The Will of D

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In the One Piece fictional universe, many characters have the middle initial "D". This mysterious middle initial has been called "the will of the D" or "D's will" by several characters in One Piece. Some translations refer to it as "Gol D's will" in reference to Gol D. Roger the late pirate king. The English dub by 4Kids chose to refer to the D as the "the Spirit of Gol. D". In a recent recap supplement release of the manga referred to a those that carry the D as The Man of "D". [1]


[edit] What is the D?

Spoiler warning: Plot and/or ending details follow.

It is not clear what the significance of the shared middle initial is, but it appears that all share a similar faith in their own (and others') dreams and/or destiny, and are stubborn and strong-willed. All "Ds" so far have been incredibly strong individuals, and are able to withstand inhuman pain and injuries.

In Oda's SBS questions and answer corner, he was asked what the D in Luffy's name stood for. Oda just replied to read it as a D for now and that he would reveal the truth behind it in time.[2] This was the first time Luffy's 'D' was brought up, as well as Oda's first hint towards a bigger mystery.

In the storyline, Dr. Kureha is the first to mention The Will Of D and it was revealed by her that Gold Roger's (the late pirate king) true name was Gol D. Roger. She tells Dalton that Chopper has joined up with a very dangerous man. [3]

Dr. Kureha: So it still lives... The will of D.

[edit] Clues on its significance

[edit] Personality

The competitiveness of the Ds as demonstrated by Luffy and Blackbeard, both Ds.  They were arguing over whether the food was good or bad and how many pieces of meat/pie they wanted.
The competitiveness of the Ds as demonstrated by Luffy and Blackbeard, both Ds. They were arguing over whether the food was good or bad and how many pieces of meat/pie they wanted.

One of the most common references made about the Ds is how similar they are to each other. Although their overall personalities vary between each D, they are typically simple-minded people who see the simple solutions to things, however do not always act stupid as a result of it. They display fun-loving traits and are able to make friends or get along with most people without there seeming to be any cause for alarm. They are also highly competitive (even with each other), often aiming their ambitions at high targets, but unlike normal people, they seem to have the determination, strength, willpower, and courage to carry out their ambitions. They are daring and seemingly fearless. Luffy, Ace, and Teach have been shown to have no fear of water, despite being Devil Fruit users, and Luffy has many times committed risky attacks against his foes (consider, for example, striking Don Krieg, who had covered himself in spikes).

Nico Robin states that she has met a number of the Ds over the years, and all the people she's met with D as their middle initial are incredibly strong and just as stubborn. Other references come from various characters:

  • Gan Fall, who seemed to have known Gol D. Roger, found similarities between Luffy and the former pirate king.[4]
  • Admiral Aokiji noted the similarities between Luffy and his grandfather, although he wasn't sure if it was stupidity they shared in common, or simple-mindedness, or perhaps both. [5]
  • Sea Train engineer Kokoro mentioned that if the legendary shipwright Tom, who built Gol D. Roger's ship, were still alive, he would have helped Luffy with the raid on Enies Lobby because of the similarities between Luffy and Roger's personalities.[6]

Their individualistic traits, outlooks on life, fun-loving natures and strong senses of personal justice tend to draw the Ds to particular lifestyles, including being a Marine, a pirate, and a revolutionary.

[edit] Family

One clue about those who carry the "D" was left by Saul, who specifically said that, while he didn't know the meaning of the initial, he did know everyone in his family carried it in their names. [7]. So far, it seems that all of the Ds may indeed be related to each other. Recently, one of Luffy's grandfathers was revealed to be Vice Admiral Monkey D. Garp; he also carries the name 'Monkey D.' at the start of his name, along with Luffy's father Monkey D. Dragon. However, despite this evidence, this does not rule out the existence of the initial D in other family lines as well. As a side note, Luffy and his brother Ace, who are both carriers of the D, share no other part of their names with each other. [7].

Since family may also be regarded as the status of a close group of people (especially in the world of One Piece), the Ds may not be directly related to each other at all, but rather a group of individuals who have come to accept each other as if they were a close family.

The "family" theory is possibly the most common among fans.

[edit] Fate

Another odd thing about the Ds is that they appear to encourage or ignite change whenever they appear somewhere, sometimes seeming as if they are drawn to fate that is playing out. For example, Blackbeard's raid is the turning point for the Drum Kingdom, and their selfish and corrupt King was made to flee the kingdom, freeing the citizens from his corrupt reign. Later, when he returns to Drum Kingdom, Luffy's intervention stops Wapol from taking his throne back. Jaguar D. Saulo also ended up on Ohara island before the Buster call was due to arrive and was there when it came to help Robin escape, thus allowing the only reader of the ancient language of the Poneglyphs to continue to live. Robin states she is convinced Luffy will play an important role in the events of the world after seeing a note left by Gol D. Roger in Skypiea near its sacred bell. [8] Luffy managed to stop Sir Crocodile from taking over Alabasta and defeated one of the Shichibukai, which obviously has had great repercussions in the balance of the Three Great Powers.

How fate reacts to the Ds cannot be fully explained, but an example of fate openly affecting a D comes from Blackbeard, as he leaves a bar in Mocktown on the island of Jaya. Blackbeard encountered Bellamy, who was entering at that moment; while they did not say anything to each other, Blackbeard seemed to sense that something was about to happen and hung around outside. [9] As he stayed, he managed to give an inspiring speech to Luffy.

