There's the Rub (Gilmore Girls)

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“There's The Rub”
Gilmore Girls episode
Emily and Lorelai experience facials at the exclusive Birchgrove Spa.
Emily and Lorelai experience facials at the exclusive Birchgrove Spa.
Episode no. Season 2
Episode 16
Guest stars Sean Gunn
Shelly Cole
Teal Redmann
Biff Yeager
Michael Panes
Written by Sheila R. Lawrence
Directed by Amy Sherman-Palladino
Production no. 227466
Original airdate April 9, 2002
Episode chronology
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There's The Rub is Episode 16 of Season 2 of the television series Gilmore Girls. It originally aired on April 9, 2002.

Spoiler warning: Plot and/or ending details follow.


[edit] Plot

Luke's Diner is a busy place on this typical Thursday morning. The place itself, however, is anything but typical: It's a mess. Construction work on Luke and Jess's apartment upstairs is disrupting the restaurant below. Workmen rush around. Plastic sheets hang everywhere. The noise is deafening. Two customers even get a plateful of drywall while trying to eat their breakfasts. Luke argues with Tom, the contractor, but to no avail. As in most construction jobs, the unexpected keeps cropping up. Lorelai and Rory come in and sit down, but Luke suggests they change tables since three other people were nailed in the head there earlier. Lorelai's cell phone rings and she goes outside to take the call. Jess walks up to Rory and offers her an umbrella, which she takes just in time to shield herself from falling ceiling.

The call to Lorelai is from her mother. Emily placed a bid at a charity auction for the DAR and won the prize: A gift certificate for a weekend at the Birchgrove Spa, an exclusive resort. Emily is offering Lorelai the use of the prize. She explains that she wasn't really interested but had to bid on something. Lorelai eagerly accepts. She tells her mother of all the wonderful pampering she is looking forward to: massages, facials, aromatherapy, the works. Emily is intrigued -- so much so that she decides that she will go too. You see, the certificate is for two people... Lorelai begins to backpedal, but her mother asks her flat out if she minds the company. Trapped, Lorelai has no choice but to concede. They agree to leave tomorrow morning.

The next day, Lorelai is on the telephone while Rory packs her mother's suitcase. When her conversation ends, Lorelai crows to her daughter that she has managed to finagle the schedules at the spa so that she and her mother will spend practically no time together. Rory says this behavior is immature, but Lorelai says she is desperate. The subject then turns to what Rory plans to do at home by herself on a Friday night. Lorelai daydreams of a wild party with bikers and low-lifes who trash the place. Rory, however, plans a night of Indian food, TV on the couch and laundry, much to Lorelai's disappointment. The two hear a car horn honk outside; Emily has arrived.

And what an arrival: The girls come outside to find Emily standing beside a classic black stretch limousine. She says since the weekend is all about relaxing that they might as well start with the ride. The two elder Gilmores depart and Lorelai gives Rory one last reminder to have some crazy fun while she's gone.

Later, in Rory's science class at Chilton, the teacher is handing back her students' lab reports from their work on electrochemistry. She says that they were not completely up to her standards, so she will give another test on the subject this coming Tuesday. Paris Geller eagerly takes her report book from the teacher and quickly checks her grade. Her face falls in disappointment. She leans across the aisle to talk to Madeline and Louise about the possibility of them all studying together that evening. The other two girls are stunned by the idea: It's Friday night. They have dates. Exasperated with them both, Paris walks back to talk to Rory. Paris desperately wants Rory to cancel whatever plans she has and help her study for the coming test. It seems Paris's home life isn't ideal for academics: Her father, after rejecting divorce as financially unsound, has moved back home, and her parents' constant fighting makes it hard for Paris to focus. Rory says she can't help Paris tonight, but promises to study with her next week if she still feels unsure after Tuesday's quiz.

Emily and Lorelai have arrived at the Birchgrove Spa. Emily is immediately enchanted with the place, but Lorelai, dreading the hours ahead, is less enthusiastic. As they check in, Bobby, the desk clerk, tells them all about what the spa has to offer -- and one thing it doesn't offer: caffeine. Lorelai barely has time to recover from this blow when she finds out that Emily called the spa on the way over to re-confirm their reservations. That's right: Their spa schedules are side by side once again.

