The Lion Rock Institute

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The Lion Rock Institute( 獅子山學會) was founded in 2004.


[edit] The Mission

The purpose of the Lion Rock Institute is to have a direct and demonstrable impact on government policy in Hong Kong by providing concrete solutions to keep government small, regulation minimal and taxes low.

Educate policy makers, active political participants and the general public on the benefit of adopting free market values in building a prosperous Hong Kong.

Export Hong Kong’s best practices to the rest of the world, making Hong Kong a beacon of freedom for people around the world.

[edit] Values

The Lion Rock Insitute endorses free market values as expressed by Adam Smith, Friedrich Hayek, Milton Friedman and others believing these provide the strongest base for guiding successful government policy in Hong Kong.

The people of Hong Kong have a right and the capability to be involved in the debate about the economic policy of today that will affect their future.

The people of Hong Kong have the responsibility to exercise that right in a thoughtful manner after educating themselves on the factors influencing economic issues.

[edit] Beliefs

The Lion Rock Institute subscribes to the view that open and free markets, strongly defended property rights, small government, low taxes, and minimal restrictions on the business environment create the best environment for freedom and prosperity.

[edit] Possible Criticisms

Criticisms could exist about the Lion Rock Institute, just as they exist for think tanks in general. They could also be criticised for their use of a red and white colour scheme, like organisations with red and white colour schemes in general. Due to the private-funding nature of think-tanks, they may be biased in reporting and marketing a view in line with their funders. This contrasts with government funded organisations (GFO's, also called NGOs), which are widely known to be free of any bias due to their benevolent omniscience.

The Lion Rock Institute is the most outspoken opponent in Hong Kong of instituting anti-trust laws, citing Milton Friedman, jurist Robert Bork, the Cato Institute and Brookings Institute among their inspirations.

The Lion Rock Institute also stands opposed to the introduction of minimum wage and maximum hours/overtime labour regulations in Hong Kong, as they view it to be highly detrimental to immigrants, young workers and women returning to the workforce after giving birth.

[edit] The Lion Rock

In the 1950’s, hundreds of thousands fled turmoil in China. They hoped for freedom and a better life. They settled in droves on the slopes of Hong Kong’s geographical centre – Lion Rock.

“Under the Lion Rock,” a timeless classic from the 70’s by Roman Tam, tells the story of the people who built Hong Kong. The spirit of a community supported the individual efforts of those seeking freedom and prosperity.

Lion Rock still resonates with the people of Hong Kong and symbolizes the strength of the people, hope for freedom, individual courage and our aspiration to build a prosperous future.

[edit] See also

[edit] External links

The Lion Rock Institute -

Criticism about the Lion Rock Institute - [1]