The Order (Deus Ex)

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The Order Church`s Symbol
The Order Church`s Symbol

The Order is a fictional transdenominational religious group set in the computer and video game, Deus Ex: Invisible War.

Spoiler warning: Plot and/or ending details follow.

As described within Invisible War, The Order was formed by its current leader, a secretive personality known only to the church's members as "Her Holiness", after the Collapse brought on by JC Denton at the end of the first Deus Ex. The Order appealed to those who had lost friends and faith during the Collapse and is dedicated to the pursuit of a concept called "natural balance". It is against nanotechnology and genetic augmentation. It is also apparently against what it sees as the material greed and commercialism of its main "rival" within the game, the WTO.

Although the organization is ostensibly peaceful, it has mounted sometimes violent protests against those who it has seen as polluting the environment, the prime example of this within the game being the Panzerverks factory in Trier, Germany. It also mentioned as having helped start a riot in Lower Seattle, against Upper Seattle becoming a WTO enclave a year before the events of Deus Ex: Invisible War. It, in its investigation of ApostleCorp, led a raid against Tarsus/ApostleCorp facility in Seattle; freeing the Trainees - including the player character, Alex D.

The organization's rank and file members are known as "Seekers". All Seekers are members of a smaller group known as a "Shard", which is in turn led by a "Luminon". The next hierarchical level up are called "Augurs", led by High Augur Lin-May Chen. Lin-May Chen is seated at the right hand of Her Holiness.

However, as revealed later in the game, the Order is in fact a branch of The Illuminati. Her Holiness is Nicolette DuClare, daughter of the French Illuminatus Beth DuClare, and lover of the current WTO leader, Chad Dumier. It was part of the Illuminati's plan after the Collapse to create a centralized government by first consolidating wealth through the WTO and religion through the Order serparately, before finally joining the two apparently opposing factions together within a single world government.