The Novice

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Title The Novice
First UK edition cover
First UK edition cover
Author Trudi Canavan
Country Australia
Language English
Series The Black Magician Trilogy
Genre(s) Fantasy novel
Publisher Orbit Books
Released 2002
Media type Print (Hardback & Paperback)
ISBN ISBN 1-904233-67-8
Preceded by The Magicians' Guild
Followed by The High Lord

The Novice is the second book in The Black Magician trilogy by Trudi Canavan. It was published in 2002 and is the sequel to The Magicians' Guild and is followed by The High Lord.

[edit] Introduction

The Novice is the second book in Trudi Canavan's the 'Black Magician' trilogy, where we follow the heroine, a young girl named Sonea, as she discovers she is a magician and her powers grow rapidly. In this book, she has agreed to study at the Magician's Guild under the protection of her new guardian Lord Rothen, and swears to Lord Rothen and to another magician, Administrator Lorlen (administrator of the guild) , to keep secret that the High Lord, Akkarin, is using forbidden Black Magic (known as higher magic in the olden days).

[edit] Plot summary

Spoiler warning: Plot and/or ending details follow.

Sonea, formerly a slum girl - or 'dwell' - must come to terms that she is taking part in an acceptance ceremony to mark her as a new Novice of the Magician's Guild. Under Lord Rothen's guardianship, she feels anxious but excited as she is formerly accepted into the Guild and takes a first glance at her fellow novices. However, they do not feel much respect or amiability towards her. Most present do not feel that a lowly dwell like her should even be allowed inside the guild at all. Forlornly, Sonea mentally forewarns herself things could become worse, and in particular a boy called Regin catches her attention.

The Novices are made to swear three oaths in order to become enrolled, firstly to never harm another unless in defence, whoever they are, secondly to obey the Guild's rules and finally to never use magic unless instructed by a magician until they graduate. Rothen then makes his guardianship claim over Sonea public, and two other novices are given guardianship by other magicians. One of the novices is Regin, who later will become Sonea's arch enemy throughout the book.

On her first day, we learn a Magician's most important attribute and goal is knowledge. Later, the other novices learn Control - she has already mastered it so is given a book to study on basic magic. She also tries to make friends, she makes some progress but her first weak acquaintance with a girl named Issle is shattered by Regin. Later, in the food hall, a refectory where meals are served, Sonea speaks about her life in the slums. Most of the novices listening to her are sympathetic, other than Regin of course. However, their opinions of her change slightly when they learn she stabbed a man who attempted to rape her. Regin eventually throws food scraps over her to the laughs of the others. It becomes worse when the novices play a trick on her and lock her in the kitchen, convincing her there is a kitchen duty roster and she belongs with the servants. Below the servants.

In class, Sonea clearly exceeds the other novices ability at magic. And maybe for this reason they continue to play foul tricks on her and her property so she makes a box to put her possessions in to try and avoid them from getting harmed. However, Regin's worst trick is he creates a rumour that Sonea and her guardian, Lord Rothen, are sleeping together. This is took quite seriously by some of the Magician's, including Administrator Lorlen who addresses a shocked Rothen seriously. He and Rothen have always been friends. Rothen can't believe Lorlen does not believe him that he is certainly not sleeping with Sonea. As a result, Sonea is moved to the Novice's Quarters soon after even though Rothen finally convinces Lorlen there is nothing going on. But, Rothen realises Lorlen doesn't trust anyone anymore since Lorlen discovered, from truth-reading Sonea in the climax of the previous book (The Magicain's Guild), that his best friend the High Lord is secretly dealing in forbidden Black Magic.

For while Sonea has been attending classes, Lorlen has decided to find out about the High Lord, Akkarin's, past travels over the allied lands. This is because Lorlen believes he can find out if his friend learned Black Magic while traveling, and therefore hopefully learn how to counter it. To do this, Lorlen sends Lord Dannyl, now Ambassador Dannyl, on this quest to follow Akkarin's past trail. Lorlen does not tell Dannyl why he must follow Akkarin's past trail. This means Dannyl does not find out what only Lorlen, Rothen and Sonea know about Akkarin - he is using Black Magic. Hopefully, Dannyl's skills at spying, finding out secrets and his new role as Ambassador will enable Lorlen to find out about Akkarin without rising Akkarin's suspicions.

