The Five Fundamental Works of Spiritism

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So are called "The Five Fundamental Works of Spiritism" the collection of the first five books writen and published by French teacher, educator and Spiritism codificator Allan Kardec. These books contain several explanations about Spiritism Doctrine itself, as well about religious teachings, influences from spirits world above our (corporeal) world, mediunity, miracles, paranormal and supernatural phenomens, and so. Next, there is a small table containing initial information about the five essencial books and others published by Kardec.

Name in original French language Name in English language Name in Brazilian Portuguese language Publishing date Subject of the Book
Le Livre des Esprits The Spirits Book O Livro dos Espíritos April 18, 1857 (description coming soon)
Le Livre des Médiums (Guide des Médiums et des Évocateurs) The Mediums Book (Guide for Mediums and Summoners) O Livro dos Médiuns (Guia dos Médiuns e Evocadores) January 15, 1861 (description coming soon)
L'Évangile Selon le Spiritisme The Gospel According to Spiritism O Evangelho Segundo o Espiritismo April 14, 1864 (description coming soon)
Le Ciel et L'Enfer (La Justice Divine Selon le Spiritisme) Heaven and Hell (Holy Justice According to Spiritism) O Céu e o Inferno (A Justiça Divina Segundo o Espiritismo) May 21, 1865 (description coming soon)
La Genèse (Les Miracles et les Prédictions Selon le Spiritisme) The Genesis (Miracles and Predictions According to Spiritism) A Gênese (Os Milagres e as Predições Segundo o Espiritismo) January 6, 1868 (description coming soon)

In addition, two other books towards Spirit Doctrine were published in order to complement the teachings of Allan Kardec:

Name in original French language Name in English language Name in Brazilian Portuguese language Publishing date Subject of the Book
Qu'est-Ce Le Spiritisme? What Is The Spiritism? O Que é o Espiritismo? July 08, 1859 (description coming soon)
Oeuvres Posthumes Afterdeath Works Obras Póstumas March 27, 1890 (description coming soon)

See also: Allan Kardec and Spiritist Codification.