The Krakken

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Ben 10 episode
"The Krakken"

The Krakken preparing to eat Jonah Melville.
Episode # 3
Production # 103
Airdate January 14, 2006
Writer(s) Man of Action
Director Scooter Tidwell
Story Adam Van Wyk
Fred Reyes
Patrick J. Kochakji
Guest star(s) Robin Atkin Downes
Season 1
December 27, 2005 – March 25, 2006
  1. "And Then There Were 10"
  2. "Washington B.C."
  3. "The Krakken"
  4. "Permanent Retirement"
  5. "Hunted"
  6. "Tourist Trap"
  7. "Kevin 11"
  8. "The Alliance"
  9. "Last Laugh"
  10. "Lucky Girl"
  11. "A Small Problem"
  12. "Side Effects"
  13. "Secrets" episode summary
List of all Ben 10 episodes...

"The Krakken" is the third episode of the American animated television series Ben 10, that premiered on January 14, 2006.

[edit] Recap

Spoiler warning: Plot and/or ending details follow.

The episode begins with Ben taking a swim in a lake. He does a cannonball and cheers his own achievement. After Gwen makes fun of him, he plays a joke on her by pretending to drown then reappearing as Fourarms, covered in seaweed to look like a monster. Gwen storms off as Ben has a good laugh at her expense. Once she leaves, a real monster attacks Fourarms, dragging him underwater then tossing him back to shore. When Fourarms tries to tell Gwen and Max, they think he is playing another prank.

The next morning, the three head out to the pier for a fishing trip. Ben still can't convince either Gwen or Max about the monster's existence. He and Max then head for a boat, with Gwen deciding to stay behind,when she saw the bait. Max has chartered the boat for a fishing trip, and Captain Shaw, the boat's owner, is impatient, and has them board quickly.

During the trip, Ben looks for the monster. Captain Shaw overhears his conversation with Max and says that the monster is known as the Krakken. Shaw has been tracking it for some time now, which has also given him a reputation for being crazy. Shaw shows off the equipment on board meant for tracking the Krakken and offers to take them to a place where he saw the creature. That place, however, has been cordoned off by a man named Jonah Melville, who founded an organization named "Friends of Fish". He says they are conducting an environmental study in that section of the lake and want them all to turn around. Upon hearing claims about the Krakken, Jonah dismisses them as nonsense.

As they are escorted back by Jonah, the Krakken attacks the docks, knocking many people, including Gwen, into the water. Finally seen in daylight, the Krakken is an impressive creature. Slightly resembling a Plesiosaur, the Krakken is a beast of massive proportions. The odd thing about it is its mouth, which despite having a row of sharp teeth, has two mouth-like tentacles that it cannot draw back into its mouth. Ben tries to transform into a form he calls Ripjaws, but ends up as XLR8 instead. Working with what he has, he begins to swim to Gwen and quickly finds that he can run on water. His speed allows him to save Gwen and every other person easily.

While XLR8 is saving the people at the dock, the Krakken attacks Jonah's boat in an attempt to steal a crate they have on the deck marked CANNERY. Jonah is very concerned about the crate, trying to drag it away from the Krakken with little success. XLR8 manages to scare the Krakken off at first, but it returns and takes off with the crate. When XLR8 questions Jonah's concern over the crate, he claims that it contained their lunches,after hesatason. The Omnitrix begins to power down, so XLR8 can't follow up on the issue.

Later on, as everyone is hurriedly packing up, Ben wants to pursue the Krakken. Shaw does as well, and plans to do so. Max, however, does not and won't let Ben do so, either. Ben goes anyway, sneaking aboard Shaw's boat, and the two end up finding the Krakken's nest at the bottom of the lake. Shaw is the first to head back up, and finds that a speedboat has pulled up next to his boat. He is pulled up by men in wetsuits, who turn out to be Jonah and his crew. Shaw is then knocked out and taken by Jonah and his men. Jonah blows up Shaw's boat before they leave. Ben, who was watching from a safe position, transforms into Stinkfly and chases them down. They manage to escape by leaving Shaw as bait for the Krakken, forcing Stinkfly to rescue him.

In the RV, Ben explains the reasoning behind the Krakken attacks. Because Jonah had been stealing her eggs, she was lashing out at everything around her. Gwen finds out who Jonah really is, and that he hunts rare animals and sells them to the highest bidder. Ben wants to gets the eggs back, and even though Shaw's only concern is capturing the Krakken, he offers them use of his spare boat, seeing as they have similar goals. Ben, Gwen, and Max end up leaving him behind to maintain the secrecy of Ben's transformation.

At the cannery, Jonah has already retrieved the egg using a roughly human-shaped minisub. When Ben, Gwen, and Max arrive, Ben sends them up to find the eggs while he transforms into Ripjaw, an aquatic alien, resembling a bipedal anglerfish. The Krakken then shows up to retrieve her eggs. Jonah heads back to his minisub to fight the Krakken, and a fierce battle between him and the Krakken ensues. Then Ripjaws intervenes, telling Jonah, "If you wanna mess with a monster, try me on for size." Soon the fight for the eggs has escalated into a three-way free-for-all. Jonah manages to keep the eggs for a decent amount of time, but Ripjaw eventually takes them back and puts them back in the Krakken's nest, appeasing it. Jonah tries to take the eggs again, but the Krakken destroys his minisub, and almost eats him, too, but Ripjaw convinces her not to. Ripjaw then knocks Jonah out and leaves him for the cops to find.

Back at the cannery, Max is glad to see Jonah arrested. At the same time, Shaw shows up in his rowboat, claiming to have caught something. On closer inspection, it is Ripjaw that he has captured. As Shaw gloats, Ben returns to human form. Max points this out, confusing Shaw. The episode ends with a scene showing the Krakken and its eggs.

[edit] Goofs

  • When the Captain shows Ben photos of the Kraken, they're actually of the Loch Ness Monster.

Also, one of Jonah Melvilles crew changed from a black man to a white man.

  • When Ben fakes drowning,for a brief moment Gwen's eyebrows disappear when she says "Very funny Ben."

Spoilers end here.

Aliens used on this episode:

[edit] See also