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[edit] TheLuTz:

aka: 'LuTz', Andrew John Lutz

[edit] The Life

Born during a terrible storm on the 13th night of September, in the 1986th year of our Lord, TheLuTz did not cry. He was a good baby, rarely crying to awake his parents in the night, although his early life lactose intolerance was rather annoying, as was the odor created by his goatmilk fortified feces. He developed a stutter early in childhood, as well as a nack for getting into fights. A science-fair-winning, fantasy-novel-reading, curse word-spewing dweeb he was simply a rather entertaining target for bullies. Even the large bullies that normally scared kids too much to get them to fight back, got a battle from TheLuTz. Generally when fights had been broken up, there was a debate as to whether TheLuTz ever actaully struck his opponent. The bully would be punished for fighting, and TheLuTz would be punished for his dirty—no—filthy mouth. At the age of 12 TheLuTz was accepted into a prestigious private catholic High School run by the Benedictine monks of the ‘’Abbey of St. Mary and St. Louis’’. His days at The Saint Louis Priory School were turbulent. He was most-always a poor student, except in rare instances when he was found to be fascinated with the material. While he had a great rapport with most if his teachers, it was rare that that connection made it to the classroom. He loved his computer science classes, where he first began programming in Java. In particular Theology courses, which gave him an understanding of the Catholic Church. It was this understanding that led him to receive the sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation, and the Eucharist in December... I believe it was the 16th, of 2003. In May of 2005 TheLuTz graduated from the Priory School he loved so dearly, and began continuing his education at Webster University in St. Louis, Missouri. He is majoring in Computer Science with an Emphasis in IT, and minoring in Philosophy. He was President of the Webster Computer Club as a freshman, and is now the clubs treasurer. He is currently discerning a vocation to the religious life as a Benedictine monk (preferably at the Saint Louis Abbey, or rather as a hopelessly Catholic computer Nerd/Blogger). He has attained the rank of American Folk Person according to the Inkman Folk Scales.

[edit] The Stature

Nearly 6 feet tall, TheLuTz towers over all. While his thighs are rather large, as well as his rump, he still remains one of the more attractive fellows around. You should call him.

[edit] The Man Behind the Mask

N.B.- Guest Written: TheLuTz, despite all other conceptions, is one of the most interesting people I know. Passionate is one of the best ways to describe his life, because it takes merely a few moments with him on the right subjects to experience the true depth of his interests. An Apple collector who argues vehemently for the superiority of its form and tries his damndest to repair what others might and have referred to as 'doorstops', yet purchases a pc laptop because of its cost-efficiency (Although he may have proven his point with it currently being repaired by CompUSA). He is the savior of a great deal of other discarded material, most evident with his spools of audio-tape and books. TheLuTz has a very rare gift for amicability, and frequently puts the preferences of his friends above his own. Depending on he to whom a ride is being given, TheLuTz is perfectly capable of listening to Tchaikovsky, Irish Folk Music, Queen, Ben Folds, or REO Speedwagon and enjoying it all.

If you ask almost any student at Priory, even when taking into consideration that he is an alum of nearly 2 years, they are familiar and on friendly terms with him. He is well-known and liked by many. Remembering what his experiences as a 7th grader were like, feelings of isolation and bewilderment common to any student at a new school, TheLuTz makes a point to greet and talk with the new arrivals. Perhaps unknowingly, he imparts a sense of calmness and acceptance when most others in high-school care much less for many in only the class behind them. In a very real sense, he has become a reassuring part of the Priory experience himself.

Due to the nature of Saint Louis Priory School, he was exposed to a great deal of monastic life and culture. Somehow, in talking with the different monks, he has soaked up enough material to write several tomes. The sheer volume of his knowledge astounds me to this day, and his endearing curiosity has not weathered one bit.

While he may not be the fastest friend you make, his is by far one of the most secure friendships you will ever have. His care reveals itself in the many emails and conversations he has with friends away at college, he is constantly well-wishing. He has been nothing but a most sturdy support for me in times of crisis, and it is an ironclad fact that I would not be able to say so now if he hadn't been there. You would be doing yourself a favor to spend a few minutes getting to know this man, I highly recommend it.

[edit] Links