The Magic Christian (novel)

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Title The Magic Christian
First edition cover
First edition cover
Author Terry Southern
Country United States
Language English
Genre(s) Comedy novel
Publisher Andre Deutsch Ltd (orig.)
Grove Press (1996)
Released 1959
Media type Print (Hardback & Paperback)
Pages 148 pp
ISBN NA & reissue ISBN 0-8021-3465-3
Preceded by Flash and Filigree
Followed by Writers in Revolt

The Magic Christian is a 1959 comic novel by U.S. author Terry Southern. In 1969 the novel was made into a film starring Peter Sellers and Ringo Starr, by director Joseph McGrath (see The Magic Christian (film)).

[edit] Plot summary

Spoiler warning: Plot and/or ending details follow.

Guy Grand is an eccentric billionaire who spends most of his time playing elaborate practical jokes on people. A big spender, he does not mind losing large sums of money to complete strangers if only he can have a good laugh. All his escapades are designed to prove his theory that everyone has got their price - it just depends on the amount one is prepared to pay them. Episodic in character, The Magic Christian is an unrelenting satire on capitalism and human greed.

For example, Grand pays the actor playing a surgeon in a live television soap opera to deviate from the script, comment in drastic terms on the bad quality of the show, and walk off the set. In another episode, he secretly buys a respectable New York advertising agency, installs a pygmy as its president and has him "scurry about the offices like a squirrel and chatter raucously in his native tongue" in front of all the top executive staff and their prominent clients. In a third, he buys a cosmetics company and launches a big promotional campaign for a new shampoo which, as it turns out in the end, has a very detrimental effect on those who happen to use it. He also shows up at a safari in Africa with three natives carrying a howitzer. Grand´s final adventure takes place on board the S.S. Magic Christian.