulletein template will go here.)

Yup... this is Organization C.

[edit] What is organization C?

Because I'm too lazy to draft up what we are... I'll just give you this IRC chat. I figured putting everything in conversation form will tell you up front what we do. I may or may not write a fancy article, but this will always stay... and it will be called, The Great Conversation. -- The Prophet Wizard of the Crayon Cake (Prophesize|Witchcraft)

[edit] The Great Conversation

(JD_UK totally approves this conversation)

<CakeProphet> That's my Organization C page... in case you were wondering.

<JD_UK> what is organisation c?

<CakeProphet> I'm devising an organization much like Esperanza... but quite different.

<JD_UK> a rival organisation!?

<CakeProphet> It's the concept name... that may or may not become the real name, depending on how furious our debates are on the name.

<CakeProphet> Nah.

<CakeProphet> See, when Organization A works in a way that some editor doesn't like, they run off and make Organization B. Well, I didn't like the idea of being a fork off, so I made Organization C.

<CakeProphet> So as to be separate.

<JD_UK> lmao

<JD_UK> having a brain, and using it, must be fun...

<CakeProphet> Well, I'd get bored with a brain I didn't use.

<JD_UK> i see...

<CakeProphet> We're an organization that prides itself in disorganization.

<JD_UK> ooh sounds like my kinda thing

<CakeProphet> There are no leaders, and all editors are equal to make any changes they see fit to the org.

<CakeProphet> The org is headed by a governing Cabal... with Cabalists that are elected by the existing Cabalists whenever they see fit to appoint new Cabalists... these Cabalists decide everything about :the org, but in fact they do not exist.

<JD_UK> lol sounds a bit complicated

<CakeProphet> Of course, every Monday through Thursday, and any day of the week we see fit... is :Rebel Against The Cabal day.

<CakeProphet> So... in principle, we do whatever we want.

<JD_UK> an organisation of standardising disorganisation...

<CakeProphet> The point of this organization is nothing like Esperanza... in fact, the org itself will not be aware of its reason for existence... so secret must the reason be, that not even the members must know why it exists.

<JD_UK> :O

<CakeProphet> However, we will do things, which is "whatever we want"... depending on what mood we're in, and how we feel like organization people to do shit.

<CakeProphet> But... we will always have fun doing it... unless we actually -want- to not have fun..

<CakeProphet> Which would be kinda weird.

<JD_UK> lol

<JD_UK> how many members does the organisation actually have at the moment?

<CakeProphet> See, that's the cause of Wikistress... too much seriousness... if you get all pint up in the order and structure and the casualness, the callousness, the clean, orderly chaos of the Wiki system, then you stop having fun.

<CakeProphet> Billions

<JD_UK> oh

<CakeProphet> So... we will be like Esperanza, which aims to fight off Wikistress... but we will take a different approach, but using similar principles.

<CakeProphet> Instead, we will totally take ourselves unserious.