The Likeaballs

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The Likeaballs is a BBC children's television series that first aired on BBC1 in 2006; it was created by Jim Quick. It focuses on a team of ball-shaped, football-mad aliens who believe in fair play (the Likeaballs) and their enemies (the Dislikeaballs).

[edit] Cast

[edit] Likeaballs

Kickaball: The captain of the Likeaballs. He is always ready to lead the team to victory whether on the pitch, or off in an alien space battle. Kickaball is a master at keeping up morale - everyone’s that is except his own. It’s tough at the top and being captain is not an easy job. Especially when Knowledgeaball seems smarter than you and Invinciball more powerful. Even when he’s mistreated, Kickaball always sees the best in everyone and is full of encouragement for those around him. His biggest problem is self-doubt at times of great stress. His greatest skill is pulling together a team who are all so different and getting each player to contribute in the best way they can. No wonder he’s captain – he’s so likeable!

Manageaball: An organiser and a passionate one at that. She likes to keep everything and everyone in order. She is of Scottish origin and as her name implies she is the team manager and is rarely off the phone. She wants to be in control of everything and can get impatient with Kickaball’s patience, when he is trying to be sensitive with upset players. As far as Manageaball is concerned everything should have been done yesterday. Likely to be found pacing the sidelines and shouting complaints at the players, the referee, the fans, anyone! She does get carried away sometimes, but she always tries to pull herself back together and be polite. Manners are important to her, they’re just hard to remember.

Invinciball: A bit of a superhero. Unfortunately he’s so full of himself that he could use a little deflating from time to time. He is a fantastic player, but with an ego to match. Invinciball has a tendency to think he’s the only player on the pitch or at least the only one that matters. But his strength can be his weakness too, since he has been known to knock his mates out of the way as he powers his way towards the goalmouth, oblivious to those in his path. He has another weakness too. He can’t stand criticism. Luckily he has a shield to protect him from it. But take away that shield and subject him to criticism and he shrinks and finally transforms into his poor, useless, feeble alter-ego – the very tiny one they call, Forgettaball!

Knowledgeaball: The brainiest of the Likeaballs and an inventor too. He always puts his mind to solving the problem, but that doesn’t mean he always comes up with the right answer. Even brainy people can make mistakes and sometimes Knowledgeaball gets so caught up in the details of a new invention that he forgets what he was inventing it for. But sometimes a brainy solution can come in very handy, especially when you’ve just lost the ball and two players in a black hole, or you can’t work out how to defeat a team of powerful robots without a lot of rewiring. At times like that a little knowledge can go a long way and a lot of knowledge might even save the day!

Fashionaball: Obsessed with fashion. She is always trying out new styles to look even cooler and trendier than before. She loves having her picture taken more than anything and is quite convinced she should be famous. She will stop play to rearrange her jacket or fix her hair and has been known to call time-out for a shoe injury. But fashion isn’t only about what you wear it’s about how you handle yourself too. Being cool is more important to Fashionaball than anything.

Laughaball: A joker. He tries to see the comic possibilities in everything and always wants to make people laugh. When the team is down a good laugh can be a great pick-me-up, but when there are serious problems Laughaball just doesn’t seem to have the right attitude. But Laughaball is a very enthusiastic team player. He loves everyone and only wants to be loved back. His feelings can be hurt easily. There’s nothing sadder than the tears of a clown, but he is also quick to cheer up again. He doesn’t mind laughing at his own jokes!

Believeaball: Very honest. She never tells a lie, but she can’t keep a secret either. This is something that you have to be very careful about. If she knows too much and she meets the Dislikeaballs she’ll tell them everything. Luckily she is an amazing striker and some of her goals are truly unbelievable!

Disguiseaball: A master of disguise, a shape shifter, a morph! He can change into anything from a rooster to a chair, a computer to a dinosaur, but certain characteristic features always remains – his distinctive sunglasses, big red nose and moustache. Some things just aren’t easy to hide.

Reverseaball: Has two faces - and not only that, him-and-him are joined at the seam like Siamese siblings, Reverseaball doesn’t always know whether he’s coming or going. Talk about sibling rivalry – Reverseaball is always torn about what to do. Two heads aren’t always better than one.

Inflataball: The Likeaballs' goalie. He is of Welsh origin and a great big balloon of a player that can inflate to order. The only problem is he can’t hold his inflated position for very long. Then he’s off - all around the place.

Stretchaball: One of the best footballers. Capable of changing shape in an elastic manner. She can be twisted – but she’s not bitter.

Collectaball: Collects anything – from cats’ fur-balls to atomic clocks. She knows all there is to know about stuff.

[edit] Dislikeaballs

Count Horriball: The leader of the Dislikeaballs. He insists that he’s not just a captain, but the only Leader in town and is of the firm belief that everyone should bow down before him. He carries a cane to make himself look important but the cane is a "mini-me" version of the Count, called Mutiny, who spends his time arguing and criticizing the Count, but it is a love-hate relationship.

Combustaball: Has a fiery temper. In fact she has a fiery everything, fire exuding from chimneys on her head. She leaves a scorch on the pitch and gets angry about everything. If she could only cool down a little she might have a lot to offer, being a passionate player, but she has a very short fuse and gets inflamed about the tiniest thing. The rest of the Dislikeaballs dare not complain unless they end up roasted too.

Destructaball: Not too bright, but he’s very big and he’s hard too – being made of iron like a wrecking ball. The last thing anyone wants is to bump into Destructaball. Being rolled over by him isn’t much fun either. Destructaball is usually very obedient and wants to please Count Horriball, but he does have a soft side and he feels bad if anyone gets hurt. Destructaball can actually be very sweet. In fact if Count Horriball would only stop shouting at him and let him make up his own mind he’d probably in his heart of hearts like to be a Likeaball.

Disagreeaball: Doesn’t like to be told what to do. Whatever she is told she prefers to do the opposite and at least argue about it. In fact arguing is her favourite pastime. If you say black she’ll say white if you say go left she’ll go right. She just enjoys being difficult far too much to do things any other way. But the Likeaballs know her only too well and she can be rather easy to fool. By pretending they don’t want her to do something they want her to do they can make her do almost anything at all!

Stealaball: Doesn’t believe in possessions. As far as he’s concerned everything belongs to him or at least it ought to. He can’t help taking things and steals indiscriminately. The problem is that not being able to have something only makes Stealaball want it even more.

Disposeaball: Pretty disgusting. He is a foul smelling, foul acting slob. He wastes everything and throws it on the floor. He is not only the biggest litterbug in the universe, but also a slob. He always looks like he rolled through something disgusting, but hygiene is not exactly one of his big concerns. Loves eating from garbage tips. He’ll also eat your furniture if you’re not careful.

Miseraball: A very grumpy Dislikeaball. She drags her heel and hangs her head and just looks fed up all the time. It drives Laughaball nuts. He’d love just once to be able to make her laugh. But so far, no joy! She’s a ball in a rut.

Uncontrollaball: A complete and utter lunatic. A wild and crazy ball with a mind of his own or maybe no mind at all. Think Tasmanian Devil, but without the relaxing rest periods in-between.

Deflateaball: Really mean. His nose and his fingers are lethal weapons – long and sharp – he loves sticking it into other people’s business not to mention their backsides. He loves taking the wind out of things. The Likeaballs have to be very wary when Deflateaball’s around.