The Stuff Of Villains

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“The Stuff Of Villains”
'X-Men: Evolution' episode

Episode no. Season 3
Episode 34
Written by Adam Beecham
Directed by Gary Graham
Production no. 34
Original airdate October 5, 2002
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The Stuff of Villains is episode 34 of X-Men: Evolution.

[edit] Plot

Spoiler warning: Plot and/or ending details follow.

The episode opens with a recap of the last few episodes that involved the Brotherhood; these include the battle with Magneto's Acolytes, Toad and Wanda's discovery of Magneto's survival, and Principal Kelly inviting the Brotherhood boys back to school.

The episode's events proper begin in a shady part of town, where three sleazy men threaten a passing girl unless she bribes them; the girl, obviously Wanda, manipulates some of the objects in the vicinity, such as light poles, cars and sewer caps, into frightening the men off. Wanda continues down the path to a back alley where she encounters the mutant Caliban, having been informed of his ability to locate other mutants. Wanda demands he find Magneto, but Caliban insists Magneto cannot be located as he is too powerful. Wanda then modifies her request, asking for him to find her brother, Pietro.

At the wrecked Xavier Institute, where Spyke and Nightcrawler complain about living in a hole in the ground, and the fact that none of their friends have stuck with them since they were outed as mutants. Spyke makes a rather harsh jibe about Nightcrawler still wearing his image inducer, and Nightcrawler teleports away in distress.

Meanwhile, Beast and Storm oversee a cleaning of the Cerebro room, in ruins like the rest of the mansion. The clean-up team comprises Sunspot, Magma, Iceman, Multiple, Cannonball and Berzerker. The team turns some rubble into a large block, which Beast carries into the hallway, almost colliding with some school-bound students. Shadowcat phases through him and accidentally leaves her toothbrush behind, reaching into him to extract it. As Cyclops's car pulls away, several construction company trucks drive through the open gate.

At the Brotherhood house, the three remaining inhabitants - Toad, Avalanche and Blob - are in Quicksilver's room. Toad has found one of Quicksilver's suits and is parading around in it, much to Avalanche's annoyance. The other two argue with Avalanche's authority, but Avalanche is concerned about what will happen if Mystique reappears and fins the house trashed again. The others argue about why they should bother keeping Quicksilver's room clean after he betrayed them, and Avalanche decides to simply launch all of Quicksilver's possessions out the window, which he does, sending Blob along with it. Toad continues to hop around in Pietro's uniform, chased by Avalanche, but he trips and flies into Wanda's room. He averts his eyes ("Sorry about breaking in! This time, it was just an accident!") before he realizes she's not there. As he wonders where she is, Avalanche rips off the costume, and quickly averts his own eyes, insisting Toad put something else on.

Wanda is seen getting off a bus in another town. She walks around tensely and spots Quicksilver in a nearby diner. Quicksilver himself is reading a newspaper, but when a glass begins to crackle with energy, he realises he's been sprung. She bursts in and demands he tell her where Magneto is. Quicksilver tries to pull a fast escape, but Wanda sticks his feet to the ground and orders the civilians to leave. Quicksilver insists that he doesn't know where Magneto is, but she bombards him with cutlery. Quicksilver goes on to plead that Magneto comes to him, not the other way around, so Wanda decides to lay a trap for her father. She sends Quicksilver into a cupboard, and the cupboard into a walk-in freezer, which she sends into the street for two cops to find.

Back in Bayville, Avalanche finds himself in a heated argument with Principal Kelly, who has expelled the Brotherhood. Avalanche deduces that the sole reason Kelly invited them back to begin with was to mess with the X-Men, but Kelly doesn't relent, threatening to call security. Avalanche pins Kelly to the wall with his desk, and then storms out. As he does so, he finds a surprise waiting for him: Gambit, one of Magneto's new henchmen from Day of Reckoning. Avalanche relishes the visit, declaring he was in the mood for a fight. Gambit remains calm, recalling how he whipped Avalanche the last time they met. Avalanche threatens him, but Gambit isn't here for a tussle. He instructs Avalanche to contact Toad and Blob and have them all at their house, so he can meet them there. Avalanche storms away, declaring that the Brotherhood will no longer be used by others.

In the school quadrangle, Rogue sits alone when she notices Spyke being picked on by a pair of bullies, who claim the mutants want to attack. Rogue steps in, but Spyke extends his spines in a threat to get rid of the thugs, who immediately run, sneering about what Kelly's reaction will be. Rogue urges Spyke to retract his spines, but he finds himself unable to. He focuses harder and eventually pulls them back in; Rogue tells him to keep his cool and then pursues the thugs.

