The One with Ross's Library Book

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Friends season seven
September 2000 - May 2001
List of Friends episodes


  1. The One with Monica's Thunder
  2. The One with Rachel's Book
  3. The One with Phoebe's Cookies
  4. The One with Rachel's Assistant
  5. The One with the Engagement Picture
  6. The One with the Nap Partners
  7. The One with Ross's Library Book
  8. The One Where Chandler Doesn't Like Dogs
  9. The One with All the Candy
  10. The One with the Holiday Armadillo
  11. The One with All the Cheesecakes
  12. The One Where They're Up All Night
  13. The One Where Rosita Dies
  14. The One Where They All Turn Thirty
  15. The One with Joey's New Brain
  16. The One with the Truth About London
  17. The One with the Cheap Wedding Dress
  18. The One with Joey's Award
  19. The One with Ross and Monica's Cousin
  20. The One with Rachel's Big Kiss
  21. The One with the Vows
  22. The One with Chandler's Dad
  23. The One with Chandler And Monica's Wedding, Part One
  24. The One with Chandler And Monica's Wedding, Part Two

"The One with Ross's Library Book" is the seventh episode of season seven of the television situation comedy Friends.

First aired: November 16, 2000

Spoiler warning: Plot and/or ending details follow.

[edit] Plot

The episode begins with Rachel and Joey in their apartment. Rachel accidentally walks into the bathroom while Joey's date, Erin, is getting dressed. Joey does not want a serious relationship with Erin, but does not have the heart to tell her. Instead, he wants Rachel to do it for him, and she reluctantly agrees.

Meanwhile, Ross is happy his dissertation is in the school library - until he finds out where it is located. It turns out that it is in an area of the library that is so deserted that people go there just to makeout.

Monica bumps into Janice at her restaurant and tells her that she and Chandler are engaged. Then, she unintentionally invites Janice to the wedding. When Chandler hears this, he is mortified. To make matters worse, Janice and her boyfriend invite them to have dinner. Janice's boyfriend is a no-show to the dinner, so she asks about the wedding. Monica and Chandler tell her that it is going to be a small ceremony, with just family members. Janice misinterprets this, and thinks that she is part of their family. She then offers to sing at the ceremony.

Rachel and Phoebe get to know Erin a little bit better and they eventually become good friends, much to the chagrin of Joey. They try to convince him to continue dating her. Although hesitant at first, the two go out again, and Joey becomes really happy about where the relationship is going. However, Erin tells Rachel and Phoebe that she does not want a future with Joey. She cannot tell him this, so she enlists the girls to do it for her. This upsets Rachel and Phoebe, who eventually break the news to Joey, who is equally crushed.

Ross goes to the library to guard his book and prevent people from having sex in front of it. He ends up talking to a girl who actually read his book and the two of them end up having sex. They are eventually caught by the library security.

Janice, not wanting to be alone, comes to Monica and Chandler's apartment to ask if she can live with them for a while. Chandler tells her that she cannot stay with them as their apartment is "a hotbed for electromagnetic activity" and she needs to be immunized to live there. She does not fall for his trick, and is still determined to live with them. Monica then tells Janice that Chandler still has feelings for her, which Monica claims is the reason Janice should not live with them or come to their wedding. Janice, feeling embarrassed, decides to leave, but not before telling Chandler to call her if the marriage doesn't work out.

At the end, Ross is in the library continuing to guard his book, and bumps into Chandler and Monica, who have come to makeout. Chandler tells Ross, "I just wanted to show Monica your book."

[edit] Additional Cast

Erin - Kristin Davis
Janice - Maggie Wheeler
Woman - Sarah O'Haire
Security Guard #1 - Sam Lawson
Security Guard #2 - Udi Guladi

[edit] Trivia

Preceded by
"The One with the Nap Partners"
List of Friends episodes Followed by
"The One Where Chandler Doesn't Like Dogs"