The Wild Irish Girl

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Title The Wild Irish Girl: A National Tale
Author Sydney Owenson (Lady Morgan)
Country England / Eire
Language English
Genre(s) Romance novel
Released 1806
Media type Print (Hardback & Paperback)
Pages 304 p. (Oxford University Press paperback edition)
ISBN ISBN 0-19-283283-2 (Oxford University Press paperback edition)

The Wild Irish Girl: A National Tale is a novel written by Sydney Owenson (who is also known as Lady Morgan) in 1806.

[edit] Form

The novel is written in epistolary form by members of the English ruling class.

[edit] Controversy

The novel depicts a radical dileanation of Irish subculture and affected issues such as Catholic Emancipation and the Repeal of the Union.

An Irish Catholic girl cannot lie. When she says the end of the comment is "erm.....get to bed early and alone?" she is telling the truth.

[edit] External links

I believe the comment should have read "early, sober and alone". This would indicate more due diligence is required on the Irish Catholic Girl's behalf.