The New Era

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“The New Era”
The O.C. episode

Zach, Summer and Marissa in an awkward situation at the 'Bait Shop'
Episode no. Season 2
Episode 4
Written by J.J. Philbin
Directed by Michael Fresco
Production no. 2T5104
Original airdate December 2, 2004 (FOX)
Episode chronology
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"The New Kids on the Block" "The SnO.C."

"The New Era" is the 31st episode of the FOX television series, The O.C.. The episode was written by J.J. Philbin and was directed by Michael Fresco. It originally aired on Thursday December 2, 2004. The Killers made a special appearance playing at the 'Bait Shop'.


[edit] Guest starring

[edit] Plot

At school, Seth is on the lookout for a new girlfriend after failing to win back Summer. As he and Ryan point out various options, Lindsay comes up and Ryan introduces her and Seth. After Lindsay leaves, Seth says that he might like her, and asks that Ryan hook him up with her. On the other side of campus, Marissa tells Summer that it is the beginning of a new era for her, and that she has no boy troubles for the first time in a long time. Summer denies having any drama as well, professing that Zach is the anti-Cohen, and things are working smoothly. As Zach comes to join the girls, Summer calls him Ducky, her new nickname for him. In class, Ryan asks Lindsay if she'd be interested on going out on a date. She says yes before Ryan tells her the date is for Seth and her. She accepts anyway, reluctantly.

At brunch, Sandy and Caleb discuss his case against the DA. Caleb directs Sandy to a woman that set up a trust fund for him. Sandy thinks it will be useful information. At the Newport Group, Julie and Kirsten discuss the budget projections for the next year. Kirsten asks that Julie delegate work to her, as delegation is the key to being a good leader. Julie takes the advice as an insult and insists she knows what she is doing, and that she will be prepared for the budget meeting the next day.

At home, Marissa runs into D.J. working in the garden. She apologizes for not telling him about her relationship with Ryan. She tells him that she didn't know Ryan was coming back, and that she didn't see D.J. just as a time killer. She invites him to go to the concert at The Bait Shop the next night. The Killers will be performing.

At The Bait Shop, Ryan meets Seth to tell him that Lindsay has agreed to go on a date with him. Seth freaks out by the news and asks that Ryan come along on the date. Ryan doesn't like the idea of being a chaperone, so Seth suggests he find someone to bring along for a double date. As Alex walks by, Seth nudges Ryan to bring her. Ryan says he doesn't want to date anymore. Seth insists it isn't a date, it will be a "group hang". In the office, Seth asks Alex to come along on the group hang. She laughs it off but eventually agrees just to get him out of the office.

The next day at The Newport Group, Kirsten and Julie present their future plans for the stability of the company to clients. Kirsten has everything under control, but when Julie opens the floor up to questions, she comes off less than capable looking.

At school, Seth blurts out to Summer that he has a date. Summer jokes it off. Marissa asks Ryan if he might want to do something that night. Ryan tells her that he has a date as well, a group hang with Seth and his date. Marissa tells him to have a good time and walks off.

Julie pays Jimmy a visit on his boat at the harbour. Jimmy knows right away that she is there for more than a friendly visit. Julie admits that she isn't fairing so well at being a CEO. Jimmy tells her that she is savvy, and has excellent instincts. He tells her that it doesn't matter if she has no business experience, she can fall back on her skills of getting money out of older men. Julie leaves feeling confident, and with a plan.

That night at The Bait Shop, Ryan and Seth meet with Lindsay and Alex. Right from the start it is obvious the group in this group hang awkwardly have nothing to talk about.

At home, Sandy tells Kirsten that her father has no interest in getting himself out of trouble. He's been trying to help him, but the leads Caleb has given him have lead to dead ends. Sandy wants to give up and become a couch potato. Kirsten tells him that her father is hiding something and that it is his job to find out what it is. When the door bell rings, Kirsten and Sandy answer to find Julie in an evening gown with caterers in tow. She is throwing a party at their house for several of Newport Group's clients. Caleb ok'd the night but cannot attend as he is meeting someone at The Club.