Back in Stars Hollow, Rory and Dean are leaning on a tree, k-i-s-s-i-n-g. When they come up for air, Dean suggests that, since Lorelai is out of town tonight, he should drop by Rory's for a visit. She nervously begs off by explaining that she wanted to have the house to herself for a while -- including her rather convoluted system for separating laundry. This surprises Dean, but he says he is not angry. Rory promises that they will spend the day together all day on Saturday.

At Birchgrove, Lorelai is unpacking her suitcase when she hears a knock at the door. She opens the room's front door, but no one is there. The knocking persists. She goes to a door set in the wall and opens it: In walks Emily, dressed in a bathrobe. She got them adjoining rooms. Emily rhapsodizes about the spa and the bathrobe while Lorelai grows ever more sarcastic and huffy. Things only get worse as the two go from treatment to treatment: Emily is chatty and excited while Lorelai wants only to be left alone in silence. The argument finally comes to a head during their "couples" massage. Emily calls Lorelai on the carpet for wasting all her relaxing time by acting like a child, and Lorelai finally concedes.

At home, Rory is ordering her Indian food when Lorelai rings in. She complains about having to spend so much time with her mother, but Rory encourages her to be nice. As the call ends, the doorbell rings: It's Paris. She is frantic about her suddenly inability to study chemistry, and guilts Rory into an impromptu study session.

Lorelai and Emily are preparing for dinner at the spa when they notice the menu -- it has an emphasis on tofu and the word "steamed." Lorelai convinces her mother to go out and find somewhere to get a steak dinner.

Paris and Rory are finishing up their studying when the doorbell rings again. It's Jess. He says he has brought a "care package" of food from Luke's. Rory lets him in but clearly doesn't want him to stay. He invites himself to dinner anyway. At the last minute, Rory invites Paris to stay as well.

Emily and Lorelai have found a restaurant, but the hour-long wait for a table prompts Lorelai to suggest they sit at the bar for dinner. As the two sip their martinis, Lorelai notices an older man checking Emily out from across the room.

Jess, Paris and Rory are eating dinner and talking when the telephone rings. It's Dean. He insists on coming over, even though Rory discourages it. She tries to rush Jess out of the house, but Dean walks up just as they are coming out the door. Jess leaves but Dean is very upset. He and Rory are on the verge of a huge argument when Paris defuses the whole situation. She says she asked Rory to arrange for Jess to visit, because she thought Jess was cute and wanted to talk to him. Dean accepts this, and leaves. Rory thanks Paris for what she did and offers to let her stay the night.

Lorelai and Emily are enjoying their dinners when the man who was looking at Emily before walks up to them. He says his name is Chad, and he is clearly interested in Emily. He asks her to dance and she agrees, somewhat reluctantly. At first, Emily is having fun. When a slower song begins though, and the dancing is cheek-to-cheek, she becomes very uncomfortable. She rushes from the dance floor. When Lorelai asks what's wrong, Emily angrily blames her for "forcing" her into a bad situation. She leaves.

Back at the spa, Lorelai is packing to go home. Emily thanks her for agreeing to leave early. She wonders aloud why she ever thought she could have made the weekend work. Then, all at once, Emily asks Lorelai why they can't have what Lorelai and Rory have. Lorelai explains that Rory is her best friend first and her daughter second. Emily despairs that she and Lorelai will never be able to build a friendly relationship. Lorelai says they just need some shared experiences to build on, and suggest one: They should both steal bathrobes from the Birchgrove Spa. Emily agrees to do it and Lorelai sees it as a big first step.

At Luke's Diner on Saturday morning, Rory and Lorelai are recapping the previous day's events over breakfast. When Rory goes to the counter to pay, she thanks Luke for the care package. "What care package?" Luke asks. Jess quickly diverts his uncle's attention, but it's too late. Rory guesses that Jess lied just to come visit her, and she teases him about it.

Lorelai meets Dean outside and she tells him how bad Rory feels about what happened last night. Dean says he understands; Rory wouldn't lie to him, right? They both watch silently through the diner window as Rory and Jess talk together.

[edit] Pop Culture



[edit] See also

[edit] External links