The Rob Arnie and Dawn Show

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The Rob, Arnie, and Dawn Show is a syndicated morning radio show on KRXQ (98 Rock; 98.5 FM) in Sacramento, CA and KOZZ in Reno, NV.

The show's three hosts are Rob Williams, Arnie States and Dawn Rossi (sometimes referred to collectively as "RAD"). In addition, the show has three tertiary members; as such, show host Rob Williams often states the show is quickly becoming a "morning zoo." Nick Beard, aka "Executive Producer Nick," is the show's former phone-screener, but now simply updates the show's website and performs other behind-the-scenes duties. "Lord Vader" is another regular voice on the Rob, Arnie and Dawn show. He is the show's censor, as Rob often says, "just in case [we] say poop." The last addition to the Rob, Arnie and Dawn show was Brandon, who became the show's producer and successor to Megan (aka "Sweet Pants").

The show has existed in various forms within various cities in the western United States such as Reno, NV; Seattle, WA and Sacramento, CA. However, the show has found the greatest success in its present form - a call-in show in which the three main members of the show discuss anything and everything such as finance, politics, current events and sports. The dynamic of the three main members, as well as the high-level of interacivity with the audience is often seen as what gives the show its fanbase.

The Rob, Arnie and Dawn show is on Monday to Friday from 5:00 AM to 10:00 AM, and can be streamed online via KRXQ and KOZZ's 'listen live' services.


[edit] The Show's Hosts

[edit] Rob Williams

[edit] Biography

Born on September 17, 1971, Rob Williams was raised in Pleasanton, CA (an East bay suburb of San Francisco). Williams describes his upbringing was "as normal and fantastic as you could imagine," playing sports and video games with friends and enjoying a healthy relationship with his parents.

Inspired by John London (radio host), Williams knew he wanted a career in radio at the age of 14. After attending Ohlone College in Fremont, CA, Williams received his first full-time radio job in 1991 as the host of the KRLT morning show in Lake Tahoe. Less than a year later, he was running said station.

Rob Williams hired Dawn Rossi in 1991 during his time in Tahoe - a work relationship that has remained to this day. In 1992, the two left Tahoe to work at a Reno country music radio station. Within a year, Williams ran this establishment as well. During this time Williams met Arnie States, a Texas transplant, in a bar. The two connected instantly on the basis of loving sports and alcohol. States confided unto Williams that he had an interest in working in radio; despite the two being heavily intoxicated, their working relationship since then continues to this day after that fateful night Williams told States to show up at the station the following Monday and States did.

During his time in Reno, Williams and States were a part of a morning talk show, and eventually invited Dawn Rossi to be the girl on the show. She reluctantly accepted, and wasn't immediately accepted by the Reno audience. However, she became a vital part of the morning show and grew on the audience. After a while, the show's ratings sky-rocketed and the show eventually became syndicated in Reno and Sacramento. The show eventually took residence in Sacramento in May of 1999, where all three members of the show currently reside (Rob's Bio).

[edit] On-Air Persona

Rob Williams is often characterized as pompus and unrelatable on the show. He is a connoisseur of both fine wine and cigars, owning hundreds of bottles of expensive wines and a $150,000 humidor. Williams resides in a $1,000,000 home in Lincoln, CA, the price of which he mentions at every given opportunity. He also fancies himself a great cook, having only the highest grade meat shipped to his home. In addition, Williams regularly plays golf with Arnie States, Dawn's husband Gary and other of his personal friends.

Williams also seems to be quite perturbed by the social state of the United States, often making lengthy tirades concerning parenting, rudeness, ignorance and other social issues in a manner reminiscent of comedian George Carlin, whom Williams has admitted to being a fan of. Another outlet of his is the show's website on a page titled Rob's Soapbox.

He is also toted by all members of the show and most of his listeners as a highly intelligent indiviudal. As a result, most relevant and important question on the part of the show's members and listeners are directed towards Rob - his Dr. Rob segment being an example of people's vested trust in his intelligence.

