The L.A.

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“The L.A.”
The O.C. episode

'The beauty, the brawn, the boobs (or the bitch), and the brains'
Episode no. Season 1
Episode 22
Written by Josh Schwartz
Directed by David M. Barrett
Production no. 176521
Original airdate March 24, 2004 (FOX)
Episode chronology
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"The Goodbye Girl" "The Nana"

"The L.A." is the 22nd episode of the FOX television series, The O.C.. The episode was written by Josh Schwartz and was directed by David M. Barrett. It originally aired on Wednesday March 24, 2004.


[edit] Guest starring

[edit] Plot

Ryan and Seth make a return trip to the Mermaid Inn. Seems that Ryan left his watch behind during his dalliance with Theresa. Walking through the parking lot, Seth can't help but point out that with Theresa moving back home, Ryan might be free of lady troubles for a change. And that's when they see Luke. Hey, what's he doing here? Um, he's kissing Julie Cooper right outside of their motel room. Uh…wow.

The next morning, the boys sit in the pool house in shock, unable to comprehend what they saw last night. They do realize that Luke and Julie have to end before Marissa finds out because she tends to not handle bad news well. Seth helpfully suggests that maybe Ryan will have to take the lead on this new task.

Jimmy drops by the kitchen with worries about the restaurant. Opening day is coming with no contractor, no designer and now, no budget left. Sandy takes a peek at the books while Kirsten opens up a letter in the mail from Hailey. She's an aerobics instructor at Club Med. Jimmy says he's going to spend the weekend interviewing designers even though they can't afford any. Kirsten suggests that if they need a designer on the cheap, there's Julie Cooper. Jimmy says no way, but Sandy says Julie's redesign of the Newport Group offices was pretty elegant. And besides, free is pretty cheap.

Walking down the beach, Summer advises Marissa that maybe she needs a boyfriend break. Time by herself. But that will have to wait because Summer just spotted Grady Bridges, star of The Valley, everybody's favorite nighttime soap. Summer runs right up to him with a hug.

At school later, the girls find the boys with crazy news. They met Grady Bridges! The boys don't seem to know who that is, but no matter. Summer scored a couple of invitations to Grady's birthday party tomorrow, so they can all go together! Seth isn't thrilled that a big Hollywood star's inviting his gal to a soiree, and Ryan, well, he isn't happy that he'll be spending another awkward evening with Marissa. But first, an awkward conversation about Theresa that ends only when the bell rings.

In another awkward moment, the adults have gathered at The Newport Group to discuss The Lighthouse. Julie will take the job, and she'll even do it for free to have a portfolio piece. But not before taking a few more shots at Jimmy. The other problem is, the materials for Julie's vision will probably cost low six figures, which Jimmy and Sandy don't have. Kirsten offers to pitch in, but Sandy wants separation of man and wife. What about Caleb? He could be a silent partner. Sandy is greatly opposed to this, but Jimmy realizes they might not have a choice.

At school, Ryan finds Luke in the student lounge, where most of the students can be found instead of in class, and bluntly asks him if he had sex with Julie Cooper today. Ryan tells him it has to end before anybody finds out, but Luke swears that nobody will. Besides, he's never felt this way about a girl - a woman - before. Ryan says that people in Newport talk and that tomorrow Luke is going to end it.

Back at home, Ryan wants to talk about his talk with Luke, but Seth is busy watching Season 1 of The Valley on DVD. Ryan jokingly points out that Grady's character is just like Seth, nerdy and jokey. Panicking, Seth realizes that he is just like Grady, only Grady has his own TV show. They can't go to L.A.! Who would Summer want more? Seth, or somebody just like Seth but with their own TV show. No! We're not going! Ryan replies that they are in fact going because Luke is going to break up with Julie while they're gone.

Doorbell. It's Marissa, dropping by wanting to talk. She's not going to L.A. Maybe time apart is the best thing for her and Ryan. It's been a little intense since he showed up. So, Ryan can go to L.A. and she'll spend some time with her mom. The next morning, Ryan starts double thinking. Let's see, if I stay home, Marissa will go to L.A. Except the whole thing could be on hold since Sandy and Kirsten haven't been informed of the L.A. trip yet. Seth tells Ryan that he's going to have to convince them that the trip is okay because Seth can't lie to them.

