The Tolkien Society
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The Tolkien Society is an educational charity, formed in 1969 to further interest in the life and works of J. R. R. Tolkien, C.B.E., the author of The Hobbit, The Lord of the Rings, The Silmarillion and other works of fiction and philological study.
The Tolkien Society is based in the UK, but has a worldwide membership. It works closely with other literary societies with an interest in Tolkien, and dual membership is common. The society publishes a regular bulletin called Amon Hen, with articles, artwork and occasional fiction. Also an annual journal called Mallorn.
The society has three regular UK gatherings: an Annual General Meeting and Dinner; a Seminar with a mix of serious and lighthearted talks; and a gathering called Oxonmoot that included talks, slide shows and an evening party with a costume masquerade (though not everyone wears costume). The gathering also includes a Sunday morning visit to Tolkien's grave at Wolvercote Cemetery.
[edit] External links
- The Tolkien Society official site
- The Tolkien Gateway Wikipedia official site