[edit] Nicknames

Rob has numerous nicknames used by his co-hosts and listeners, including:

  • Dr. Rob
  • The Skinny Kid
  • The Walking STD
  • Genius
  • The White Devil
  • Peanut Head

[edit] Arnie States

[edit] Biography

Arnie States was born on September 17, 1971 (the exact same day as Rob) in Garland, TX. States always craved the spotlight and continuously seeks more; he honed his ability to make others laugh throughout grade school and considers his greatest achievement in high school, next to actually graduating, to be lip-synching Great Balls of Fire at the school talent show. States lived with his father and stepmother until his twenties, taking care of his ailing stepmother. His birth mother died while States was very young; as a child, States was cruelly blamed for his mother's death by his sisters. As such, the only family member States regularly maintains a healthy relationship with is his father.

In 1992, States met Rob Williams in a Reno, NV bar; the two became fast friends. Williams offered States an intership at the station at which he worked. States interned seven days a week for several months at the Reno-based country station until he became an overnight disc jockey. When the woman who did the morning show left the station, States took over. It was also during this time that States met Rossi while working at the radio station.

In 1997, following being pulled over in Reno and receiving a D.U.I., States attended Alcoholics Anonymous and has been sober ever since. However, he still smokes cigars and chews tobacco, and claims to take prescription pills recreationally as well.

During his time in Reno, Williams and States were a part of a morning talk show, and eventually invited Dawn Rossi to be the girl on the show. She reluctantly accepted, and wasn't immediately accepted by the Reno audience. However, she became a vital part of the morning show and grew on the audience. After a while, the show's ratings sky-rocketed and the show eventually became syndicated in Reno and Sacramento. The show eventually took residence in Sacramento in May of 1999, where all three members of the show currently reside (Arnie's Bio).

[edit] On-Air Persona

Arnie States' on-air persona can be summed up as a racist, ignorant Texan. States acts as the comic relief to Williams' "smart talk." More often than not, Arnie is the catalyst for the humorous climax for each segment which allows the show to transition to commercials. As the largest member of the show, weighing approximately 270 pounds, Arnie is often the target of fat jokes by Rob and Producer Nick. He is also the least intelligent individual on the show, often comedically asking for clarification on Rob's extensive vocabulary. States is also often teased for his numerous short-comings, including but not limited to: misunderstanding movie plots, failure to maintain adult relationships, fidgeting as a result of making a mistake on the show and tripping over his words.

[edit] Nicknames

Arnie has numerous nicknames used by his co-hosts and listeners, including:

  • God
  • The Fat Kid
  • Stupid

[edit] Dawn Rossi

[edit] Biography

Dawn Rossi was born on January 17, 1970 at Kaiser Hospital in Fontana, CA. Growing up in San Bernadino, CA, Rossi was raised to be a devote Catholic. The Rossi family was stable until her parents divorced; Rossi's relationship with her mother was quite poor, and as a result she had many demons which had to be sorted out with a psychologist. Throughout her teens and twenties, Rossi consumed much alcohol and used many illegal substances. Rob and Arnie also tease that Rossi was quite permiscuous during this time as well. After being a waitress during her teens, she pursued a career in radio at age 20. She applied to a station in Lake Tahoe for a job following her occupation at broadcasting school. It was Rob Williams himself, who was the Program Director at the time and only 19 years old, that called her in and offered her the Friday overnight shift at the station. Rossi moved from Sacramento to Lake Tahoe and maintained her job at the radio station under the mentorship of Williams.

When Williams eventually moved to Reno, he recommended Rossi for a shift during the midday and followed Rob to Reno, NV. It was during this time that Arnie States became a part of Rossi's life, interning at the same station that Dawn worked at. After a while, the station Rossi, Williams and States worked at was sold to a new company, and eventually switched formats, becoming a rock station rather than country. On July 5, 1995, Rossi received a call from her sister, learning that her father had passed away from his third heart attack. She took a week off of work to attend the funeral and grieve; it wasn't until six months later until that the reality hit her. He delved deep into religion, and decided to leave the station as she didn't want to be affiliated with "the devil's music." Williams knew her religious phase would pass and convinced the company that owned the radio station to make Rossi William's assistant (a position that had not existed before then). Soon after she was promoted to Promotions Director, still not wishing to be an on-air DJ. During this time Williams and States were a part of a morning talk show, and she was invited to be the girl on the show. She reluctantly accepted, and wasn't immediately accepted by the Reno audience. However, she became a vital part of the morning show and grew on the audience. After a while, the show's ratings sky-rocketed and the show eventually became syndicated in Reno and Sacramento. The show eventually took residence in Sacramento, where all three members of the show currently reside.

