The Underland Chronicles

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The Underland Chronicles is a five-part series of children’s books written by Suzanne Collins between 2003 and 2006. It tells the story of an eleven year old boy named Gregor and his adventures in a land hidden under New York City. The underland is inhabited by giant rats, cockroaches, rats, spiders, fireflies and other creatures.

Spoiler warning: Plot and/or ending details follow.


[edit] The Series

[edit] Gregor the Overlander

Gregor the Overlander (ISBN 0-439-43537-4) is the first book of the series. In the book, Gregor and his sister Boots fall into the Underland for the first time and meet the Regalians.

[edit] Gregor and the Prophecy of Bane

Gregor and the Prophecy of Bane (ISBN 0-439-73137-2) is the second book in the series. Gregor must return to the Underland to slay a rat called "The Bane."

[edit] Gregor and the Curse of the Warmbloods

Gregor and the Curse of the Warmbloods (ISBN 0-439-65623-0) is the third book. A plague comes into the Underland, and the Regalians must quest to find the cure.

[edit] Gregor and the Marks of Secret

Gregor and the Marks of Secret (ISBN 0-439-79145-6) is the fourth book. The Bane takes control of the rats, and Gregor and his friends must fight to stop him.

[edit] Gregor and the Code of Claw

Current event marker This article or section contains information regarding scheduled, forthcoming or expected future book(s).
It may contain information of a speculative nature and the content may change dramatically as the product release approaches and more information becomes available.

Code of Claw is expected to be released May 1st, 2007. It will be the last book in the series. It is said to be a book about the last prophecy, the Prophecy of Time. The Prophecy Of Time is believed to say that Gregor will kill the Bane with Sandwich's sword. The cover can be seen here.

[edit] The Underland

[edit] The Sections

There are several sections in the Underland. The areas are each controlled by separate species. These include the sections that belong to the humans, the cockroaches, the Dead Land (a land that is uninhabitable) as well as several other sections. In Gregor and The Curse of the Warmbloods, Gregor sees a map of the Underland. Also, in the Gregor and Marks of Secret Luxa often mentions the Uncharted Lands (Lands that have not yet been explored).

[edit] The Creatures

There are many creatures in the Underland. All are enormous versions of different species of animals that can be found on earth. There are rats, spiders, lizards, cockroaches, fireflies, bats and others. The bats have special bonds with certain humans that imply that they will help each other through life and death. In one of the books, when the bat Ares does not save his human, Henry, he is tried. Gregor, attempting to save his life, bonds with him and saves him.

When a human bonds with a bat, they are together forever. The punishment for forsaking a bond is banishment, which, in the Underland, soon means death. To bond with one another, the human and bat must recite a poem to their future bond, while holding hand in claw. A large feast signals the end of this ceremony. The poem is similar to this:

Ares the flier, I bond to you. Our lives and deaths are one, we two. In dark, in flame, in war, in strife, I save you as I save my life.

[edit] The Government

The government of the humans is mainly a monarchy. It is ruled by a king and a queen under normal circumstances but is now ruled by a council for lack of a heir of age. In the novels, Luxa is legally the queen. There is, until she is of age to rule, a representative government made up of various representatives for the various species.

Rats, Bats, Spiders, and Ants all have rulers of their own; of Cockroaches, Lizards, and Snakes little is revealed. The Cockroaches at least have customs and rituals, as seen in the first book. Sea Serpents, who are essentially plesiosaurs, presumably congregate only for reasons of benefit.

[edit] Locations

This is an incomplete list.

[edit] Regalia

Gregor first lands in the city of Regalia, where the humans reside. It is heavily guarded and is ruled by a council until Queen Luxa becomes sixteen years old.

[edit] The Fount

This is a settlement of humans, home to Luxa's cousin Howard. It is remarked that Ripred the Rat attempted to conquer it with an army of lobsters, but aside from that little is known. A colony of mice once lived here, until the fourth book.

[edit] The Dead Land

This is an unhabitated place, coming by its name as a result of barrenness.until Ripred and his merry band

[edit] The Jungle

This is a vast, mysterious jungle, made of carnivorous vines and other vaguely described entities. Few that go in are known to come out alive. It is home to poison arrow frogs, to the immense lizards called Hissers, to the giant ants known as the Cutters, and to sapient plants that arrange themselves into a cunning trap.

