The position of Iranians in scientific competitions

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Since mid 20th century, Iranian students, junior researchers and senior scientists have had a significant presence in international science competitions. Scientific movement in Iran is in progress in spite of many financial restrictions and sanctions.


[edit] International competitions

[edit] International science olympiads

In view of recognition of Iranians in international olympiads, 2007 Physics IO will be held in Iran.

[edit] Robocup

[edit] TWAS

[edit] National competitions

[edit] Kharazmi festival

[edit] Razi festival

[edit] Natioanl university entrance exams

[edit] Natioanl exam for exceptional talents (SAMPAD)

[edit] National University entrance exams at graduate level

[edit] Natioanl Basic science exam for Medical Schools

[edit] National exam for residency position at Medical Schools

[edit] See also