The Multiracial Activist
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The Multiracial Activist (TMA) is a libertarian oriented activist journal covering social and civil liberties issues of interest to to individuals who perceive themselves to be biracial or multiracial. In adition, interracial couples and families and transracial adoptees are also constituencies covered.
Founded in April 1997 by James Landrith, The Multiracial Activist is registered with the Library of Congress in Washington, DC under ISSN 1552-3446.
In addition to covering news on their core constituencies [1], The Multiracial Activist is involved in many civil liberties coalitions. Coalition topics include racial classifications [2], domestic surveillance [3], racial profiling, financial privacy [4], national identification cards [5], immigration reform [6] and general civil liberties issues [7]. Further, The Multiracial Activist participated as a plaintiff in a controversial Freedom of Information Act lawsuit initiated by the Center for National Security Studies against the Department of Justice in December 2001.
The Multiracial Activist has been profiled in several published books. Most notably are 2003's The Fundamentals of Extremism [8], 2004's Social Identities; Multidisciplinary Approachs: Multidisciplinary Approaches by Gary Taylor and Spencer Steve [9], 2004's The Politics of Multiracialism: Challenging Racial Thinking edited by Heather M. Dalmage [10], and 2006's Race and Multiraciality in Brazil and the United States: converging paths? by G. Reginald Daniel [11].