[edit] The Arch of Tantalus

An entrance to the Jungle created with and surrounded by the bones of many creatures who met their demise in the Jungle. This is the location where Gregor and his party first encountered Hamnet, Frill, and Hazard.

[edit] Vineyard of Eyes

This perilous garden, formed by purposeful arrangement of carnivorous plants by themselves, is the only place wherein the plant called starshade grows. When Gregor ventures here in Book 3, the cutters strike, ultmately destroying the starshade. After the battle, it is discovered that the starshade was not necessary to cure the sickness named the Curse of the Warmbloods.there is one place to stop the mice hideout currently inhabbited by twisters

[edit] Hades Hall

A populous land belonging to the Shiners. On their borders live the Stingers.

[edit] The Uncharted Lands

These are areas that have not yet been explored.

[edit] Firelands

It is the home of strong winds that can carry extremely heavy objects (such as boulders) in mid-air, as well as several volcanoes. This is where the rats bring the mice in order to destroy them.

[edit] Waterway

A miniature ocean which is fed by a turbulent river.

[edit] The Garden of Hesperides

An apple orchard, once given as a peace offering from humans to rats, it was destroyed by Hamnet, on the orders of Solovet. During a fight to get control of the garden from the rats, the sluice gates of the dam were opened in an attempt to give humans the upper hand by making the rats "swim for it"; but the entire dam crumbled, reclaiming the garden under 20 feet of water.

[edit] The Labyrinth

The labyrinth is a stone maze deep inside the rats' land. This was where the Bane used to live.

[edit] Queenshead

Queenshead is beside the jungle. Named for the feature of a rock in the rough shape of a crowned queen.

[edit] Main Characters

  • Gregor: Gregor is a twelve-year-old Overlander (11 years old in books one through three) who accidentally found the Underland while chasing his baby sister Boots around the laundry room. He is the warrior that is described in Bartholomew of Sandwich's prophecies. Although he is reluctant, Gregor eventually accepted his duties to the Underland. Over the year that he has spent in the Underland, he has bonded with his own bat, Ares, fulfilled several prophecies, and developed a crush on Luxa, the queen (a relationship of which Howard, Luxa's older cousin, highly disapproves). He is also a rager-- ergo, a berserker whose senses become chronically acute in battle, while his mind becomes oblivious to anything except himself and his target. Although he states that he hates fighting, Luxa saw him smiling during a fight with twisters (snakes).
  • Luxa: Luxa is the future queen of Regalia. She is the same age as Gregor and will become the queen when she becomes sixteen years old. Until then, Regalia is led by a council. Luxa is a wise leader, but can be sharp-tongued towards others. This changed, however, after the conclusion of Gregor the Overlander, when she took a more positive attitude to her companions. Although she is rash at times, she feels indebted to the nibblers (the Underland word for mice) for their hospitality. She has vowed to protect the nibblers, even going as far as declaring war on the gnawers (the Underland word for rats). She is currently going to find the nibblers with others.
  • Ares: Ares was the bond of Henry, one of Luxa's royal cousins. After Henry betrayed the questing party in the first book, Ares chose to save Gregor from dying instead of his bond. In Regalia, he is put on trial. Gregor bonded with Ares to save him because he knew that Ares did not know anything about Henry's plot. In the second book, Ares is regarded disdainfully by the Regalians. In the third book, he is a victim of an artificial plague, but begins to heal after the cure was applied.
  • Boots: Boots is Gregor's baby sister. She is kind and friendly to everyone, even to the enemies. Like many babies, she is completely oblivious to unpleasant circumstances, such as death. She has developed a friendship with the crawlers (cockroaches) and stingers (scorpions); the former treat her with great reverence, calling her the "princess", whereas the latter are placated by her ability to communicate in a language known to them.
  • Temp: Temp is a crawler, and Boots' best friend in the Underland, appearing in every single book and in every quest. Temp is extremely loyal to Boots, as shown in the second book, wherein he defends her from the Serpents (plesiosaurs), then saves her life in the Dead Land. During the third book, he was, as Gregor put it, a "real champ about baby-sitting", in that he was protective of Boots and her toys. He is also wise, in that he perceives what others do not and brings unconsidered possibilities to light.
  • Ripred: Ripred is a gnawer who seems to be one of the only ones on the side of Regalia– and peace. He speaks with a biting wit and a world-weary air. Although many creatures resent him for this, Ripred shows much wisdom in time of need. He is a great fighter, and, like Gregor, is a rager. He gives Gregor lessons on echolocation, the skill of locating something using sounds, to learn to fight in the dark. Ripred's highest moral is mutual need.
  • Howard: Howard is Luxa's older cousin from the Fount. His father is ruler there. He was introduced to Gregor in the second book with his younger siblings. Luxa did not like them, but eventually realizes that Howard is a great comrade. Howard was infected and later cured of the Curse of the Warmbloods. He later joined Gregor and Luxa on their quest to learn the truth of the Nibblers' fate.
  • Hazard: Hazard is a Halflander; his father was Luxa's uncle Hamnet, and his mother an Overlander. Lived with his father and the lizard Frill in the jungle, until his father's death. Thereafter, he came to live with his cousin Luxa in Regalia. He is known to speak several languages: English, Nibbler, Gnawer, Crawler, and even Spinner and Flier. Luxa has sworn to prevent Hazard from becoming a fighter.