Along the way, Dannyl strikes a friendship with Tayend, a librarian from Elyne, who becomes his companion. We gradually learn Tayend is a 'lad', he is gay. And also, we learn the rumour Lord Fergun (the magician who tried to trick and blackmail Sonea in the previous book) started about Dannyl also being gay when Dannyl and Fergun were both novices. Dannyl seems unsure himself whether he is or not, either way, his relationship with Tayend still grows as they travel. Because of social class being affected if he does seem to be gay, Dannyl and Tayend both agree to act as mere companions only in public.

Meanwhile, at the Guild, Sonea has been framed as a thief, most probably by Regin and his large group of followers. Sonea detests him, and is a loner in classes now. She decides to study hard and takes the winter tests early, in order to reach the next class as she seems too advanced for her current class anyway. She succeeds, but Regin also takes these tests and moves into the same class as her. However, in this class, although she is ignored, except by a weak novice boy named Poril, her classmates are not hostile to her. Except Regin. Her battle skills are weak because she is afraid to harness them and hurt another person due to the boy killed when she found her powers. She decides she wants to learn Healing anyway when the time comes to choose. Not Warrior skills or Alchemy. But when Regin attacks her after class, she is able to hold him off via skill and her strength. Regin tries frame Sonea for attacking him, but Rothen discovers the real truth and exposes him.

We next meet Rothen's 24 year old son, Lord Dorrien, who is a qualified Healer Magician and lives in the countryside next to Sachaka's borders. Sachaka is a country not allied with Kyralia (home of the Guild) and appears to be dangerous after a war between it and Kyralia. Still, Lord Dorrien makes the long journey through the snow to see his father whom he has a strong and cheery relationship with. He is kind and friendly to Sonea and Rothen convinces Dorrien to distract her from her studies which she takes too seriously, he also tells Dorrien of Regin and his gang. Dorrien accepts to distract Sonea. After a prank on Sonea by a novice, Dorrien and Sonea work out how to frame Regin and this proves he not only was trying to frame Sonea as a thief but he framed her before too. Dorrien and Sonea celebrate and he teaches her to levitate after showing her the roof of the university. The next morning, they meet by chance at dawn and Dorrien shows her a secret place he used to visit, a spring - the source of the Guild's water. Sonea thanks him for his help and reminding her fun is part of being a magician. She tells him she will miss him and he agrees, and kisses her. They have to run back to the university for Sonea to take her exams. Rothen notes the looks the pair pass as Dorrien goes home. He knows something is going on and approves.

However, as Sonea is about to take her tests she is summoned by Rothen, and the High Lord. He has read Lorlen's mind, forced Lorlen to stay quiet and stop Dannyl's travels and knows Rothen and Sonea know about his power. He reads both their minds and declares guardianship over Sonea, to stop either her or Rothen spilling his secret to the Guild. Sonea is angry and terrified. As the High Lord's 'favourite', Sonea is target to more hatred from Regin and the other novices who are jealous and insulted a slum girl has Akkarin as her guardian. Regin slowly starts his taunts against her and groups of up to twenty novices frequently ambush her after class and fight her, she does not ever fight back. But the High Lord does not interfere due to 'they are the best teachers she has', certainly, Sonea is stronger each time she fights them.

Sonea visits her only family in the slums in secret, her Uncle Rannel and Aunt Jonna and their baby son. They are pleased to see her and tell her about the murders in the slums, even though the victims have only shallow cuts they are drained of energy and die. The only description of the murderer is that he wears a ring with a red ruby set in it and dark clothes. Sonea reminds herself of the Black Magic she witnessed Akkarin perform and believes it is him. We have previously learned about a ring Akkarin wears and another he makes Lorlen wear so he can communicate secretly with him and read Lorlen's mind easily.

Due to her dislike for her new guardian, Sonea stays long hours in the library and discovers a map of the secret passages under and in the Guild. The only other who knows these passages is Akkarin. She has bad luck to run into him and is made to exit the passages and is confronted by twenty novices who attack her, and she still escapes. She thinks the High Lord is following her, which is true.

