The Seven Deadly Sins and the Four Last Things

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The Seven Deadly Sins and the Four Last Things
Hieronymus Bosch, 1485
Oil on wood
120 × 150 cm
Museo del Prado, Madrid

The Seven Deadly Sins and the Four Last Things is a painting by Hieronymus Bosch, completed in 1485. The painting is oil on wood panels, in the form of a tabletop.

The painting is presented in a series of circular images: four small circles, detailing "Death", "Judgement", "Hell", and "Glory", surround a larger circle in which the seven deadly sins are depicted. At the centre of the large circle, which is said to represent the eye of God, is a "pupil" in which Christ can be seen emerging from his tomb. Below this image lies the Latin inscription Cave Cave Deus Videt ("Beware, Beware, God is Watching"), implying that no sin goes unnoticed.

[edit] The Seven Deadly Sins

The seven deadly sins are depicted in daily activities. Superbia (Pride), shown by a vain, bourgeoisie woman admiring herself in a mirror held up by the devil. A box of jewels, implying vanity, lies open on the floor, and there are jugs and vases throughout the house, implying pride of home. Ira (Anger/Wrath), is depicted by a street fight between neighbors. Invidia (Jealousy/Envy), by a verbal quarrel, and enhanced by barking dogs with bared teeth, eyeing bones. This embodies the proverb "Two dogs with one bone seldom reach agreement." These scenes show that one is never satisfied with what one has, and only wants what others have. Avaritia (Greed/Avarice) is a rich man taking money from a poor man, while bribing a judge. Gula (Gluttony) – people voraciously eating a feast. Accidia (Sloth/Laziness) is a woman dressed for church, yet trying to wake a man deep in slumber. The Luxuria (Lust) panel shows two sets of lovers talk, with musical instruments lying on the ground.

[edit] Four Last Things

Death – a man receives his last rites, while a devil and an angel wait to see which will take his soul. In another room, family members still play cards as he is dying.
Last Judgment – Christ resides over the dead, as they rise from their graves.
Heaven – St. Peter greets the saved before an orderly, harmonious court illuminated by divine light.
Hell – dark, disordered, and fraught with torture and destruction.

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