The Price Is Right pricing games
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Pricing games are a feature of the game show The Price Is Right.
The contestant from Contestants' Row who places the winning bid has the chance to win a large prize such as a car, a trip, or cash. As only one contestant is involved in a pricing game at a time, they tend to get the unanimous support of the audience. After the pricing game ends, a new contestant is selected for Contestants' Row, and the process begins again.
A total of 102 different games have been played throughout the history of the show: 75 are in the current rotation, 25 have been retired, and two are on hiatus (out of the rotation, but not actually retired).
On a typical current episode, four of the pricing games will be played for merchandise, trips, or cash. Two will be played for a car: one car game in the first half of the show, and one in the second. One of the six games will involve grocery products, and unless time does not allow for it, another will involve items worth between approximately $5 and $300 commonly known as "small prizes". Also, games that are played primarily for cash prizes, such as Grand Game or Plinko, generally will not be played twice in an episode.