The One Where Rosita Dies

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Friends season seven
September 2000 - May 2001
List of Friends episodes


  1. The One with Monica's Thunder
  2. The One with Rachel's Book
  3. The One with Phoebe's Cookies
  4. The One with Rachel's Assistant
  5. The One with the Engagement Picture
  6. The One with the Nap Partners
  7. The One with Ross's Library Book
  8. The One Where Chandler Doesn't Like Dogs
  9. The One with All the Candy
  10. The One with the Holiday Armadillo
  11. The One with All the Cheesecakes
  12. The One Where They're Up All Night
  13. The One Where Rosita Dies
  14. The One Where They All Turn Thirty
  15. The One with Joey's New Brain
  16. The One with the Truth About London
  17. The One with the Cheap Wedding Dress
  18. The One with Joey's Award
  19. The One with Ross and Monica's Cousin
  20. The One with Rachel's Big Kiss
  21. The One with the Vows
  22. The One with Chandler's Dad
  23. The One with Chandler And Monica's Wedding, Part One
  24. The One with Chandler And Monica's Wedding, Part Two

"The One Where Rosita Dies" is thirteenth episode of the seventh season of the sitcom Friends.

First aired: February 1, 2001.

[edit] Plot

Spoiler warning: Plot and/or ending details follow.

In the teaser, Rachel tries to move Joey's Barcalounger, but Joey refuses to let her: "Rosita" (as he calls the chair) "does not move." At present position, "it is the exact equal distance from the bathroom to the kitchen" (of the apartment) "and it’s at the perfect angle so you don’t get any glare coming off of Stevie." Rachel, despite this warning, keeps trying, and ends up snapping Rosita's back(rest) off. Apologetic, she offers to buy Joey the newest and greatest model of chair available, and the two return home with "Francette," a "La-Z-Boy E-cliner 3000."

Ross and Monica, consulting in the newspaper, discover that their parents are selling the family home. They return to collect childhood memorabilia, but while Monica is distracted ("there are six or seven Easy-Bake Ovens in the attic"), Mr. Geller confesses that the boxes storing Monica's things have been ruined by flood water: he used them to protect his Porsche. Ross freaks: Monica already feels as though her parents do not love her ("I was their first-born," Ross protests, "they thought she was barren!"), and this will only confirm it. Ross and his father hastily slap a few boxes together using stuff from Ross' boxes. Monica, of course, sees through the ruse, and is left feeling very upset about all of the lost items and memories in her boxes. After Ross tries to console her, Mr. Geller, feeling guity, gives Monica the keys to his Porsche, to which Ross objects. (Ross: "Well, what about me?! I’m a medical marvel!")

Phoebe, seeking extra work, finds a placement as a telemarketer for a company that sells printer toner. The first man she calls, Earl, says that he does not need toner because he is going to commit suicide. The two war back and forth over whether he should go through with it, with Earl putting up pretty convincing evidence that nobody knows he exists; finally, Phoebe goes to his office to talk to him in person and says that it was fate that caused her to call Earl. Earl is not convinced that fate was what caused Pheobe to call and Pheobe comes up with one real and several fake coincidences to convince Earl and says that the universe cares about him. Earl feels better, but wishes that the people at his office would care just a little bit.

Finally, Chandler gets involved with the Rosita insanity when he sneaks into Joey's apartment, sits in the already-broken chair, and thinks he broke it. He replaces Rosita with his own Barcalounger, which Joey thinks is a miracle, and for a short time he enjoys his reborn "Rosita" while Rachel enjoys Francette. Then Rachel explains the whole thing to Chandler, and he charges into the apartment just as Joey breaks the replacement chair. In reparation, Chandler demands the La-Z-Boy monstrosity saying that it was Rachel and Joey's fault ("You broke a chair and you broke a chair! The only one around here that hasn't broke a chair, is me!"), but Joey and Rachel deny him, on the grounds that "there are two of us and we are both strong enough to break a chair in half!" Chandler leaves without a chair and Monica, upon hearing the news, is ecstatic: "I get a Porsche and the barcalounger's gone?! This is the best day ever!"

[edit] Guest Stars

Preceded by
"The One Where They're Up All Night"
List of Friends episodes Followed by
"The One Where They All Turn Thirty"