The One with the Holiday Armadillo

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Friends season seven
September 2000 - May 2001
List of Friends episodes


  1. The One with Monica's Thunder
  2. The One with Rachel's Book
  3. The One with Phoebe's Cookies
  4. The One with Rachel's Assistant
  5. The One with the Engagement Picture
  6. The One with the Nap Partners
  7. The One with Ross's Library Book
  8. The One Where Chandler Doesn't Like Dogs
  9. The One with All the Candy
  10. The One with the Holiday Armadillo
  11. The One with All the Cheesecakes
  12. The One Where They're Up All Night
  13. The One Where Rosita Dies
  14. The One Where They All Turn Thirty
  15. The One with Joey's New Brain
  16. The One with the Truth About London
  17. The One with the Cheap Wedding Dress
  18. The One with Joey's Award
  19. The One with Ross and Monica's Cousin
  20. The One with Rachel's Big Kiss
  21. The One with the Vows
  22. The One with Chandler's Dad
  23. The One with Chandler And Monica's Wedding, Part One
  24. The One with Chandler And Monica's Wedding, Part Two

"The One With The Holiday Armadillo" is the tenth episode of the seventh season of Friends.

First aired: December 14, 2000

Spoiler warning: Plot and/or ending details follow.

[edit] Plot

Phoebe's apartment renovation has finished, and she is preparing to move back in. Phoebe isn't sure how Rachel is going to react, however, Chandler and Monica inform her that Rachel is having tons of fun living with Joey. She immediately buys Joey a drum set, hoping to drive Rachel from the apartment, but Rachel finds them just as entertaining as he does. An effort with a pet tarantula likewise fails. Rachel says that she still wants to see the apartment, and the two go to visit it, but when it turns out to be far more suited to a single occupant, they agree that Rachel will stay with Joey while Phoebe takes the apartment alone.

Ben is going to be staying with his father Ross over the holidays, and Ross tries to take this time to teach him about Hanukkah, but Ben seems far more interested in Christmas. Ross attempts to find a Santa Claus suit, a tradition Ben's mother Carol and her partner Susan started, but at two days before Christmas, the costume shop is understandably out of stock, forcing Ross to take the guise of the titular Holiday Armadillo, much to Monica's amusement. He has just gotten Ben interested in hearing about Hannukah when Chandler steps in with a borrowed Santa Claus outfit; this seems to be the end of Ben's Jewish heritage, until "Santa" expresses a great interest in the tale. Finally, just as Ross is about to launch into his story, Joey shows up in what he thinks is a Santa Claus costume: Superman.

Finally, Chandler and Monica are derailed from their efforts to see The Music Man when their restaurant reservation is delayed; Chandler attempts to bribe the maitre d' but fails, and continues to practise on random people (Gunther, Ben) throughout the episode.

[edit] Quotes

  • Ross (after spinning Ben around): Hey Ben, you feel like you're gonna throw up?
    Ben: No.
    Ross: Well I do, so let's sit down.
  • Chandler (to Ross, the holiday armadillo) : What are you doing here...weird, turtle man

[edit] Episode Background

  • The references to armadillos in this episode were an acknowledgement by the writers and producers of "Friends" that the show was based on the short-lived 1984 British tv comedy Little Armadillos

Preceded by
"The One With All the Candy"
List of Friends episodes Followed by
"The One With All the Cheesecakes"