Back at The Bait Shop, The Killers perform as the "group hangers" watch on. It becomes obvious that Seth and Lindsay have little in common. Ryan and Alex have even less in common. Seth and Ryan feel that they have hit rock bottom. Things hit a new low though, when they meet Summer, Zach and Marissa in the crowd. Seth ends up talking Lindsay's ear off about his relationship with Summer. Ryan catches Alex staring at Seth.

At the Julie's cocktail party, Kirsten worries that Julie is acting too forward with the clients. But Jimmy tells her not to worry, as Julie has been very successful coming from Riverside, and ending up running one of Newport Groups largest companies. Over at The Club, Sandy catches Caleb exchanging a document with a woman named Renee Wheeler. Caleb tells sandy not to go probing in his affairs, as it could cost them everything.

As the concert ends at The Bait Shop, Marissa runs into D.J., but she doesn't stay to chat with him. Alex tells Ryan that she doesn't feel a spark with him and that she thinks he should tell Lindsay that he likes her. Outside, Seth tells Summer that he is fine with her and Zach's relationship. Zach is annoyed by Seth's constant presence. Back inside, Lindsay is furious with Ryan for what a bad night she has had because of her reluctant date with Seth. She leaves telling him she'll just see him at school.

Ryan and Seth decide that their night was a bust, and that neither of them liked their dates. They split up, Ryan going to see Lindsay, and Seth to see Alex. In the office, Seth tells Alex that he is sorry about the disaster of a night. Before Seth leaves, Alex tells him that he's an immature brat, but also charming. She says there is hope for him yet, and Seth asks her to go for ice cream. She kisses him and they leave.

Driving home, D.J. sees Marissa's car at the beach. He finds her sitting alone at the lifeguard station. He tells her he doesn't know what he's getting into, but that he is prepared for drama. They kiss. Ryan is also driving home and stops when he sees Lindsay standing at the bus stop. He asks her why she said yes to the date with Seth, and she tells him that she was saying yes to go out with him, not Seth. Ryan admits that he wanted to ask her out for himself, but that he didn't think she'd ever say yes to him. Lindsay agrees that it is possible that they can go out sometime.

Back at the Cohen's, the party is over, and it appears to have been a success. Julie charmed some of the clients into signing new contracts. Sandy tells Kirsten that her father is hiding something, and that he is guilty of something that he wants to keep a secret.

The night ends with Summer and Zach watching ‘The Valley' on DVD, Marissa and D.J. lying together at the beach, Seth and Alex on a walk with ice cream, and Ryan and Lindsay talking and laughing at the bus stop. Four new couples on ‘The O.C.'

[edit] Quotes

Caleb: Well played, Magnum, P.I.

Seth: Her with the tattoo, you with the wristband, that's like the ultimate wrong-side-of-the-tracks love story. Seriously, you are the Sid to her Nancy, the Kurt to her Courtney, the 50 Cent to her ... Mrs Cent.

Seth: My friend, Ryan he's really cool. He's very anti-emblishment. He enjoys sunset walks, punching people and not smiling. Alex: And that's how you see me? Seth: Yeah. Except less smiling.

Ryan: Oh, Summer's coming. It'd probably be best if you didn't mention the date. Seth: Yea sure take the high road, cool. Hey Summer! Summer: Cohen. Hi Ryan. Seth: I have a date. Summer: Wow! Have fun with Captain Oats.

Jimmy: How's it going? Kirsten: (about Julie) Look at her. All the giggling and the touching. Oh my god! She just grazed his ass. Jimmy: Ah, the famous not-so-suttle ass-graze. Been a victim of it myself once.

Julie: The truth is, being CEO is a bitch. Jimmy: And you'd think you'd be a natural.

Alex: So, do you like live music? Ryan: No, not really. Do you? Alex: It's my passion.

Alex: (about Ryan) He's cute. Seth: Really, do you think I'm cute? Alex: Yeah. Seth: You think I'm cute. Alex: When you're not talking.

[edit] Music

  • "California" by Phantom Planet
  • "Silence" by Gomez
  • "Fortress" by Pinback
  • "On Your Way" by The Album Leaf
  • "Domesticada" by The Mosquitos
  • "Smile Like You Mean It" by The Killers
  • "Mr. Brightside" by The Killers
  • "Everything Will Be Allright" by The Killers
  • "Primitive (The Way I Treat You)" by Ambulance LTD
  • "Sometimes You Can't Make It On Your Own" by U2

[edit] External links