Theophil Ruderstaller

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Theophil Ruderstaller (*1906 in Ostermiething, Oberösterreich; † June 10, 1946 in Fuxin, China) was capuchin and China missionary.

In 2005, Bishop Joseph Wei from Qiqihar - since 2002 apostologic administrator of the former Capuchin mission Kiamusze (Jiamusi) - told Gaudentius Walser from the North Tyrolean Capuchin province that two coffins with the corpses of Theophil Ruderstaller (Ostermiething) and Antonin Schörcksnadel (Innsbruck) had been found while fountain buries in a private house’s garden. On July 10 in 1946, they were shot in the parsonage.

Currently, there is a beatification running for Theophil Ruderstaller.

[edit] Literature

  • Hermenegild Hintringer: Der oberösterreichische Chinamissionar und Märtyrer P. Theophil Ruderstaller († 1946). In: Neues Archiv für die Geschichte der Diözese Linz Jg. 1 (1981/82), S. 62-75.
  • Hermenegild Hintringer: P. Theophil Ruderstaller OFM Cap. von Ostermiething. Ein ehemaliger Petriner und Blutzeuge für die katholische Kirche in China. In: Gedenkschrift zum 50. Schuljahr des Bischöflichen Gymnasiums am Kollegium Petrinum, Linz 1954, S. 82-83.

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