The Trial of Henry Blake

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The Trial of Henry Blake is episode 8 from season 2 of the TV series M*A*S*H.

[edit] Synopsis

Henry Blake is accused of aiding the enemy, and to prevent Hawkeye and Trapper John from getting evidence to exonerate him, Major Burns (in temporary command) confines them to quarters and guts the swamp and even strip Hawkeye and Trapper to their underwear. Trapper and Hawkeye escape and go to the courtroom with proof that the North Koreans that Henry is accused of aiding were refugees and children at a civilian clinic near the border. Frank refuses to drop the charges, so Hawkeye and Trapper use what they know best to change his mind: blackmail. Hawkeye jots down a letter threatening to tell Frank's wife about Hot Lips, and of course Frank gives in and drops the charges.