[edit] Other Underland Creatures

(Note: These are only the creatures listed in the books.)

[edit] Humans

In the Underland Humans are also known as "Killers," although they do not like to be addressed as such, and are not called so by any other species when they are within earshot.

  • Regalians
    • Luxa - would-be Queen of Regalia, quests with Gregor
    • Vikus - Luxa's Maternal Grandfather, Regalian Diplomat
    • Solovet - Luxa's Maternal Grandmother, Regalian General
    • Mareth - Regalian Soldier and trainer
    • Henry - Luxa's cousin (Deceased), traitor tried to sell out the humans to the Rat king
    • Hamnet - Luxa's Uncle (Deceased), twin of Judith, Luxa's Mother
    • Nerissa - Luxa's cousin (Henry's sister) extreamly weak, and eats little but has precognitive abilities
    • Neveeve - (deceased) Doctor worked in Labs under Regalia
    • Dulcet - Nanny in Regalia, cares for Boots
    • Hazard - Hamnet's son, Luxa's cousin (Halflander; mother was an Overlander)
    • Miranda - servant
    • Perdita - Soldier guards Gregor and fights Fangor and Shed
    • Keeda(deceased)
    • Anchel(deceased)
    • Daphne(deceased)
  • From the Fount
    • Howard - Luxa's cousin on her mother's side (eldest in his family)
    • Stellovet - Howards sister (second eldest)
    • Hero - Howard's sister (twin of Kent)
    • Kent - Howard's brother (twin of Hero)
    • Chim "Chimney" - Howard's youngest sister
    • Susanah - Howard's Mother
  • Overlanders
    • Gregor- turned 12 at the end of the third book; protagonist of the series
    • Boots - Gregor's sister, who is also called Margaret. (age 2-3)
    • Grace - Gregor's Mother
    • Gregor's dad
    • Mrs. Cormaci - Gregor's neighbor, learns of Gregor's adventures at the end of the third book
    • Gregor's Grandmother, senile
    • Lizzie - Gregor's sister (age 7)
    • Larry - Gregor's friend at School (mentioned)
    • Angelina - Gregor's friend at School (mentioned)
    • Mr. Otts - buys the antiques that Gregor takes from the museum in the Underland
  • Halflanders
    • Hazard - Hamnet's son, Luxa's cousin

[edit] Cockroaches

Cockroaches are known as "crawlers" in the Underland.

  • Tick (Deceased)
  • Temp
  • Pend

[edit] Rats

Rats are known as "gnawers" in the Underland.

