The Legend of Zelda: The Triforce Trilogy
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The Legend of Zelda: The Triforce Trilogy, also known as The Legend of Zelda: Seed of the Mystical Tree trilogy, was the original working name for the trilogy of Capcom developed Zelda titles for the Game Boy Color and Game Boy Advance systems. The project eventually became the games Oracle of Ages and Oracle of Seasons.
[edit] Development history
The Triforce Trilogy was intended to be remakes of the two original NES games, The Legend of Zelda and Zelda II: The Adventure of Link, plus a third title. The Legend of Zelda focused on the Triforce of Wisdom, and Zelda II focused on the Triforce of Courage. The third title was supposed to focus on the Triforce of Power. These games were supposed to clear up the original titles; problems were that the originals had virtually no story and had a horrible translation that left many things ambiguous. Remaking them for the handheld would also allow younger players who missed out the first time to experience them.
The games were supposed to be in chapters: "Chapter of Wisdom", "Chapter of Power" and "Chapter of Courage." However, early in the development of the first title, it was clear the original NES Zelda games did not port over to Game Boy Color properly, and that it would be better to remake the games from scratch. This project can be seen in the demo of the original Zelda for Game Boy Color, which was shown in 1999.
Two elements of the original idea did remain in the games. Six of the nine bosses within Oracle of Seasons were the original six bosses from the original game: Aquamentus, Dodongo, Manhandla, Gohma, Gleeok, and Digdogger. Three new bosses were added to round out the game. A number of the dungeons in Oracle of Seasons also resemble the original The Legend of Zelda dungeons as well.
[edit] Problems
The developers decided to switch gears and make three original titles rather than remaking the two NES games. The series name was then changed to Seed of the Mystical Tree, and still remained a trilogy. However, during the development process, it became clear that the complex password system to link all three games together was not going to work. The only viable solution with the time remaining was to cut the series down to two games. The titles Fruit of the Mysterious Tree: Chapter of Earth and Fruit of the Mysterious Tree: Chapter of Time and Space were used in Japan, while the North American and European versions were renamed Oracle of Seasons and Oracle of Ages, respectively.
The third game was going to be titled Mystical Seed of Courage and a great deal of information was published before being cancelled in July 2000.
The third project was rumored to be converted into The Minish Cap. This has not been confirmed. However, Capcom included an inside joke in The Minish Cap. The three "oracles" appear in the game looking for new houses in Hyrule Town. But only two houses were built for them in the colours of Din and Nayru (the Oracles who starred in their respective games) with Farore's house still waiting to be built at the end of the game. However, the player can pick which two oracles get a house, and which one they get. This references the fact that Mystical Seed of Courage was never released and Farore never starred in her own game.