In 1997, Rossi ran into an old friend by the name of Gary. He had shown an interest in Rossi before, but had been turned down. The two began dating and were eventually wed, which resulted in Rob and Arnie referring to him as Dumb Dumb for having married Dawn (Dawn's Bio).

[edit] On-Air Persona

Dawn is generally the bleeding-heart liberal on the show, acting as the primary source of morality and compassion. This counteracts comments made by Rob and Arnie, which are more often to be prone to controversy and being hurtful. She volunteers often for special interests groups and promotes these charities often on her website and the show. As such, Dawn is often referred to by Rob and Arnie as their "flower." However, she also has a vindictive side towards specific groups such as criminals. Rossi openly enjoys kinky sex, and has even gone so far as to admitting to spanking herself in front of a mirror.

Many individuals who listen to the show are often annoyed by Dawn as she spends the majority of the time cackling and berating Rob and Arnie's activities such as discussing sports or video games. She is also an admitted hypocrite, and accepts this. In addition, many find her anamoration for Rob to be annoying as well; due to the fact that she views him as a strong role model, she places him on a high pedestal and compliments him and defends almost everything he says and does.

[edit] Nicknames

Dawn has numerous nicknames used by his co-hosts and listeners, including:

  • Miss Middle Class
  • Mrs. Key
  • Pirate Hooker
  • Dirty Debutante
  • Tramp
  • Shut The Hell Up

[edit] Regular segments

As Rob and Arnie regularly point out, the show does not do "shticks" or "bits;" they do "segments." When accused of doing so, Arnie will responds by stating "We don't do schticks, we do segments you...!" at which point Arnie insults the individual, usually Dawn, with such vulgarities as garden hooker, street walker or tramp.

[edit] 4:58am

Rob often points out how Dawn arrives at the studio at 4:58am, while he arrives around 3am to prepare the show and Arnie shows up around 4am to look at internet porn. Dawn will always respond with "we start the show at 5." However, sometimes Arnie will beat Dawn to the punch and say the line mockingly.

[edit] Accents

On occasion, Rob and Arnie will utilize the vernacular from respective locations to voice characters they have dubbed "visitors from Wisconson," or "British visitors."

[edit] Angry Arnie

Rob has often stated that his "favorite Arnie" is "Angry Arnie," in which Arnie will often yell and scream and throw objects in the studio in moments of great frustration, due to the entertainment factor. Dawn has admitted to intentionally angering Arnie at least once a show. In addition, Rob and Dawn claim the show will go under should Arnie find happiness.

[edit] Arnie's Soda

There are times when Rob is speaking and Arnie takes a very loud sip of his soda into the microphone, such as when Rob has offended him. Rob will always respond with an "excuse ME." In addition, according to Rob, Arnie and Dawn, Arnie does not warm up on the show until about 6:30 AM, until he has had a soda and its effects have kicked in.

[edit] Dumb-Dumb

The nickname that Rob and Arnie give Dawn's husband, Gary. Rob and Arnie were friends with Gary before he dated Dawn and began making fun of Gary for being dumb once the dating did. They sometimes imitate him by using a "slow, dumb, caveman" voice, like Lenny from Of Mice and Men. They also refer to him as "Larry," "Barry," and "Jerry," but Dawn will always correct them, and sometimes add a "hi, baby, I love you," and make a kissing noise.

[edit] Friends of the Show

Rob and Arnie refer to celebrities that they have met once or have seen in public as good "Friends of the Show." For example, Arnie noticed Nicole Kidman in a shopping mall once and later claimed that they go shopping together all the time. Dawn, meanwhile, will debunk all of their claims, for they really do not have any celebrity friends.

[edit] Hitting Arnie

Arnie sometimes claims that Rob takes him into the office during the breaks and after the show and beats him, which is not true.

[edit] Natalie Gulbis

The famous female golfer that shot down Arnie live on the air. Anytime she is mentioned on the show, Nick will begin telling the story about how one day in 2003, Rob and Arnie were playing golf in Sacramento and met her. On one of the holes, Rob made a poor golf shot and Arnie helped in searching for the ball. He ended up noticing Natalie was playing on another hole and they, apparently, met eye contact. For the next two weeks, Arnie bragged on the air how Natalie gave her the look and how he was going to ask her out. Natalie ended up calling the show, in which Arnie asked her out, but Natalie referred to her career and how she'd rather wait for a better time before having someone else in her life. Rob, meanwhile, recorded this conversation and had Nick create a sound file that Rob could always play when Natalie Gulbis is mentioned on the show, including a "bomb dropping" sound effect mixed in.

