The Q'ewar Project

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The plaza in Andahuaylillas
The plaza in Andahuaylillas

The Q'ewar Project, a social work initiative begun in early 2002, is situated in the rural highlands of the Andes Mountains in the small village of Andahuaylillas, Peru.


[edit] General Information

Working with the indigenous women of the village community, the Project is engaged in creating an atmosphere which fosters self-esteem, personal growth and a way to gain economic independence through learning skills in a humane and respectful working environment.

[edit] History

Q'ewar Project weavers
Q'ewar Project weavers

This initiative, called Q'ewar in the ancient Quechua language, is a social work arising out of a process of maturation between the Peruvian founders of the Project, Julio Herrera and Lucy Terrazas and the peasant rural community outside Cuzco, called Andahuaylillas. Lucy and Julio decided to settle in Andahuaylillas in October 2000. Because the town is small, the frequency of daily contact with village women made possible and gave rise to bonds of friendship, harmonious collaboration and a strong sense in them for the hard conditions of the life of the rural Andean people.

[edit] Directors

Lucy and Julio
Lucy and Julio

In January 2002, Lucy and Julio were able to set up a small room in their rented house as a communal workshop. To begin with, 130 kilos of sheep's wool was purchased. All of the wool needed to be cleaned and washed. This was the first lesson in the doll making process the ladies would undertake! The first four women to participate were family related, all having severe personal and familial problems.

[edit] Vision

The basic motivation that led to this social initiative stems from the human bond of brotherhood for the women and men worst affected by their destiny. The Project also attempts to take responsibility for helping local and broader society overcome ignorance and racism. Those working for and volunteering on behalf of Q’ewar are searching for ways that will bring balance to the social injustices prevalent in Peruvian society today.

[edit] Goals

Poverty in Andahuaylillas
Poverty in Andahuaylillas

As to the economic gains that the Q’ewar Project generates, there are certain goals and intentions:

  1. They will serve to pay the daily wages of the workers;
  2. They will help to contribute to making the health and living conditions of the women and children a priority.
  3. They will provide a new way for the future of these workers who have lived in extreme poverty.

[edit] External Links

The Q'ewar Project website
German video by Director, Heidi Schmid