Outside, Seth tries to openly compliment his parents' beauty in an attempt to gain permission to go to Hollywood, which instantly fails. He points out that he could've lied and said he was going to Comicon or an IMAX movie, but that doesn't impress either. He tags in Ryan, who says it's just a birthday party. They'll be home by midnight, no drinking, no drugs. Seth pleads that he has to be there so Grady can't steal his girlfriend and Sandy relents, with some conditions. Call when they arrive, back by 11:30. And don't let L.A. steal your soul.

Ryan heads next door to talk to Marissa, who just found Luke's puka shells in the house. Blast from the past, eh? Um, yeah. Anyway, look, I have to go to L.A. to watch Seth, and you should go because you need to have some fun, so, you know, we'll have to learn to get along anyway, so let's go. A convincing argument that changes Marissa's mind.

With pleading still being the cool thing to do, Sandy and Jimmy head to the office to meet with Caleb. Sandy's sarcastic comments aren't closing the deal, so Jimmy jumps in with an offer to have Marco, their planned chef, cook for Caleb tonight. But Caleb has a meeting with the board of the philharmonic. Julie, realizing that the board has Newport Beach's tastemakers on it, wonders if maybe Marco should cook for the whole board tonight. You can't buy that kind of publicity! Of course, since The Lighthouse is gutted, they'll have to host the dinner at the Cohen house.

Sitting in massive congestion, Marissa tries to get in touch with her mother, but no luck. Summer points out that when her mother started avoiding her, it was because she was having an affair. Ryan and Seth quickly try to change the subject. Speaking of Julie, she's being dropped off at home by Caleb, who inquires about their next date. She tells him to wait and see how the dinner goes tonight. Caleb leaves and Luke jumps out of the bushes, desperate to talk. But first, passionate kissing! Then Julie drags Luke inside for a quick one. But we really have to talk afterwards.

Hollywood. A nightclub. A dancer grinds on a stage. A chubby dude with a goatee lays his best rap on a completely uninterested chick. And the group of four strolls in. Grady immediately intercepts the girls and takes them away from the boys. He politely introduces "Summer, Marissa and some guy" to Team Grady. His agent, manager, lawyer, publicist and producing partner, etc. Most of Team Grady wears trucker hats.

Ryan, slightly preoccupied, slides off to call Luke to make sure he's TCB. Marissa finds him. Seth and Summer, holding hands, are walking to another room with Grady when Paris Hilton strolls through, right through their arms. Seth ogles her, but Summer hits him and pulls him away. When Paris finds out they're from Orange County, all she can say is "Eww." Overseeing this, Marissa jokingly remarks to Ryan that she's glad they're not the bickering couple tonight. Then, realizing they're not any kind of couple, they stare at each other awkwardly. That awkward moment, fortunately, is interrupted by a SUPER awkward moment that comes when Ryan and Marissa discover that Hailey is one of the club's stage dancers.

Still putting on clothes, Julie rushes out of her house. Luke tries to talk one last time, but she rushes off. Dinner time. Caleb gives a little speech that The Lighthouse, once renovated, could return Newport to the days when it was a retreat for Hollywood royalty. Sandy and Kirsten also point out that it'll be a place by Newport, for Newport. The guests seem pleased. Julie rushes in with apologies for her tardiness. Luke starts the drive home when he gets Ryan's voice message and turns around.

In the kitchen, Sandy is ranting that now The Lighthouse is going to be stuck with the stuffy Newport upper crust, which is exactly what they wanted to avoid all along. Jimmy, looking at the bright side, realizes they need the money. But Sandy is not appreciating Caleb's involvement anymore. Not that he ever was.

Ryan then calls home with the news that he found Hailey working as a dancer at the club. Sandy tells Ryan to get home. Jimmy, overhearing the phone call, becomes concerned about Hailey. Caleb comes into the kitchen, but when he finds out Nana Cohen's meatloaf is tonight's main course, he tells Sandy the most sophisticated palates in Newport expect more. Sandy says meatloaf is the restaurant and Caleb says no money from him means no restaurant and meatloaf means no money from him. Frustrated, Jimmy vents that the restaurant was supposed to be fun but Caleb's ruining everything, so he's out. Tired of arguing, Caleb says fine, meatloaf.

Back at Luna Chicks, Ryan is trying to find Seth and Summer so they can vamoose. Marissa says they can't leave without Hailey. Standing at the bar, Seth is approached by Paris Hilton, who grabs his cameraphone and snaps her own picture. Summer, overseeing this, gets a little peevish and decides to take up Grady on his offer to watch a new episode of The Valley in his Escalade.