[edit] What's Up With That?

Arnie has a number of columns that he writes for, including but not limited to steak house and movie reviews. However, these are all written poorly and take weak stances; as such, Rob and Dawn refer to these as his "What's Up With That?" columns due to the fact that they are similar to well-known stand-up routines (ala Jerry Seinfeld, or the cliched phrase "What's up with airline food?"). For example, his steak house review is referred to as "What's Up With Meat?"

[edit] Grudge Humps

Rob and Arnie refer to women that they either find somewhat attractive or very attractive, but they feel on hearsay are a horrible person, as a "grudge hump," or a woman they would have angry, violent sex with. Rob will play a "punching" sound effect as the "grudge humps" are mentioned and Dawn will always be the disclaimer as she states that the women "are asking for it." Arnie will sometimes go a bit too far as he will come up with very violent and surreal actions to do to the women, such as hitting them with the kitchen sink or shoving a swing chain down their throat. Rob and Arnie's "Grudge Humps" include Tara Reid, Jessica Alba, Jennifer Aniston, Hilary Duff, Paris Hilton, Reese Witherspoon, and several others (which they include on their "Grudge Humps" page on their website).

[edit] Ripping Emails

During Listener Mail, Rob may sometimes "accidentally" rip an e-mail in half (he really tears in half on purpose) and complain about the cheap paper that Producer Nick prints the e-mails out on. Rob then produces a scotch tape dispenser (which Arnie had stolen from an unknown employee of the radio station) and tapes the letter back together. Dawn always complains that Rob just wants to do "the tape schtick" to which Arnie says "We don't do schticks, we do segments you ______." He then fills in the blank with the insult of his choice, such as "pirate hooker" or "clap-giving cupid."

[edit] The Spatula

Whenever Producer Nick is addressed or mentioned on the show, Arnie will bang or tap on Producer Nick's window with a spatula. Producer Nick usually responds in a very agitated way; he sits in the next room that has a very large window that views RAD in the studio and he can also hear everything RAD says through speakers, so there is no need for Arnie to bang on the window. During the month of December, Nick sometimes refers to it as "the holiday spatula."

[edit] Visiting Celebrities

Throughout the entire show, sometimes a sound effect of a door knocking will occur. This is usually followed by a celebrity impersonated usually by Arnie. Such celebrities include Bill Cosby, Jesse Jackson, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Al Pacino, Regis Philbin and even Jack Nicholson.

[edit] Defunct Segments

[edit] Shecky Dawn

Shecky Dawn used to be done every Friday; during which, Dawn would take over the hosting duties and speak with assorted celebrity guests such as Pat and Jerry (Rob and Arnie's lesbian characters, who themselves are defunct impersonations as they hurt Rob and Arnie's throats), Mike Tyson, Michael Jackson, Regis Philbin, Al Pacino, God (who once told Dawn "All that praying you do? It doesn't work."), Satan, Darth Vader, Yoda, Dracula and many others. The premise was that Dawn would read jokes submitted by listeners as the celebrities engage in silly banter. Eventually the segment was scrapped due to the fact that Rob and Arnie ran out of ideas for conversation; in addittion, jokes were rarely read - in its last days, Rob and Arnie would joke during the entire segments and Dawn simply laughed the entire time as she normally does.

[edit] Visits During the Entertainment Report

During the entertainment report, Arnie would do two or three impressions; first was Della Reese of Touched By An Angel fame. During which she would converse in a friendly manner with Dawn and verbally batter Rob. Before the show was cancelled and in the segments later days, Della became increasingly irritable towards Dawn.

Next, Rob would deliver the premise for the next Kids Say the Darndest Things, during which Bill Cosby would appear for a few moments to deliver his trademark nonsensical banter. Afterward, the show would be visited by a character they dubbed "The Disturbing Little Boy." Rob and Dawn would sweetly greet the child, who would naively claim to have performed acts with his father that he didn't conprehend; it is understood by the listener that these acts included child pornography and pedophilia. No reason was given for why the segment was terminated on-air, however it followed a fine charged against the show by the FCC to the amount of $55,000 in 2004 - the maximum allowed at the time - for on-air indency.

