The Insight Party

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The Insight Party is a campus political party at The Florida State University. It is the most successful active Student Government political party in the nation. Since its formation in the Fall of 2001 and subsequent first election in the Spring of 2002, The Insight Party has never lost.

The Insight Party won its historical tenth election in a row by winning all but one contested seat in the Fall 2006 election. Since its conception, six different political parties have formed and made unsuccessful attempts at defeating the Insight Party.

The Insight Party currently holds a super majority of the Student Senate seats at Florida State and its members hold the offices of Student Body President, Student Body Vice President, Student Body Treasurer, Student Body Chief of Staff, Senate President, Senate President Pro-Tempore, Union Board President, Campus Recreation President, and Senior Class President. In the five years of its existence, the Insight Party has never lost any of the preceding offices.

The Insight Party "slates" prospective candidates each fall and spring, drawing as many as 75 potential candidates for approximately 40 seats.

The Insight Party's motto is "Listen first, then lead," and their colors are green and white.

The Insight Party

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