The Unbeheaded King

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Title The Unbeheaded King

first edition of The Unbeheaded King
Author L. Sprague de Camp
Cover artist Darrell K. Sweet
Country United States
Language English
Series Novarian series
Genre(s) Fantasy novel
Publisher Ballantine Books
Released 1983
Media type Print (Hardback)
Pages 185 pp
ISBN ISBN 0345307739
Preceded by The Clocks of Iraz
Followed by The Honorable Barbarian

The Unbeheaded King is a fantasy novel written by L. Sprague de Camp, the fourth book of his Novarian series and the third in the "Reluctant King" trilogy featuring King Jorian of Xylar. It was first published as a hardcover by Ballantine Books in 1983.

[edit] Plot summary

Spoiler warning: Plot and/or ending details follow.

In this sequel to The Clocks of Iraz, ex-king Jorian of Xylar and Dr. Karadur flee the revolt-stricken city of Iraz in the bathtub of its lately deceased monarch, borne through the air by Gorax, an invisible demon in the service of Karadur.

In accordance with the doctor's previous promise, the demon flies them to Xylar to rescue Jorian's favorite wife Estrildis, imprisoned there by the kingdom's authorities in the hope of enticing Jorian, whom they intend to execute, back into their power.

The plan miscarries, and the demon is barely able to spirit the hapeless rescuers off to the neighboring city-state of Othomae, where it deposit them, tub and all, in the park of the Grand Duke. There they are promptly arrested for trespassing.

Effecting their release takes some time, largely because their sadistic jailer Maltho, who bears a grudge against Jorian from a previous acquaintance, balks their efforts to send word of their plight to friends outside.

Finally free, they attempt to accumulate resources for another attempt to recover Estrildis; difficult, since Jorian must remain in hiding from the Xylarians.

Ultimately, eschewing heroics, he hires Abacarus, a sorcerous colleague of Karadur to do the job, again by means of a demonic servant. To his dismay, the demon Ruakh returns with the wrong woman, Estrildis' attendant Margalit.

He is further from his goal than ever, and now mired in a lawsuit over fulfillment of the contract to boot! Disenchanted with magical shortcuts, Jorian contacts his family in Kortoli and commissions his younger brother Kerin to reconnoiter Xylar.

Kerin returns with word that Thevatas, one of Estrildis' guards is susceptible to bribery, and Jorian and Karadur accordingly return to Xylar in the guise of Mulvanians, where the subverted guard delivers Estrildis in return for the crown of Xylar, which Jorian had hidden after his initial escape from execution. But now Jorian discovers Estrildis had taken a lover in his absence and doesn't want to be rescued!

Soft-hearted, Jorian surrenders her to her lover Corineus and takes up with Margalit instead, of whom he has grown fond in the interim. (As was manifestly clear long before this moment, the resourceful, practical and level-headed Margalit is a far more suitable mate for Jorian than the emotional Estrildis.)

A Xylarian judge Jorian has taken hostage weds him to his new love, who is then able to free the cursed spirit of Lorc, a baronial ghost who has aided them. Beset by both bandits and pursuing Xylarians, the party makes its escape to Othomae again.

In a postscript, Jorian has returned to Kortoli with his new wife and joined the family clockmaking firm; there he learns that a revolution in Xylar has overthrown the regicidal regime, and he is at last out of danger from his former subjects. In fact' he is now their National Hero, and they want him back on an (unthreatened) throne - an offer he politely declines.

paperback edition of The Unbeheaded King by L. Sprague de Camp, Del Rey Books, 1983
paperback edition of The Unbeheaded King by L. Sprague de Camp, Del Rey Books, 1983

[edit] Setting

Unlike The Goblin Tower and The Clocks of Iraz, which take Jorian far afield to other countries, most of the action in The Unbeheaded King takes place in Novaria, mainly the city-states of Xylar and Othomae. As usual, the political constraints under which the protagonist labor are at least as important as the fantastic element. The decidedly unromantic, even hardscrabble circumstances under which he must achieve his goals leaven the fantasy with a strong sense of reality, and highlight de Camp's unusual reversal of the genre's stereotypical rags to riches theme.

[edit] References

  • Laughlin, Charlotte; Daniel J. H. Levack (1983). De Camp: An L. Sprague de Camp Bibliography. San Francisco: Underwood/Miller, 100. 
Preceded by
The Clocks of Iraz
Novarian series
The Unbeheaded King
Succeeded by
The Honorable Barbarian
Preceded by
The Clocks of Iraz
The Reluctant King
The Unbeheaded King
Succeeded by