[edit] The Big News of the Day

A simple segment in which Rob would present an important and relevant news story. It was eventually phased out either due to the fact that there weren't enough important news stories to maintain the segment or it simply wasn't interesting enough.

[edit] What's in Dawn's Uterus

A relatively short-lived game, in which Rob gave hints to an object that callers had to guess. The fact that the location of the object was in Dawn's uterus was irrelevant to the game.

[edit] Hawaiian Friday

For what ever reason, everything on Friday had a Hawaiian theme. Members of the show would (claim to) wear Hawaiian shirts and would use assorted stereotypical Hawaiian terms such as "hula hula" and "aloha."

[edit] Crazy Arnie

To promote their sponsor, the Sleeptrain Mattress Center, Arnie would act like a car salesman with his fictional dog Guacamole to promote the store, much to the chagrin of Rob and enjoyment of Dawn. These commercials were phased out due to their repetitiveness; during one commercial Rob and Dawn asked where Crazy Arnie was, Arnie as himself acted as if he had no idea what they were talking about, ending the Crazy Arnie shtick.

[edit] Regular Routines

For these daily segments of the show, expect these lines (or a variation of them) to be stated every time.

[edit] Arnie's Impersonations

[edit] Arnold Schwarzenegger

Whenever Arnold Schwarzenegger is mentioned, Arnie will impersonate him, parodying Schwarzenegger's Austrian accent. When Arnold "is in the room," it is assumed that Arnie has left the studio to give up his chair for Arnold. As such, Arnold claims to have only met Arnie once in passing, and thought he was a "retarded kid" because he exclaimed "Hey, my name is Arnie, too!"

Arnold often knows little of his policies and will rely on Rob to supply his views; this is chiefly due to Arnie's lack of knowledge concerning California politics. In addition, Arnold makes very outlandish statements such as that he will indict individuals or seize their property should they question his authority. Arnold's legal powers are greatly exaggerated, claiming that he has the ability to seize property and change that property in massive ball-crawls or storage units, and that he can generally make people do or say whatever he wants. Moreover, he claims that the capital is Los Angeles rather than Sacramento as Sacramento is an eye-sore; he once went as far as declaring Sacramento a "war-torn area" after flying over it by helicopter. Arnold has stated he will take-over various cities, states and countries, such as San Francisco (which he refers to as the "City of Homos"), England (which he will name "New California", following the precedent set by cities such as New Mexico and New Jersey) and an unnamed third world country, which will be "California 3".

Arnold frequently has comic back-and-forths with Rob; when Arnold first enters the room, the two argue to establish what Arnold will be referred to on any given day. Arnold rarely chooses to be referred to by his first name, instead choosing monikers such as: The Governor, Governor Schwarzenegger, Mr. Schwarzenegger, The Governator and other assorted variations. Another regular argument in which they engage (which transpires much like an Abbot and Costello routine) occurs when Rob mentions Arnold's aides, to which Arnold will exclaim "I don't have A.I.D.S.!" (referring to the disease).

Arnold claims to know every politician, and will make completely false statements about them, such as that Hilary Clinton uses the men's restroom, or that Barack Obama is actually a white man. During his election in which he ran against Phil Angelitis, he constantly made plays on his name, referring to him as "Phil McCrackis", "Phil McRevice", or "Angeldies" (claiming that he hates angels, among other things). He also claims to know various celebrities and musical artists such as P-Diddy and Chuck Norris, who he claims is in his cabinet as "Secretary of Kicking Ass."

When the segment is ending, Arnold will leave for a moment, allowing Rob to make his final statements on the story. Moments later, a heavy knock is heard and Arnold returns momentarily to state his famous line from the Terminator movies "I'll be back!"

[edit] Barbara Walters

Just as with Arnold Schwarzenegger, whenever Barbara Walters is mentioned, Arnie will impersonate her, parodying her trademark speech impediment. When Barbara "is in the room," Arnie is not heard from for the rest of the segment or until the very end.

Walters is portrayed as an eccentric, sexually permiscuous old woman (once claiming to be "a dirty, old lady whore"). She claims to have slept with every guest on her show The View, everyone she has ever interviewed (including Terri Irwin and her child Bindy, with whom she played a sexual game of "Hide the Clown Doll"), all of her co-hosts (claiming Rosie O'Donnell is "a handful in the sack") and even her dog Cha-Cha. She also has a large crush on and wishes to have sex with Gilbert Gottfried. She has also stated she has smoked opium.

