The One with Ross's Sandwich

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Friends season five
September 1998 - May 1999
List of Friends episodes


  1. The One After Ross Says Rachel
  2. The One with All the Kissing
  3. The One Hundredth
  4. The One Where Phoebe Hates PBS
  5. The One with the Kips
  6. The One with the Yeti
  7. The One Where Ross Moves In
  8. The One with All the Thanksgivings
  9. The One with Ross's Sandwich
  10. The One with the Inappropriate Sister
  11. The One with All the Resolutions
  12. The One with Chandler's Work Laugh
  13. The One with Joey's Bag
  14. The One Where Everybody Finds Out
  15. The One with the Girl Who Hits Joey
  16. The One with the Cop
  17. The One with Rachel's Inadvertent Kiss
  18. The One Where Rachel Smokes
  19. The One Where Ross Can't Flirt
  20. The One with the Ride-Along
  21. The One with the Ball
  22. The One with Joey's Big Break
  23. The One in Vegas, Part One
  24. The One in Vegas, Part Two

"The One With Ross's Sandwich" is the 9th episode of season 5 of the sitcom Friends.

First aired: December 10, 1998


[edit] Plot

Spoiler warning: Plot and/or ending details follow.

Phoebe finds a pair of Chandler's underwear at Monica and Rachel's place, but Joey says they are his to keep Monica and Chandler's affair secret. They promise to be more careful, but are worse than ever, lighting candles and setting up a video camera in Chandler's apartment, which Rachel and Joey's date wrongly believe that Joey set up himself. When Rachel catches Joey with a naked picture of Monica that she had given to Chandler, Chandler tries to get Joey to say that he is a sex addict. Joey refuses, and says that he and Monica slept together in London and that Monica had been trying to get him to sleep with her again, thus making Monica look bad instead of Joey. Monica does not correct him in order to keep her relationship with Chandler secret.

Since she enjoyed her Lamaze class so much, Phoebe decides to take a literature class and asks Rachel to come with her. Rachel doesn't read the first book and steals Phoebe's answer. When Rachel doesn't read the second book, Phoebe tells her that Jane Eyre turns out to be a cyborg, and Rachel proceeds to embarrass herself in front of the whole class. Phoebe makes the mistake of inviting Monica to class, as the super-competitive Monica proceeds to answers every question and convinces the teacher to give the class a test.

Ross, still moping on account of his pending divorce from Emily and eviction, gets even more depressed when someone at work eats his Thanksgiving leftover sandwich, which he described as "the only good thing going on in my life." The sandwich itself contained leftover thanksgiving turkey and a layer of bread soaked in gravy, which Ross refers to as the "moist-maker". Phoebe writes a threatening note for Ross that makes everyone at work believe Ross is a rageaholic, especially when Ross yells at his boss when he finds out that he ate the sandwich. Ross gets a tranquilizer for his rage and has to take an extended leave of absence (he prefers to call it a sabbatical) from work.

[edit] Guest Stars

  • Michael Ensign as Dr. Ledbetter
  • Scott Mosesnson as the Teacher

[edit] Writer/Director

  • Writer: Andrew Reich and Ted Cohen

[edit] Trivia

  • Saturn, a comet, some stars, and a moon are drawn on the Magna Doodle.

Preceded by
"The One With All the Thanksgivings"
List of Friends episodes Followed by
"The One With the Inappropriate Sister"