The One with the Nap Partners

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Friends season seven
September 2000 - May 2001
List of Friends episodes


  1. The One with Monica's Thunder
  2. The One with Rachel's Book
  3. The One with Phoebe's Cookies
  4. The One with Rachel's Assistant
  5. The One with the Engagement Picture
  6. The One with the Nap Partners
  7. The One with Ross's Library Book
  8. The One Where Chandler Doesn't Like Dogs
  9. The One with All the Candy
  10. The One with the Holiday Armadillo
  11. The One with All the Cheesecakes
  12. The One Where They're Up All Night
  13. The One Where Rosita Dies
  14. The One Where They All Turn Thirty
  15. The One with Joey's New Brain
  16. The One with the Truth About London
  17. The One with the Cheap Wedding Dress
  18. The One with Joey's Award
  19. The One with Ross and Monica's Cousin
  20. The One with Rachel's Big Kiss
  21. The One with the Vows
  22. The One with Chandler's Dad
  23. The One with Chandler And Monica's Wedding, Part One
  24. The One with Chandler And Monica's Wedding, Part Two

"The One with the Nap Partners" is the sixth episode of the seventh season of the television series Friends.

First aired: November 9, 2000

Spoiler warning: Plot and/or ending details follow.

[edit] Plot

Monica, Rachel and Phoebe discuss over brunch who should be Monica's maid of honor. They agree that they should take turns so that each one will be maid of honor for one of the others, but Monica says that Rachel and Phoebe must decide which of them will be hers. They are interrupted by a woman who overheard that Monica is marrying Chandler, and sarcastically wishes her "good luck."

Meanwhile, Joey, Ross and Chandler watch Die Hard together, but Chandler leaves when Joey suggests they watch it again (Joey having picked up another copy of Die Hard by mistake, instead of Die Hard 2). Joey and Ross fall asleep during the movie, and wake up lying on the couch together (almost spooning), jumping up in shock and embarrassment when they realize. Joey spends much of the rest of the episode trying to convince Ross to nap with him again, as it was the "best nap ever!"

Monica mentions the "good luck" comment to Chandler, who eventually works out that the woman was Julie Grath, a former girlfriend whom he met at camp, but broke up with when she gained a large amount of weight. Monica, recalling a friend who did the same to her, suggests that he should apologize to Julie.

Rachel and Phoebe argue over who should be maid of honor. Phoebe claims that she has never done it before, but Joey reveals that she has, and that it didn't go well. He suggests that they audition for the job, with him and Ross setting tests and judging:

  • Rachel must deal with Monica (played by Joey) getting cold feet, which she does by drawing on her own experience of running out on a wedding. She gives a heartfelt maid of honor speech.
  • Phoebe prevents a drunken uncle (played by Ross) from disrupting the wedding, with a painful-looking tackle. Her speech is a (presumably fictional) account of her and Rachel showering together naked.

Chandler, with Monica in tow, apologises to Julie (who calls him by the nickname "Skidmark") but he is shocked to find that she didn't know that he dumped her because of the weight gain. Monica is still worried that he will break up with her if she ever gets fat again, but he assures her that he is in love with her, and will continue to be no matter what she looks like.

Joey and Ross reveal that Phoebe has won the competition to be maid of honor. Although Rachel is initially annoyed, she later apologizes, and gives Phoebe a collection of sentimental items she's been collecting over the years for Monica's wedding. Phoebe realizes that it means more to Rachel, and lets her take on the job. They tell Monica who immediately arranges an extremely demanding planning schedule, but as Phoebe laughs over what Rachel has let herself in for, Rachel points out that by the agreement they made at the start of the episode, Monica will be Phoebe's maid.

The episode ends with Joey and Ross waking from another "great" nap together, to find the other friends standing over them awaiting an explanation.

Preceded by
"The One with The Engagement Picture"
List of Friends episodes Followed by
"The One with Ross's Library Book"