Upon entering the room, she will say "Good morning, I am Barabara Walters. Welcome to The View is 20/20." Occasionally Rob will argue with Walters, who claims that she owns/is part of the show.

[edit] Dr. Rob

Rob plays a slow disco song with a Barry White-like voice as Dawn exlaims an "owww!!"
Barry White Voice: "And now, baby, here's Dr. Rob..."
Rob: "Hello."
Barry White Voice: "...the Doctor of Love..."
Rob: "...and other stuff. You can e-mail us," (Either mentions that Listener Mail is later or they already did Listener Mail and crumples an e-mail into the microphone)
Arnie: "You know what, Rob, that sounds like an e-mail sent to you by a listener who needs your help."
Dawn: "Which makes it Listener Mail..."

For each e-mail, Arnie will state the "e-mail sent by a listener" line.
- As Rob, and sometimes Dawn, gives advice to the letter writer, Arnie will almost always come up with a funny, sometimes hurtful, solution that would not help the letter writer.

A graduation-type theme plays while a pre-recorded voice states:
Radio Voice: "Dr. Rob is not a real doctor. He possesses no credentials, diplomas, or degrees. He only plays a doctor on the radio. Most of the time...HE'S FULL OF CRAP."
- At this point, Arnie will most likely deliver a huge punchline about the letter.

[edit] "Bad News Over Happy Music"

- Every Tuesday and Friday, and other days of the week depending on the amount of bad news throughout the course of the week, Rob reads horrible stories about death and such, while happy music plays, normally kiddy music. The premise of the segment is based in part on the comedy of George Carlin, in that most Americans could care less about tragic stories that happen in far away locations.

At the beginning, when Rob introduces the segment, Dawn moans and Arnie always states something bad both the FCC and the radio station does to them. The last story is always labeled as "tough", and that Dawn should "bear down". She never does, and at the end of the last story, she breaks down. When Rob asks her is "bearing down" helped, she replies no. To end the segment, Rob utters the phrase " Just remember, its not bad news...unless it happens to you." Each December, the show selects the most ironic and heart-wrenching stories and inducts them into their "Bad News Over Happy Music Hall of Fame."

[edit] Listener Mail

Rob plays the beginning of "Please Mr. Postman" (by The Marvelettes), while Dawn sings along (horribly).
Rob: "You can e-mail us directly at, here's the sound of Listener Mail Letter Number..."
Arnie: (exclamating a usually long and exaggerated) "ONE!" (as Rob crinkles and crumples a paper into the microphone very loudly).
Rob: "As you can hear, we're clearly not a wacky, DJ, sound effects show..."
- (Bicycle horn sound effect)
Dawn: "Yes, we are."
Rob: "We actually take the e-mails you send us and print them out on..."
Dawn: " paper."
Rob: "And how does everybody know that, Dawn?"
Dawn: "Cuz you crinkle, crankle, crumple and sizzle..."
- Rob makes a "sizzling" noise with the paper into the microphone.
Arnie: "HOT!"
Rob: "FIRE!"
Arnie: "HOT!"
Rob: "FIRE! ...each and every one of them. And then, to protect you from identity theft, we pretend to shred your letters live on the air."
- At this point, Arnie comes up with his Sound Effect of the Day, followed by Producer Nick's sound effect of the day.

After each e-mail is read and answered, Dawn "shreds the letter," but, as seen in one of their Video Files, Dawn holds a stack of blank paper in her lap and shreds those instead of the actual letters, which Rob just crumples up into a ball and tosses into the garbage can or, occasionally, Dawn's purse.

For each listener e-mail, Arnie exlaims the number of the letter. However, he has admitted that he doesn't always keep count and will sometimes yell out random numbers. Special ones include:
2. "TWOOOO!"
4. "FORE!" (as in golf)
5. "FIVE-UH!"
8. "OCHO!"
9. "NINER!"
10. "TEHHN!"
18. "My favorite number, EIGHTEEN!"
- Arnie declares Tuesdays as "Boombox Tuesday," where he plays a CD on a boombox. He and Dawn enjoy this segment while Rob loathes it, often stating how he hates it.
- Arnie declares Fridays as "Autographed Guitar Request Friday," where he takes a valuable autographed guitar off of a wall of the radio station and plays "song requests" and improvisational songs on it. He has had no lessons at all and has no idea how to play the guitar. Rob also hates this feature, but Arnie and Dawn love it. Originally done without the use of an amp, Arnie received one as a gift for his 35th birthday from the staff of the Griffen & Reed Eye Care Center.
- Fridays are also declared by Producer Nick as "Showdown Friday," where he takes two objects from the radio studio and throws one of them at the other. The "surviving" object is declared the winner.

