The Nowhere Place

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Big Finish Productions audio play
Album cover
The Nowhere Place
Series Doctor Who
Release number 84
Featuring Sixth Doctor
Evelyn Smythe
Writer Nicholas Briggs
Director Nicholas Briggs
Producer(s) Gary Russell
Jason Haigh-Ellery
Production code 7CMB
Set between After Pier Pressure
Release date July 2006

The Nowhere Place is a Big Finish Productions audio drama based on the long-running British science fiction television series Doctor Who.


[edit] Plot

A mysterious door and the sound of a bell ringing lead the Doctor and Evelyn from a spaceship in the year 2197 to a train in 1952. Why does Evelyn keep hearing the words "Time's End"?

[edit] Cast

[edit] Trivia

Alternative cover
  • This audio drama has two alternative covers.

[edit] External links

 v  d  e Sixth Doctor audio dramas
SlipbackThe Sirens of TimeWhispers of TerrorThe Marian ConspiracyThe Spectre of Lanyon Moor
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Project: LazarusDavrosZagreusThe WormeryArrangements for WarMedicinal Purposes
Her Final FlightThe JuggernautsCatch-1782Thicker than WaterCryptobiosisPier Pressure
The Nowhere PlaceThe ReapingYear of the Pig • I.D. • Urgent Calls