The Raw Story

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The Raw Story is a leading news and politics site founded in 2004. Updated continuously, it is known primarily for its speedy investigative reporting. In addition to breaking news, Raw Story has pointed out fraudulent and manipulated news stories carried by other web sites, such as the Drudge Report.[1] The Raw Story currently covers daily local, world and economic news and publishes its own editorials and investigative pieces. Raw was the first US media outlet to publish the Downing Street Minutes, an account of secret meetings between US and UK officials in the lead-up to the Iraq war, and the first to reveal the Iran-related work of outed CIA officer Valerie Plame Wilson.

Raw Story has been reported and featured in The New York Times, The Guardian, L.A. Weekly, the New York Post, the Toronto Star, The Hill, Roll Call, The Advocate and Hustler.[2]

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Boasting an average 3.6 million readers, the site is quoted by Newsweek as, "Muck, raked: If you're looking for alleged GOP malfeasance, the folks at are frequently scooping the mainstream media."


[edit] Broken stories

Terri Schiavo Republican talking points memo.
Terri Schiavo Republican talking points memo.

The Raw Story "broke" the following stories:

  • Raw was the first to expose the practices of the nonprofit that funded Tom DeLay (R-TX)'s trips to Scotland and Asia.
  • Raw Story published the Secret Service logs of self-admitted gay ex-prostitute Jeff Gannon's numerous visits to the White House, even when no press corps were present (or needed). This led many to speculate that Gannon had a contact within the White House that was for more than just his questionable journalistic skills. Gannon was hired by the White House to throw softball questions at the Bush Administration's expense during various press conferences with the media.
  • Raw reported on the Diebold whistleblower, which resulted in the CEO of the company resigning the day after the story was broken.
  • Raw Story was the first to print the actual Terri Schiavo Republican "talking points" memo, designed to gain political capital by orchestrating a political uproar siding with the Schiavo family, keeping Schiavo on life support, and overruling circuit court judges, to make gains politically with the religious right.
  • Raw broke Vice President Dick Cheney's role in the CIA leak scandal.

[edit] Content and layout

Since its inception, Raw Story has tested at least two distinct layouts, finalizing on its current format that ensures its readers get access to the information they need, while also enabling the site to cover all aspects current events on its front page.

Breaking news stories appear atop the middle of the page, typed in red or black boldface. The top four stories appear below the breaking headlines; all others are catalogued into groups depending on their subject:

Nation - covers news related to the United States.

World - covers news related to global events.

Biz|Tech - economic and business news, as well as the latest on cutting-edge technology and science.

Blogs/Media - covering the web's expanding blogosphere both left and right.

Features - Raw's own editorial columns and stories of interest.

Mojo - off-site links to political stories.

Readers are allowed to comment on each story reported. Registration is not required for posting.

[edit] Current masthead

  • Toby Slingerland - Publisher
  • John Byrne - Editor
  • Larisa Alexandrovna - Managing Editor, Investigative News
  • Ron Brynaert - Managing Editor
  • Michael Roston - Associate Editor
  • Mike Sheehan - Assistant Editor
  • David Edwards - Video Editor
  • Josh Catone - Site Updater
  • Shant Mesrobian - Site Updater
  • Muriel Kane - Research Director
  • Daniel O'Connor - Business Development
  • Chris Tackett - Advertising Sales
  • Diane Sweet - Human Resources
  • Chad Smith - Webmaster

[edit] Correspondents

  • Adam Alexander - Africa
  • Christian Avard - Vermont
  • Miriam Raftery - San Diego
  • Kate Raiford - Chicago
  • Bill Roggio - Iraq
  • Hannah Selinger
  • Jennifer Van Bergen - Florida
Contributing writers have included well known and respected journalists and political/historical scholars as well as elected officials, including Nafeez Ahmed, Michael Smith, and John Conyers.

[edit] Wire Services

[edit] References

  1. ^ [1]. "Drudge Retracts Story on Howard Dean After Receiving Letter From DNC Laywer". Retrieved November 6, 2006.
  2. ^ "About". Retrieved November 6, 2006.
  3. ^ [2]. "FEMA, La. outsource Katrina body count to firm implicated in body-dumping scandals ". Retrieved November 13, 2006.

[edit] See also

[edit] External links