[edit] New Movies (Only on Fridays)

Rob: "It is Friday morning, which means new movies in stores and new movies in theaters..."
- Dawn, at this point, will try to calmly ration with Rob and Arnie about how listeners know that Rob and Arnie know that new DVDs come out on Tuesday. A listener called in years ago and (possibly rudely) told the show that new DVDs came out on Tuesday. Rob and Arnie will always ignore this little speech.
Rob: "We will start with videos that you can rent or buy..."
- Rob and Arnie will proceed to mock listeners with polite phone calls and public confrontations that end with the "listener" telling Rob or Arnie that DVDs came out on "T-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-Tuesday," which Rob or Arnie will then explode at the "listener." They will repeat this when announcing DVDs.

[edit] "Ever Been There?"

When Rob mentions a foreign country, Arnie will usually ask if Rob as ever been there. More often than not, Rob will answer "No," to which Arnie says "Gorgeous!" As Rob has never left the continental United States (except for a single trip to the Mexican city of Ensenada, in which Arnie was present), when the country of Mexico is mentioned and Arnie asks if Rob has been there, Rob will answer in exasperation "Yes! You were there with me!" On occasion, Dawn will respond to Arnie's query of "Have you ever been there?" by stating that Rob's father has.

[edit] "New York City?!"

Whenever Rob mentions "New York", Arnie and Dawn will exclaim "New York City!?"

[edit] Miscellaneous

  • Executive Producer Nick does not wear socks in the producer studio
  • Every year, a few weeks prior to Thanksgiving, the show tastes the Thanksgiving themed Jones Soda flavors on-air
  • Arnie is a fierce fan of the Texas Longhorns
  • Rob and Arnie declared 2006 as "the year of the horrible caller." They sometimes even add a bit about how if you walk into your local Chinese deli/restaurant and notice the calendar on the wall, there is a picture of a caller with a bump on his head as the symbol for "the year of..."
  • Arnie's favorite bands include Cinderella, Poison, Prince and Twisted Sister
  • Rob owns a German Shepard named "Shep;" the show's online store featured a t-shirt with Shep hunching over to use the restroom with the caption "Shep Happens"
  • Nick, the show's webmaster, will often Photoshop the heads of apes and such over the show's family members in photos on the site
  • Arnie's lowest golf score is a 74
  • Rob's official platform for when he runs for public office will be "Kids are going to die - let 'em"
  • The show has done a 29 hour Rob, Arnie & Dawn-athon twice - once in 2006, and again in 2007 - to benefit the U.C. Davis Children's Hospital; the second annual "Rob, Arnie & Dawn-athon" started February 22nd in the morning at 5 a.m.
  • The second annual Rob, Arnie & Dawn-athon jumped the shark, according to Rob, at 1:28 P.M.
  • The FCC fined the "Rob, Arnie & Dawn Show" $55,000 in 2004 - the maximum allowed at the time - for on-air indency. Since then, James Peak, who filed the original complaint that led to the fine, has filed other indecency complaints against Entercom
  • Arnie loves the McRib
  • Rob and Arnie are fans of George Ouzounian website "The Best Page in the Universe;" in particular, they're fond of the "I am better than your kids." and "More crappy children's art work."rants
  • Rob's earliest memory was a lucid dream where he was driving in his family station wagon. He eludes to crashing said station wagon soon after.
  • Arnie's earliest memory was wearing a brand new pair of cowboy boots and belt with his name engraved in the buckle during his first day of school.
  • Dawn's earliest memory is reportedly traumatic, but has stated that during a game of "Duck, Duck, Goose" she felt a sharp pain in her buttocks. She soon found out it was due to a sting from a bumble bee.
  • The show has had numerous producers, in this order (chronologically): Beau, Nick (was promoted), Megan (aka "Sweet Pants"), and currently Brandon

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