The Observator

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An issue of The Observator dated May 11, 1681.
An issue of The Observator dated May 11, 1681.

The Observator was a newspaper written by Roger L'Estrange, and published from April 13, 1681 to March 9, 1686 or 1687.

L'Estrange was a defender of the Monarchy, and promoted his anti-whig agenda through The Observator.

Most issues were printed by the Brome family in London, England, at the "Gun in S. Pauls Church-yard".

[edit] References

  • The Cambridge History of English and American Literature in 18 Volumes [1]
  • The Augustan Reprint Society. Selections from The Observator. William Andrews Clark Memorial Library: University of California, Los Angeles. 1970.