The thugs, however, are swiftly take care of by none other than Gambit, still hanging around. He tells them calmly to leave the mutants alone. They snap at him, claiming no one asked him to interfere, and he makes his point clear by blowing up one of their pencils. The point taken, the thugs back down, agreeing to stay away from the mutants. Rogue turns the corner and encounters the Acolyte, who politely addresses her and walks away. Shadowcat catches up with Rogue and watches Gambit; the pair decide they have to find out what he's up to and follow him, skipping sixth period.

Back in the Brotherhood, Blob is finishing the cleanup, and Toad continues to dance around in Quicksilver's suit. Avalanche storms in, blowing open the closet door and wrecking Blob's cleanup effort, and announces the impending arrival of one of Magneto's lackeys. Toad asks which one, and gets his answer from the glowing Jack of Hearts which flies through the door. The trio run into the adjacent room to escape the explosion, and Gambit dives through the window. Avalanche sends a shock wave, but Gambit dodges it, easily defeats Blob, and wraps Toad up in a curtain, threatening to blow it - and him - up, unless they hear him out. Toad eagerly agrees, and the others do as well, albeit reluctantly. Gambit explains that Magneto is willing to give the Brotherhood a chance to prove themselves by springing a captured mutant. When they ask who, he answers Quicksilver. The Brotherhood all look astonished.

Rogue and Shadowcat observe the Brotherhood taking off in Avalanche's jeep, and quickly follow by having Shadowcat phase them into trucks and cars going in the same direction. By nighttime, however, they are on foot, and Quicksilver is stuck in an armored car. The suited up Brotherhood have set a trap for the car, though. Blob and Toad look forward to joining the Acolytes, but all Avalanche wants is to get his hands on Quicksilver. He quickly sends a shock wave through the road, bringing the armored car and their army escort to a halt. Toad then joins in the action, snatching the captain's radio during his distress signal.

Blob brings up by the rear by plowing through the remaining vehicles to Quicksilver's armored car. Quicksilver taunts him, and Blob promises to beat him up after rescuing him. Avalanche soundly defeats the ground troops, but Rogue is forced to step in and rescue the captain from being crushed. Avalanche continues sending shock waves, but Rogue manages to touch him and absorb the ability. Blob, meanwhile, is attempting to haul Quicksilver's transport away from the cliff edge, but loses his grip. The car begins to fall, with Quicksilver trapped inside, screaming. Shadowcat barely manages to bail him out in time, and Quicksilver immediately sprints away without a true word of thanks.

As the camera pans back, Wanda is revealed on top of the cliff, surveying the wreckage, vowing to catch Pietro again. The Brotherhood legs it to their Jeep and drives off. The two girls find themselves stuck for a ride and at the mercy of the army, but the captain thanks Rogue for saving her life. He explains that he'd offer them a lift, but their transports have been destroyed. The girls tell them not to worry and walk away. Shadowcat scolds Rogue by telling her that they will call Cyclops ASAP, something she had wanted to do since the beginning.

The next day, the Brotherhood receives another visit from Gambit, who uses the door this time and greets them cheerfully enough, asking why they're losers. Toad claims it's because the X-Men are winners, and Blob asks if they can still join the Acolytes. Gambit laughs sardonically and describes the nights events as a disaster. Avalanche retaliates indignantly, claiming it isn't their fault, but Gambit tells them to calm down, as they will apparently have more chances, but they are in need of leadership. He goes on to explain that Magneto has sent someone to whip them into shape. The trio eye him uneasily, thinking he means himself; Gambit, however, points at someone else behind him: Quicksilver. The trio immediately rise in fury, but Quicksilver darts past them and tells them that with him as the leader, they will be taking down the X-Men, and they can start by cleaning up the house. During his spiel, Gambit slips away.

Rogue and Shadowcat, meanwhile, are confronted by Cyclops and Professor X. Rogue offers to accept all the blame, but Shadowcat insists that she deserves some. Xavier commends them for their initiative, but reminds them that they mustn't drop everything at the first sign of trouble, and that they have other responsibilities than aiding those in need, including school. Cyclops informs them, on that note, that they also have detention for blowing off last period. Shadowcat blows her top, but Rogue gives them a sheepish grin.

[edit] Trivia

Halfway through the episode, Spyke has some trouble with his spines. This foreshadows the plot of episode 36, X-Treme Measures, where Spyke accidentally poisons himself and his mutation spirals out of control.