The Maya Lenca Principality
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The Maya Lenca Principality was a principality formed around 900 BC in a region of what is now El Salvador. The crown prince is currently in exile.
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[edit] Early history of the Princely House of Managuara Najochan
The Princely House of Managuara (Enchanted Valley) is one of the oldest noble families in El Salvador. Its founder was Princess Comizahual II who unified the Maya Lenca tribes around 900 BC and established the Maya Lenca Kingdom of Najochan. She was named Comizahual by the local tribes as a Royal Title meaning Flying Jaguar.
Managuara (Enchanted Valley) is situated to the south east of La Union El Salvador. The early rulers of this land administered the city states in the vicinity of their family royal precinct and the northern regions. The oral tradition tells of an uninterrupted Lenca line of descent that began with Balam Colop and his tribe which is mentioned in the Popol Vuh, one of the few surviving pre-Columbian books of the Americas. He obtained the Lordship of the Jaguar People and was the receiver of their language at the time that God became languages, in a sacred mountain. The acquisition of a language was of great significance because according to oral tradition each tribe carried a part of god in the form of language thus legitimising his divine rule.
The family obtained a substantial possession within the territory of the southern most point of Mesoamerica.The importance of his rule was demonstrated by erecting sacred settlements such as a rock shelter known as Corinto Cave and later cities such as Quelepa.
Lenca is the name given to a Mesoamerican ethnic group linked to the Maya culture. They have ruled several areas of what is now Honduras and El Salvador. During the Spanish invasion, the Lencas of the eastern region of El Salvador organized a war of resistance that lasted about ten years, ending with the death of the cacique Lempira. Nevertheless, the Lenca dynasty did not abdicate and its lineage can be traced back to ancient times through the oral tradition. The Lenca dynasty of El Salvador is active and has several cultural programs with cultural entities, universities and community councils to preserve and promote their heritage. Their Crown Prince resides in exile.
[edit] Managuara acquisitions
During the following centuries, the family strove, by means of new acquisitions, to consolidate its possessions in the highlands of Cacahuatique and Nahuaterique. The domain was also further extended in the South East to the Choluteca River. In 900 A.D a new noble tribe arrived from the ancient people of Copán and with the approval of the Lenca Crown they established the Chieftain of Cacaguatique Sesoli.
These were the Eagle People and they mixed in marriages with the Lencas, thus the royal family divided into three main lines, the Managuara, the Cacaguatique Sesoli and the Uxulvotan know known as Usulutan.
Together they established the city states of Anamoros, Arambala,Araute,Arcatao, Cacahuatique, Canaire, Cancasque, Conchagua, Curaren, Chapeltique,Chilanga, Chirilagua, Chocoaique, Ereuayquin, Gotera, Gualama, Gualcho, Guancora, Guatajiagua, Guarrapuca, Guaymetique, Guaripe, Intipuca,Jiquilisco, Joateca, Jocoaitique, Jocomontique, Jocoro, Jucuaran, Camauayquin, Lislique, Lolotique, Manaquil, Maquigua, Meanguera, Moncagua, Monteca, Muyukakin, Niqueresque, Asicala, Pasaquina, Perquin, Poloros, Potonico, Queiquin, Quelepa, Saco, Sensembra, Sesoli, Silaiquin, Singaltique, Sinsimontique, Sirigualtique, Tihuilotal, Torola, Yamabal, Yoloaikin, Yucuaikin, Yusique, and some settlements on the northern shores of the Lempa River.
A fusion of the blood lines was preserved by marrying within relatives of the same clan. At the beginning of the 14th century the two main tribes allowed the marriage of their heirs, uniting the two main crowns in one, (The eagle and the Jaguar). At the turn of the 15 th century, (1525 – 35) Luis de Moscoso invaded the Lenca Kingdom but the Lenca tribes ruled by Crown Princess Antu Silan Ulap I, resisted the invasion, she organized and gathered warriors from all cities to fight the invasion. Three years later, she is taken to a safe refuge to give birth and the Lenca troops are put in the hands of a war chief named Lempira.
[edit] Spanish Colonial Period
In 1536 The Spanish called the Lenca Crown for peace talks and Lempira attends on behalf of the crown, but on arrival Lempira is shot by the Spanish.
From this point onwards, the Lencas hid their nobles and for decades fought for survival in the occupied land. The Lenca royal family introduced a new Family Covenant in which stipulates that the first and the last born of the oldest line of descent should have the right to the hereditary title and should represent the family as the Regent of the House. And the Guancasco (gathering of all tribes). The provisions of this covenant as well as other provisions were maintained as oral tradition and is present in the recital called “ Cantares del Pinol” (Singing of the Corn Gruel) which along with the bloodline forms the basis of the right to succession to the throne in the Principality of Managuara. In the critical hours of the history of the early 18th century, the House of Managuara stood by President Gerardo Barrios In his decisive victory against the conservative aristocrats and the church.
[edit] Recent history
After the presidency of Barrios, the Lencas and other indigenous people rose against the republic with no success. Laws were passed to abolish the indigenous ownership of their lands and these were transferred to coffee growers. More laws were passed to allow the killing of indigenous people or anyone who looked indigenous to prevent later uprising. The constitution also banned the existence of hereditary titles to prevent the insurrection of more indigenous nobles. The Lencas changed their traditional dresses and adapted to the new Castilian language and catholic religion, at the same time they kept their native practices in the privacy of their homes.
In 1975, Francisca Barbara Guevara Romero, last survivor of the royal family commissioned her son Benito to document her oral history, philosophy, spirituality, medicine, law and genealogy.
In 1993-4, she was formally proclaimed by the community as “The Royal Elder Francisca B.G.R, Lenca Princess of Enchanted Valley Managuara Najochan.
In 1997, her grandson in exile L Antonio Chevez was proclaimed successor and ascended to his formal role of Crown Prince. From exile the prince coordinates cultural programs to help the Lenca community to improve their knowledge of their history, health and human rights.
The Lenca Crown is a neutral institution not sanctioned by the government as the Maya Lenca see no conflict with their coexistence as a particular ancient people within a contemporary established state.