In the recent recap of One Piece, the Ds were described as people who will impact the world like a giant tsunami. [1]

[edit] Power

The Ds are very powerful. Gol D. Roger was said to be equal in strength to Whitebeard, who currently holds the title of "The Strongest Man in the World". Luffy defeated powerful villains such as Sir Crocodile, Enel, and Rob Lucci, and is now greatly feared by the World Government and has received an extremely large bounty of 300 million belli. His brother Ace, with his amazing fire-based powers, is feared by everyone, and well-known, and has physical strength on par with that of Luffy. Dragon, the revolution's leader, is viewed as a serious threat by the World Government, and seems to be incredibly strong. Garp has monstrous strength and endurance, enough to intimidate Luffy (though this seems to be because of Garp's unorthodox training methods). Marshall D. Teach (Blackbeard) is also powerful (possibly equal to Shanks), and is currently viewed as a candidate for seizing Whitebeard's title as the strongest man in the world. Jaguar D. Saulo was also very strong, since he was able to lift a Buster Call ship out of the water and slam it back down, thus destroying it. However, as he is a giant, this is not an unusual display of strength. Their lack of fear may be because of their strength.

[edit] Dreams

The Ds also seem to be drawn to dreams; for example, the places Luffy visits usually result in him ending the dreams of the many One Piece villains, including Captain Kuro and Sir Crocodile. In the outcome of every battle, he leaves them alive to see their failed dreams fall apart. In the process, the victims of these villains have their dreams and hopes renewed. Every member of Luffy's crew also has a dream they are trying to achieve. However, Oda has stated that he prefers villains being punished with seeing their dreams fall apart instead of simply killing them off. Blackbeard also encourages Luffy to ignore Bellamy's talks about the end of the dreams of pirates, giving Luffy a speech about how a pirate's dream never ends.

[edit] The concept of death

Luffy smiling as Buggy is about to kill him.
Luffy smiling as Buggy is about to kill him.

An odd trait of the Ds is their relation to death. Often, they are seen laughing or smiling when they are about to die, as if they seem to accept and overcome fear of their deaths when they know they cannot escape dying. The reactions of many characters who witness this are often of shock or disbelief, because it is hard to imagine anyone not being afraid of dying. So far this strange habit has been shown 5 times:

  • Witnesses claim Gold Roger died smiling during his execution.
  • 22 years later, one of those witnesses, Captain Smoker, witnessed Luffy smiling in the same manner as Gold Roger when Buggy was about to kill him.[10]
  • When Conis asked Luffy of his opinions of death, he responded he was "pumped up for it" with a smile on his face.
  • Nico Robin also witnessed Saulo laughing and smiling as he was frozen by Aokiji. One of Saulo's beliefs was always to laugh, even when you were hurt. [11]
  • Ace is seen smiling right before his clash with Blackbeard though it is unknown what their fates are.

[edit] Their knowledge about themselves

The biggest mystery with the Ds is that those that carry the D themselves do not seem to fully understand what it means either. When asked by Nico Robin why those that carry the D fight, Monkey D. Luffy was completely clueless as to what she was talking about, as was Jaguar D. Saulo when she asked him during her childhood (displaying an absence of knowledge on the subject of the D). [12]

[edit] Known Ds

[edit] Alive

Spoiler warning: Plot and/or ending details follow.

At 17 (in the Manga), Luffy is the youngest pictured D carrier thus far in the story, and Luffy's brother Ace the second youngest at 20 years old. Monkey D. Dragon and Marshall D. Teach are also carriers of the D. Monkey D. Garp's age has not yet been specified, but he seems to be the oldest living D, according to the latest chapters. Thus far in the story, there have been no female Ds.

Spoilers end here.

[edit] Deceased

In the present storyline, Roger has been dead for 22 years. Saulo has been dead for 20 years. As a giant, his age may have been anywhere up to 300 years (the normal lifespan of a giant).

[edit] References

  1. ^ a b One Piece Grand Times
  2. ^ SBS questions: One Piece Manga - Vol.8 Chapter 70, Fan question: What does the D in Luffy's name mean?
  3. ^ One Piece - Episode 91 and One Piece Manga - Vol.17 Chapter 154, Dr. Kureha talking about Luffy and the D.
  4. ^ One Piece Manga - Vol.32 Chapter 301, Luffy and Gol D. Roger are similar.
  5. ^ One Piece Manga - Vol.34 Chapter 319, Luffy and his grandfather are alike.
  6. ^ One Piece Manga - Chapter 400, Kokoro says why Tom helped Roger.
  7. ^ a b One Piece Manga - Vol.41 Chapter 392, What is the relationship between the Ds?
  8. ^ One Piece Manga - Vol.32 Chapter 301, Roger's note
  9. ^ One Piece - Episode 147, One Piece Manga - Vol.24 Chapter 223, Blackbeard senses something
  10. ^ One Piece Manga - Vol.11 Chapter 99, Smoker stating that Luffy smiled same as Gol D. Roger before his execution.
  11. ^ One Piece - Episode 52, One Piece Manga - Vol.11 Chapter 99 and One Piece Manga - Vol.41 Chapter 397, The strange laughter/smile before death
  12. ^ One Piece - Episode 111, One Piece Manga - Vol.20 Chapter 180 and One Piece Manga - Vol.41 Chapter 392, The Ds response to their own name

[edit] See also