  • Human-Siding Rats
    • Ripred
    • Twitchtip (Location unknown) (scent-seer, went on the quest to find the Bane)
    • Razor(Deceased) (The Bane's main guardian, was killed by The Bane over a crawler carcass.)
  • Neutral Rats
    • Mange(Deceased)
    • Lapblood
      • Sixclaw (Pup of Lapblood)
      • Flyfur (Pup of Lapblood)
    • Makemince
    • Goldshard(Deceased) (the Bane's Mother)
  • Human-Hating Rats
    • Fangor(Deceased)
    • Shed(Deceased)
    • King Gorger(Deceased)
    • Snare(Deceased) (The Bane's Father.)
    • The Bane (also known as Pearlpelt; egocentric and self-pitying)
    • Twirltongue (Extremely persuasive. Advisor of the Bane.)
    • Gushgore (Twirltongue's friend)
    • Reekwell (Twirltongue's friend)

[edit] Bats

Bats are known as "fliers" in the Underland

  • Bonded bats:
  • Non-bonded bats:
    • Nike (Queen Athena's daughter. There is some suggestion that she might eventually bond to Howard.)
    • Queen Athena
    • Thalia (Was to bond with Hazard; deceased)
    • Hermes (Not known if bonded)
    • Icarus (deceased, not known if bonded)

[edit] Other creatures

  • Lizards - Called "hissers".
    • Frill (Deceased)
  • Fireflies - Called "shiners".
    • Photos Glow-Glow, called Fo-Fo by Boots-- arrogant, gluttonous, argumentative, and frustrating.
    • Zap-- as above.
  • Ants - Called "cutters".
  • Moths- Called "eaters".
  • Spiders - Called "spinners".
    • Gox (Deceased)
    • Treflex (Deceased)
    • Queen Wevox
    • Purvox
  • Plesiosaurs - Called "serpents".
  • Mice - Called "nibblers"
    • Cartesian
    • Cube (deceased)
    • Heronian (status unknown)
    • Cevian (deceased)
  • Scorpions - Called "stingers"
  • Snails - Called "slimers"
  • Snakes - Called "twisters"
  • Butterflies - Mentioned in Gregor the Overlander
  • poisonous frogs - encountered in the jungle
  • the humans keep cattle and sheep-- cattle are mentioned in Books One and Two, whereas in Book Four Luxa mentions having had a pet lamb.

[edit] Symbology

[edit] Holocaust

In the fourth book, Gregor and the Marks of Secret, there is a very noticeable link between it and Nazi Germany. For one thing, the Bane parallels Adolf Hitler in the sense that they are both intent on killing of a certain group; for Hitler it was Jews and for The Bane it was mice. In addition to that, both The Bane and Hitler were able to rally full support for their cause by blaming the wrongs done to them on their selected victims.

Another link between the content of Gregor and the Marks of Secret and Nazi Germany is the method of torture used by both the Rats and the Nazis. Both the Rats and Nazis used poisonous gases to their advantage; for the Nazis it was in concentration camps and for the Rats it was in the Firelands.

However, this resemblance may not be intentional.

[edit] Greek Mythology

Several of the bats' names were taken from Greek mythology.

  • Hermes, the Messenger Bat, Greek messenger god.
  • Nike, the bat princess, Nike is the Greek goddess of victory.
  • Euripides, Vikus' bond, Greek tragedian.
  • Pandora, Howard's bond, Greek figure in myth, as in Pandora's Box.
  • Ares, Gregor's bond, Greek God of War son of Zeus.
  • Aurora, Luxa's Bond, Ancient Greek & Roman Goddess of the Dawn.
  • Andromeda, Mareth's bond, figure of Greek Myth
  • Ajax, Solovet's bond, Greek hero, character in Homer's Iliad.
  • Athena, Queen of the bats, Greek Goddess of Wisdom and War.
  • Thalia, Hazard's would be bond, Greek muse of Comedy.
  • Icarus, Greek figure of Myth, attached feathers to his back with hot wax but flew too close to the sun. At this, the wax melted, and he drowned in the ocean.

Other Greek associations

  • Tantalus in the Hall of Tantalus was a Greek who was punished in the mythological afterlife
  • Hades in the Hall of Hades was the Greek god that ruled over the underworld

[edit] Children of Vikus

Throughout the series, the names of the children of the Regalian regent Vikus are revealed.

  • Susannah, mother of Howard
  • Hamnet, father of Hazard, twin of Judith
  • Judith, mother of Luxa, twin of Hamnet

These are in comparison to the children of the famous English playwright, William Shakespeare.

[edit] External links