The One Where Old Yeller Dies

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Friends season two
September 1995 - May 1996
List of Friends episodes


  1. The One with Ross's New Girlfriend
  2. The One with the Breast Milk
  3. The One Where Heckles Dies
  4. The One with Phoebe's Husband
  5. The One with Five Steaks and an Eggplant
  6. The One with the Baby on the Bus
  7. The One Where Ross Finds Out
  8. The One with the List
  9. The One with Phoebe's Dad
  10. The One with Russ
  11. The One with the Lesbian Wedding
  12. The One After the Superbowl, Part One
  13. The One After the Superbowl, Part Two
  14. The One with the Prom Video
  15. The One Where Ross and Rachel...You Know
  16. The One Where Joey Moves Out
  17. The One Where Eddie Moves In
  18. The One Where Dr. Ramoray Dies
  19. The One Where Eddie Won't Go
  20. The One Where Old Yeller Dies
  21. The One with the Bullies
  22. The One with the Two Parties
  23. The One with the Chicken Pox
  24. The One with Barry and Mindy's Wedding

"The One Where Old Yeller Dies" is the twentieth episode of season two of the television situation comedy Friends.

First aired: April 4, 1996

Spoiler warning: Plot and/or ending details follow.

[edit] Plot

The gang is gathered in Monica and Rachel's apartment, watching Old Yeller. Phoebe is confused as to why the gang is crying - she thinks the movie has a happy ending, because just before the movie ended her mom would always shut off the TV and say, "The End!" A talk with her grandmother reveals that her mom used to do that before the ending of any sad movie to shield them from the pain - so Phoebe decides to rent a bunch of them so she can see their real endings. She becomes depressed, and convinced that life actually isn't all it's cracked up to be.

Ross is upset that he's missing so many of Ben's "firsts" that he asks to watch him for a weekend. He lets it slip to Rachel that he's got the next twenty years of their life planned out - they'd move to a house in Scarsdale, have two kids, etc. Rachel freaks out - she spent her entire life having every detail planned, and she likes not knowing what's going to happen. Ross says he only does it because he loves her; she says she loves him too - it turns out that's the first time they've said they love each other. Near the end of the weekend, Rachel hears Ben say his first word - but Ross is in the other room and ends up missing it. He does get to hear Ben say his second word, "Bye," and is satisfied with that.

Monica convinces Joey and Chandler to hang out with Richard. At first, they get along really well. They start emulating each other - Joey takes up smoking cigars, Chandler grows a moustache, and Richard starts dressing like Chandler. Richard says it's refreshing to finally have friends that don't start sentences with, "Guess who just died shoveling snow?" Eventually, they spend so much time together Monica is starting to become jealous - until they all realize Joey and Chandler view him as a father figure instead of as a friend.

At the end, Phoebe needs a pick-me-up - so she watches a tape of Sesame Street with Ben.

[edit] Additional cast

[edit] Trivia

  • In this episode, Ross frightens Rachel with his clear visions of their future together. He tells her that if they had a daughter he would like her to be named Emily. Ross will eventually end up marrying (and divorcing) a woman named Emily, and he and Rachel will name their baby girl Emma (who Rachel's sister mistakenly refers to as Emily on several occasions).

Preceded by
"The One Where Eddie Won't Go"
List of Friends episodes Followed by
"The One With the Bullies"