After dinner, Sandy is sitting outside when Caleb approaches, chuckling about how Jimmy bailed. Sandy informs Caleb that, in fact, Jimmy went to Hollywood to rescue Caleb's daughter from a life of stripping and wrinkly dollar bills. Back in Hollyweird, Ryan and Marissa find Seth, but no Summer. And then Seth spots Hailey. Seth pleads with Hailey to come home with them, but the club owner pushes her back onstage and kicks the kids out into the alley.

Back in Newport, Julie heads to the kitchen and spots Luke in the backyard. She slips outside, where Luke says they need to talk. Nervous, she tells Luke to go wait in the bushes outside her house.

In front of Luna Chicks, Ryan is trying to get in, but no luck. But then Marissa bounces up to him, raving about how excited she is to see Ryan, one of the stars of The Valley. The bouncer lets the teen idol and his groupie inside. Out in the parking lot, Summer is discovering that watching dailies with Grady and listening to a CD of his vanity band isn't all that great. Seth opens the door, wondering why Summer is in there listening to such bad music. At the same time, Grady's co-star and girlfriend, April, opens the other door and drags Grady out of there. An apologetic Summer tells Seth she just wants to get back home.

Inside, Ryan and Marissa are again begging Hailey to come back home with them when the club manager and bouncer grab all three of them and toss them outside. Ryan, itching for a fight since it's been a few weeks, gets in the bouncer's face for a staredown when Jimmy Cooper comes up to save the day.

In the Cohen kitchen, Caleb, Sandy and Kirsten are discussing what a success the meatloaf was when Jimmy comes in with Hailey. Caleb thanks him for the save and says he's in for The Lighthouse. And he's going to do it their way.

Julie heads home and finds Luke waiting for her on the doorstep, finally ready to have his talk. He tells her it's over because it's just not right, which she agrees with. When her 17-year old fling leaves, Julie whips out her phone and calls her 71-year old fling, telling Caleb maybe she's ready for their date again.

Ryan and Marissa retreat to the pool house, amused by the night's turn of events. She heads for the bathroom and Luke comes in to tell Ryan it's over. "It's over. I'm done having sex with Julie Cooper." Not so coincidentally, Marissa comes back out at that exact moment. Shocked, she runs out.

[edit] Featured Music

[edit] Trivia

  • The character of Grady Bridges is somewhat of a parody of Adam Brody (Seth).
  • Seth makes a comment about self indulgent actors with instruments. Adam Brody has his own band called Big Japan.
  • When Summer and the actor from "The Valley" are caught by his girlfriend, Summer makes a comment about how them dating wouldn't be good for the show. Rachel Bilson (Summer) and Adam Brody (Seth) were dating at the time. This was the first reference to their off-screen relationship on the show. The second would occur in the The End's Not Near, It's Here.
  • Ryan makes a remark about how the 20-something year old Grady is playing a High School teenager on "The Valley". This refers to the fact that Benjamin McKenzie (Ryan) & Adam Brody (Seth) were in their mid-twenties, but playing 15 year olds.
  • After Summer tells Kate (Paris Hilton) that they're from Orange County, she responds with "Orange County? Ew!", referring back to Summer's remark after she found out Ryan was from Chino in Premiere.

[edit] Goofs

  • At the start of the episode Ryan is at the Motel picking up his watch which he apparently left there when he slept with Theresa in "The Goodbye Girl." At the end of "The Goodbye Girl", however, Ryan's watch is clearly visible when he is talking with Seth (a whole day after Ryan and Theresa slept together).
  • Marissa says to the star of "The Valley" that she never had seen his show. In fact, she watched it in the episode "1.20 The Telenovela" and this scene also appears in the beginning of the actual episode, in the "Previously on The O.C."
  • When Luke comes over at the end of the episode to tell Ryan that he has broken up with Julie, it's somewhat unbelievable that he did not run into Seth and Summer who could tell him that Marissa was there, and Kirsten didn't tell him that Marissa was there.
  • When Marissa comes by the Cohen house to talk to Ryan about them taking some time apart. When Ryan opens the door you can see a car on the driveway (Marissa's 4WD) but when they change view to the outside and you see Ryan walk out there is no car there.
  • The words that Ryan uses when he leaves the phone message for Luke don't match the words that Luke hears when he listens to the message. Ryan says "I want to make sure you took care of it... take care of it!" and Luke hears "I'm just calling to make sure you took care of it... take care of it!"
  • You can only hear Ryan's voice in the voice message sent to Luke. But wouldn't Luke be able to hear all of the music and noise in the club in the background of the message?

[edit] External links