The Times Behind the Signs

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The Times Behind the Signs (or TTBTS for short), is a book about the history behind Yellowknife's street names. It is being written by a local teenager, Tyler Heal. There are approximately 130 named streets in Yellowknife. The book is due out on store shelves in January 2007; to make this possible, grants have been received from the NWT Arts Council, the City of Yellowknife Heritage Committee, and Diavik Diamond Mines. The publishing of this book ahs been undertaken by Crescent Group Ltd. (a local company), with help from various members of the community in editing and historical fact verification. The estimated page count is 70, in perfect-bound book form, ISBN 978-0-9739420-0-2. As well, all the proceeds form the sale of the book go towards the NWT Mining Heritage Society.

[edit] People in it

People who have had streets named after them include figures from Yellowknife's past such as Michel Sikyea, who is known for the "million dollar duck"; John Sissons, the first NWT Supreme Court Judge; Max Ward, both a pioneer in aviation, and founder of Wardair Airlines; Old Tom (Tom Doornbos to those who don't know); and Vic Ingraham, who was the typical northerner of the time.

[edit] External links