The One with Ross's New Girlfriend

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Friends season two
September 1995 - May 1996
List of Friends episodes


  1. The One with Ross's New Girlfriend
  2. The One with the Breast Milk
  3. The One Where Heckles Dies
  4. The One with Phoebe's Husband
  5. The One with Five Steaks and an Eggplant
  6. The One with the Baby on the Bus
  7. The One Where Ross Finds Out
  8. The One with the List
  9. The One with Phoebe's Dad
  10. The One with Russ
  11. The One with the Lesbian Wedding
  12. The One After the Superbowl, Part One
  13. The One After the Superbowl, Part Two
  14. The One with the Prom Video
  15. The One Where Ross and Rachel...You Know
  16. The One Where Joey Moves Out
  17. The One Where Eddie Moves In
  18. The One Where Dr. Ramoray Dies
  19. The One Where Eddie Won't Go
  20. The One Where Old Yeller Dies
  21. The One with the Bullies
  22. The One with the Two Parties
  23. The One with the Chicken Pox
  24. The One with Barry and Mindy's Wedding

"The One With Ross's New Girlfriend" is the first episode of season two of the television situation comedy Friends.

First aired: September 21, 1995.

[edit] Plot

Spoiler warning: Plot and/or ending details follow.

Continuing where Season 1 left off, Rachel goes to the airport to greet Ross and tell him she'd like to give a relationship with him a try. However, while in China Ross has started dating Chinese-American paleontologist Julie. Everyone soon tires of Ross and Julie's displays of affection - including Rachel, who has a one-night stand with old flame Paolo in order to try and get over it.

Meanwhile, Monica wants Phoebe to give her a new haircut, since she did such a great job with Joey's and Chandler's haircuts. Phoebe, aware of Monica's pickiness, declines at first but eventually relents. Monica requests that Phoebe cut her hair like Demi Moore; Phoebe gets confused and cuts her hair like Dudley Moore. Monica is very upset and the rest of the gang try hard to console her.

Chandler needs a pair of pants altered, so Joey sends him to the Tribbiani family tailor. All is fine - until the tailor measures Chandler's inseam a little too well. Chandler comes back angry and blames Joey for the fiasco. Joey still thinks that's how tailors do inseams, until Ross and Chandler convince him about the real intentions of the tailor. Joey is very upset now and is found calling all his relatives about the problem.

[edit] Quotes

  • Ross: Well, we just wanted to say a quick, "hi," and then we're gonna go see the baby.
    Julie: And then we've gotta get some sleep.
    Ross: Yeah, it's really 6:00 tomorrow night our time.
    Chandler: Okay, well, listen, don't tell us what's gonna happen though, 'cause I like to be surprised.

  • Joey (referring to his family's tailor): He did my first suit when I was 15. No, wait, 16. No, excuse me, 15. All right, when was 1990?
    Chandler: OK, you have to stop the Q-TIP when there's resistance."

  • Rachel (after coming back from the airport with Ross and Julie): Airport, airport. Ross, not alone, Julie, arm around her. Cramp, cramp.
    Chandler: Ok, I think she's trying to tell us something. Quick, get the verbs.

  • Joey: Hey, Chandler, when you see Frankie, tell him Joey says hello. He'll know what it means.
    Chandler: Are you sure he's gonna be able to crack that code?

[edit] Additional cast

Preceded by
"The One Where Rachel Finds Out"
List of Friends episodes Followed by
"The One with the Breast Milk"
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