Dorrien visits the Guild again to give a sample of a disease to the Head of the Healers. He meets Sonea by chance who is sick of Regin and her troubles. Dorrien suggests she challenges Regin to a formal battle in the Arena in attempt to publicly shame Regin and stop the bullying once and for all. Sonea considers this and, in front of many novices and magicians, challenges Regin who has no choice but to accept or be shamed. As Regin gives a week to practice, he asks for training off Lord Balkan, the head of the warriors, who used to train him before. Sonea continues practice with her tutor that Akkarin persuaded her to have before, Lord Yikmo. The High Lord does not seem too fond of Sonea, but does not seem to dislike her, and is quite confident she will win.

Meanwhile Dannyl had been ordered to stop traveling by Lorlen when the High Lord read his mind, but is not given a reason because he doesn't know the true reason why he is finding out about the High Lord's past. But at the same time, Rothen suggests Dannyl should start finding out about the High Lord's past. Rothen is unaware that Lorlen asked Dannyl to do the same thing and Dannyl suspects a link but is unsure of what it could be. Dannyl follows Rothen's suggestion and keeps on traveling, the High Lord realises this and confronts Lorlen who explains he ordered Dannyl to stop. Akkarin considers Dannyl is doing it as his own hobby and personally orders Dannyl back to the guild. He is surprised to learn Dannyl survived a cavern, the Chamber of Ultimate Punishment, which attacks magicians as they enter. He is not to know Tayend helped save Dannyl.

Sonea enters the battle and via skill and her strength wins Regin 2:3. She is proclaimed victor to cheers of everybody. Only she seems to notice that Regin is unconscious and she checks to see if he is OK. Her last attack on him (which won her the match) was so strong it has sent his body into shock. She quickly heals him and he wakes and sees her kneeling beside him, he seems shocked and confused to see her there. After the battle, she doesn't ever hear any taunt from Regin or another novice and begins to make friends. The magicians, and her guardian, can't believe how strong she is and all congratulate her.

However, right at the end Sonea witnesses Akkarin actually kill another man. A magician assassin from Sachaka. Using Black Magic. Akkarin is stern and says this man was responsible for the murders in the slums and was going to kill him. He says he has never killed another man except in defence. Sonea does not know whether to believe him or not, but after witnessing him murder a man she swears she will always hate him.

[edit] Characters

Sonea - Formerly a lower class 'dwell' of the city slums and now a Novice studying to be a magician in the Guild. She is resented by most of the Novices there. She still seems unsure and guilty about her powers and although the strongest in her class, she fails to use her powers to her own benefit sometimes.

Lord Rothen - Sonea's original guardian who has seemed amiable and respectful towards her since the start. He, Sonea and Administrator Lorlen are the only three who know the High Lord Akkarin uses Black Magic.

Administrator Lorlen - This powerful magician is upset and afraid when he learns his best friend Akkarin is practising forbidden Black Magic, he also seems afraid Akkarin is responsible for the murders in the slums but later is blackmailed by Akkarin who finds out all three know about his powers. He originally sends Lord Dannyl out on a quest to find out Akkarins past movements, in order to find out how to combat him.

High Lord, Akkarin - The High Lord is leader and the most powerful of all magician's in the Guild. He practises Black Magic and when he finds out Lorlen, Sonea and Rothen know this he takes guardianship of Sonea in order to prevent the truth being known. It is suspected he is responsible for the murders in the slums.

Lord Dannyl - Chosen as Ambassador, Dannyl is set the task by Lorlen and then Rothen to trail Akkarin's past. He becomes friends with a librarian male named Tayend and we learn of rumours that he is a 'lad' - gay. He seems unsure of this himself.

Lord Dorrien - Lord Rothen's 24 year old son who works as a Healer Magician in the countryside near Sachakan (a foreign, unsafe land). When he visits his father he develops a fast friendship with Sonea and also becomes slightly romantically interested in her.

Regin - A Novice with strong powers who seems his only wish is to make Sonea's life at the Guild totally hell. At the end, Sonea challenges him to a formal battle (a duel of sorts) and he loses to her.